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DOGE In Hollywood: Dogecoin Make An Appearance On Family Guy

DOGE 在好萊塢:狗狗幣出現在《惡搞之家》中

發布: 2023/12/08 08:02 閱讀: 495



Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin have been mentioned in the latest episode of Family Guy, one of the longest-running shows in American history. The three cryptocurrencies were mentioned in reference to crypto payments as a character from the show, Meg, tries to pay for a service.


Accepting Bitcoin, Dogecoin, And Maybe Ethereum


In the latest episode of the Family Guy series, the appearance of Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Ethereum center around Meg, the first daughter of Peter and Lois. The episode sees Meg going to a therapist to figure out how to cry again, after her tears dry up, which happens to be the main ingredients of her newfound cookie recipe.


The success of the cookie recipe sees Meg booking a gig for a billionaire party. But with no tears left to cry, the businesswoman goes to new lengths to start crying again. Sitting in the therapist’s office with siblings Chris and Stevie, as well as Brian, the family dog, the therapist starts out by saying that he only accepts crypto payments. However, this is where things get interesting.


Very sure of himself, the therapist rattles off the fact that he accepts Bitcoin and Dogecoin, but the problem lies with Ethereum. After saying he accepts Ethereum, he will say “Not Ethereum” only a moment later. Before later saying he does accept Ethereum, but “You have to send it like right now.”


Meg then does the transfer and confirms so when the therapist asks if she sent it. At this point, the therapist seems distraught. This seems to be a dig at the high gas fees of the Ethereum network which tends to fluctuate heavily throughout the day.


Responding to DOGE’s appearance on the show, Dogecoin founder Billy Markus called the cryptocurrencies mentioned on the show “The big three.”

針對 DOGE 在節目中的出現,狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 將節目中提到的加密貨幣稱為「三大加密貨幣」。

DOGE Becoming More Mainstream

DOGE 變得更加主流

Following its epic run in 2021, Dogecoin has been getting on the radar of a wider audience and one of those is pop culture. In August, the meme coin made an appearance on another long-running popular show called Futurama.

繼 2021 年史詩般的運行之後,狗狗幣已經受到了更廣泛受眾的關注,其中之一就是流行文化。八月,迷因幣出現在另一個長期播出的熱門節目《飛出個未來》。

In Futurama Season 11, Episode 3, the cast of the show heads to a city called ‘DOGE City’ which seems to be built around cryptocurrencies. Like the gold rush where entire towns were based on mining gold, Doge City was built around cryptocurrency mining.

在《飛出個未來》第 11 季第 3 集中,劇組前往一座名為「DOGE City」的城市,該城市似乎是圍繞加密貨幣建造的。就像整個城鎮都以開採黃金為基礎的淘金熱一樣,Doge City 也是圍繞著加密貨幣開採而建立的。

Markus would also respond to this appearance of Futurama back then saying, “The silly thing I made 10 years ago made it to a Futurama episode.”

馬庫斯當時也對《飛出個未來》的出現做出了回應,他說:“我 10 年前做的愚蠢的事情竟然出現在《飛出個未來》劇集中。”


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