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DOGE DEBATE: Dogecoin Considers Shift to PoS

DOGE 辯論:Dogecoin 考慮轉向 PoS

發布: 2023/08/29 17:00 閱讀: 631



Dogecoin (DOGE) is contemplating a transformation in its consensus mechanism.

The Dogecoin Foundation's roadmap outlines a collaboration between DOGE's core developers and Vitalik Buterin, the Ethereum (ETH) founder, who successfully transitioned Ethereum to a Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol last year.

The importance of integrating with online retailers is emphasized by the Dogecoin Foundation.

This initiative, known as 'Community Staking,' allows Dogecoin holders to earn rewards by staking their memecoin.

Despite the commitment to decentralization, the exact launch date for this feature remains unspecified.

Seeking community input on Dogecoin staking, core developer Marshall Hayner conducted a poll on X (formerly Twitter).

Initially, the poll leaned towards a "Yes" vote, reaching 69%.

However, the final outcome surprised many: over 60% of the Dogecoin community expressed their disinterest in staking DOGE.

In response, Mischa Boar, a chair member of the Dogecoin Foundation, raised concerns about the shift to PoS.

While PoS is praised for its environmental friendliness, being about 99% greener than Proof of Work (PoW), other complexities such as centralisation arise.

Centralisation in Dogecoin?

The risk of centralisation emerges if a single entity or major corporation amasses nearly 50% of the stake, potentially leading to blockchain manipulation.

According to the Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute, Ethereum's energy consumption plunged by 99.99% after adopting PoS.

However, these gains are shadowed by concerns over-centralisation, market manipulation, and regulatory uncertainties.

Source: https://www.coinlive.com/news-detail/180612

狗狗幣(DOGE) 正在考慮對其共識機制進行轉型。狗狗幣基金會的路線圖概述了DOGE 核心開發人員與以太坊(ETH) 創始人Vitalik Buterin 之間的合作,後者去年成功將以太坊轉變為權益證明(PoS) 協議狗狗幣基金會強調了與線上零售商整合的重要性。這項名為「社群質押」的舉措允許狗狗幣持有者透過質押他們的迷因幣來獲得獎勵。儘管承諾去中心化,但該功能的確切發布日期仍然存在未具體說明。為了尋求社區對狗狗幣質押的意見,核心開發人員Marshall Hayner 在X(以前的Twitter)上進行了一項民調。最初,民調傾向於「贊成」票,達到69%。然而,最終結果令許多人感到驚訝:超過60%狗狗幣社區的一些人表示對質押DOGE 不感興趣。作為回應,狗狗幣基金會主席Mischa Boar 對向PoS 的轉變提出了擔憂。雖然PoS 因其環境友好性而受到稱讚,它比Proof 環保約99%工作量證明(PoW),會出現中心化等其他複雜性。狗狗幣的中心化?如果單一實體或大公司累積了近50% 的股份,就會出現中心化的風險,可能會導致區塊鏈操縱。根據加密貨幣碳評級研究所的數據,以太坊採用PoS後能源消耗暴跌99.99%。然而,這些收益卻被過度中心化、市場操縱和監管不確定性的擔憂所掩蓋。資料來源:https://www.coinlive.com/news-detail/180612


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