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DOGE DEBATE: Dogecoin Considers Shift to PoS

DOGE 辩论:Dogecoin 考虑转向 PoS

发布: 2023/08/29 17:00 阅读: 631



Dogecoin (DOGE) is contemplating a transformation in its consensus mechanism.

The Dogecoin Foundation's roadmap outlines a collaboration between DOGE's core developers and Vitalik Buterin, the Ethereum (ETH) founder, who successfully transitioned Ethereum to a Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol last year.

The importance of integrating with online retailers is emphasized by the Dogecoin Foundation.

This initiative, known as 'Community Staking,' allows Dogecoin holders to earn rewards by staking their memecoin.

Despite the commitment to decentralization, the exact launch date for this feature remains unspecified.

Seeking community input on Dogecoin staking, core developer Marshall Hayner conducted a poll on X (formerly Twitter).

Initially, the poll leaned towards a "Yes" vote, reaching 69%.

However, the final outcome surprised many: over 60% of the Dogecoin community expressed their disinterest in staking DOGE.

In response, Mischa Boar, a chair member of the Dogecoin Foundation, raised concerns about the shift to PoS.

While PoS is praised for its environmental friendliness, being about 99% greener than Proof of Work (PoW), other complexities such as centralisation arise.

Centralisation in Dogecoin?

The risk of centralisation emerges if a single entity or major corporation amasses nearly 50% of the stake, potentially leading to blockchain manipulation.

According to the Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute, Ethereum's energy consumption plunged by 99.99% after adopting PoS.

However, these gains are shadowed by concerns over-centralisation, market manipulation, and regulatory uncertainties.

Source: https://www.coinlive.com/news-detail/180612

狗狗币 (DOGE) 正在考虑对其共识机制进行转型。狗狗币基金会的路线图概述了 DOGE 核心开发人员与以太坊 (ETH) 创始人 Vitalik Buterin 之间的合作,后者去年成功将以太坊转变为权益证明 (PoS) 协议狗狗币基金会强调了与在线零售商整合的重要性。这项名为“社区质押”的举措允许狗狗币持有者通过质押他们的模因币来获得奖励。尽管承诺去中心化,但该功能的确切发布日期仍然存在未具体说明。为了寻求社区对狗狗币质押的意见,核心开发人员 Marshall Hayner 在 X(以前的 Twitter)上进行了一项民意调查。最初,民意调查倾向于“赞成”票,达到 69%。然而,最终结果令许多人感到惊讶:超过 60%狗狗币社区的一些人表示对质押 DOGE 不感兴趣。作为回应,狗狗币基金会主席 Mischa Boar 对向 PoS 的转变提出了担忧。虽然 PoS 因其环境友好性而受到称赞,它比 Proof 环保约 99%工作量证明 (PoW),会出现中心化等其他复杂性。狗狗币的中心化?如果单个实体或大公司积累了近 50% 的股份,就会出现中心化的风险,可能会导致区块链操纵。根据加密货币碳评级研究所的数据,以太坊采用 PoS 后能源消耗暴跌 99.99%。然而,这些收益却被过度中心化、市场操纵和监管不确定性的担忧所掩盖。来源:https://www.coinlive.com/news-detail/180612


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