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Doge Meme Icon to Receive Honorary Statue in Japan

Doge Meme 偶像將在日本獲得榮譽雕像

發布: 2023/10/07 10:35 閱讀: 291



Doge Meme 偶像將在日本獲得榮譽雕像

In a heartwarming tribute to the beloved canine that inspired the iconic Dogecoin meme, a community of NFT enthusiasts, known as PleasrDAO, has unveiled plans to erect a statue of Kabosu in Japan. Kabosu, the adorable Shiba Inu behind the viral Dogecoin meme, captured the hearts of millions with her endearing expression and became the face of the popular cryptocurrency. This heartwarming initiative will see the statue unveiled on Kabosu’s birthday, November 2, in a touching celebration of her legacy.

為了向激發了標誌性狗狗幣模因的受人喜愛的狗致敬,一個名為 PleasrDAO 的 NFT 愛好者社區公佈了在日本豎立 Kabosu 雕像的計劃。卡博蘇 (Kabosu) 是熱門狗狗幣迷因背後的可愛柴犬,以其可愛的表情俘獲了數百萬人的心,並成為流行的加密貨幣的代言人。這項感人的舉措將在 11 月 2 日卡博甦的生日那天揭幕這座雕像,以感人至深地慶祝她的遺產。

PleasrDAO, the custodian of the original “doge” meme NFT, is spearheading this endeavor. The community has been diligently working alongside local government officials in the City of Sakura to bring this project to fruition. The statue, which was funded by the NFT community, will find its permanent home in Sakura Furusato Square. This location holds a special place in Kabosu’s heart as it is where her owners frequently take her for walks, adding a sentimental touch to the tribute.

PleasrDAO 是原始「doge」meme NFT 的託管人,正在帶頭進行這項工作。該社區一直與佐倉市當地政府官員一起努力工作,以使該計畫取得成果。這座雕像由 NFT 社區資助,將在櫻花故裡廣場找到永久的家。這個地點在卡博蘇心中佔有特殊的地位,因為她的主人經常帶她去散步,為致敬增添了一份感傷的色彩。

Kabosu’s cultural legacy and please DAO’s ambitious future plans

Kabosu 的文化遺產和 DAO 雄心勃勃的未來計劃

To honor Kabosu and her contribution to internet culture, PleasrDAO has planned a live event to coincide with the statue’s unveiling. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to meet Atsuko Sato, Kabosu’s owner, and receive exclusive benefits based on their NFT holdings, creating a memorable experience for fans and crypto enthusiasts alike.

為了紀念 Kabosu 及其對網路文化的貢獻,PleasrDAO 計劃在雕像揭幕之際舉辦一場現場活動。與會者將有獨特的機會見到 Kabosu 的所有者 Atsuko Sato,並根據其持有的 NFT 獲得獨家福利,為粉絲和加密貨幣愛好者創造難忘的體驗。

Kabosu’s journey to fame began when a user named John Monarch shared her picture on Reddit, inadvertently kickstarting the Dogecoin phenomenon. This meme-inspired cryptocurrency quickly gained widespread popularity and remains one of the largest meme coin networks globally. Since then, Kabosu has embarked on various adventures, including appearances at EDM parties and visits to cities worldwide. There are even ambitious plans to place a Dogecoin-themed statue on the moon, solidifying Kabosu’s status as a cultural icon.

Kabosu 的成名之旅始於一位名叫 John Monarch 的用戶在 Reddit 上分享了她的照片,無意中引發了狗狗幣現象。這種受模因啟發的加密貨幣迅速獲得廣泛流行,並且仍然是全球最大的模因硬幣網路之一。從那時起,Kabosu 開始了各種冒險,包括出席 EDM 派對和訪問世界各地的城市。甚至還有雄心勃勃的計劃在月球上放置一座以狗狗幣為主題的雕像,以鞏固卡博蘇作為文化標誌的地位。

PleasrDAO has grand aspirations beyond the statue project. The community aims to establish itself as the ultimate destination for all things Doge-related. They have also revealed plans to produce a documentary chronicling Kabosu’s life and the meteoric rise of the Dogecoin meme. Known for their high-value NFT acquisitions and the creation of vibrant NFT communities, PleasrDAO continues to be at the forefront of the crypto and meme culture scene.

除了雕像項目之外,PleasrDAO 還有遠大的抱負。該社區旨在將自己打造成所有與 Doge 相關的事物的最終目的地。他們還透露計劃製作一部紀錄片,記錄卡博甦的生活和狗狗幣迷因的迅速崛起。 PleasrDAO 以其高價值 NFT 收購和創建充滿活力的 NFT 社群而聞名,並繼續處於加密貨幣和 meme 文化領域的最前沿。


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