首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 山姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 稱趙長庚為“混蛋”,因為他沒有向加密期貨企業投資 4000 萬美元——邁克爾·劉易斯 (Michael Lewis)

Sam Bankman-Fried Called Chanpgeng Zhao ”A Douche” For Not Investing $40 million In Crypto Futures Venture – Michael Lewis

山姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 稱趙長庚為“混蛋”,因為他沒有向加密期貨企業投資 4000 萬美元——邁克爾·劉易斯 (Michael Lewis)

發布: 2023/10/06 02:16 閱讀: 376



Sam Bankman-Fried told author Michael Lewis that Binance founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ) is ”a douche” for refusing to invest $40 million in his plan for a crypto futures exchange.

薩姆·班克曼·弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried) 告訴作家邁克爾·劉易斯(Michael Lewis),幣安創始人趙長鵬(CZ) 是個“混蛋”,因為他拒絕在其加密貨幣期貨交易所計劃中投資4000 萬美元。

That’s according to Lewis’s book on Bankman-Fried, “Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a new Tycoon,” which says he found the decision ”vaguely disappointing.”


“He’s kind of a douche but not worse than a douche,” Bankman-Fried said, according to Lewis. “He should be a great character but he’s not.”

根據劉易斯的說法,班克曼-弗里德說:“他有點像個混蛋,但並不比混蛋更糟。” “他應該是一個偉大的人物,但他不是。”

Zhao mulled over the invitation but chose instead to start his own futures exchange as a part of Binance, which at that time focussed mainly on spot crypto trading, Lewis wrote.


Bankman-Fried Founded FTX Instead

Bankman-Fried 創立了 FTX

Bankman-Fried went on to create FTX, the notorious crypto exchange that collapsed in November last year. His trial for fraud and conspiracy in connection with that implosion began this week in New York and is expected to last about six weeks.

Bankman-Fried 隨後創建了 FTX,這是一家臭名昭著的加密貨幣交易所,於去年 11 月倒閉。他因與那次內爆有關的欺詐和共謀罪的審判本週在紐約開始,預計將持續約六週。

There were other encounters between the two men. When FTX offered some 350 million FTT tokens at the discounted price of $0.10 to ”important crypto people, like Zhao” and FTX employees in 2019, Zhao turned down that offer as well, Lewis wrote. The tokens began trading at $1 and later traded as high as $1.50, the book said.

這兩個人之間還有其他的遭遇。 Lewis 寫道,當 FTX 在 2019 年以 0.10 美元的折扣價向「像趙這樣的重要加密人士」和 FTX 員工提供約 3.5 億個 FTT 代幣時,趙也拒絕了這一提議。書中稱,這些代幣的交易價格為 1 美元,後來高達 1.50 美元。

When Bankman-Fried met Zhao at a conference in Taipei soon after, he said it “was the first time CZ seemed more interested in me than I was in him,” he told Lewis. Zhao called Bankman-Fried about three weeks later with an offer to buy 20% of FTX for $80 million, the book says.

不久之後,當班克曼-弗里德在台北的一次會議上見到趙時,他告訴劉易斯,「這是趙第一次對我比我對他更感興趣」。書中稱,大約三週後,趙打電話給 Bankman-Fried,提出以 8,000 萬美元購買 FTX 20% 的股份。


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Source: https://thebittimes.com/sam-bankman-fried-called-chanpgeng-zhao-a-douche-for-not-investing-40-million-in-crypto-futures-venture-michael-lewis-tbt65272.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/sam-bankman-fried-known-chanpeng-zhao-a-douche-for-not-investing-40-million-in-crypto-futures-venture-michael-lewis-tbt65272 。 html


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