フロントページ > 情報ニュース > サム・バンクマン・フリード氏、仮想通貨先物ベンチャーに4,000万ドルを投資しなかった趙昌庚氏を「バカ」と呼ぶ – マイケル・ルイス

Sam Bankman-Fried Called Chanpgeng Zhao ”A Douche” For Not Investing $40 million In Crypto Futures Venture – Michael Lewis

サム・バンクマン・フリード氏、仮想通貨先物ベンチャーに4,000万ドルを投資しなかった趙昌庚氏を「バカ」と呼ぶ – マイケル・ルイス

リリース: 2023/10/06 02:16 読む: 376



Sam Bankman-Fried told author Michael Lewis that Binance founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ) is ”a douche” for refusing to invest $40 million in his plan for a crypto futures exchange.


That’s according to Lewis’s book on Bankman-Fried, “Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a new Tycoon,” which says he found the decision ”vaguely disappointing.”

これはルイス氏のバンクマン・フリードに関する著書『Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a new Tycoon』によれば、この決定は「漠然と残念だった」と述べている。

“He’s kind of a douche but not worse than a douche,” Bankman-Fried said, according to Lewis. “He should be a great character but he’s not.”

ルイス氏によると、バンクマン・フリード氏は「彼はある種の泥棒だが、泥棒よりもひどいわけではない」と語った。 「彼は素晴らしい人物であるはずだが、そうではない。」

Zhao mulled over the invitation but chose instead to start his own futures exchange as a part of Binance, which at that time focussed mainly on spot crypto trading, Lewis wrote.


Bankman-Fried Founded FTX Instead


Bankman-Fried went on to create FTX, the notorious crypto exchange that collapsed in November last year. His trial for fraud and conspiracy in connection with that implosion began this week in New York and is expected to last about six weeks.


There were other encounters between the two men. When FTX offered some 350 million FTT tokens at the discounted price of $0.10 to ”important crypto people, like Zhao” and FTX employees in 2019, Zhao turned down that offer as well, Lewis wrote. The tokens began trading at $1 and later traded as high as $1.50, the book said.

二人の男の間には他にも出会いがありました。 2019年にFTXが「Zhaoのような重要な仮想通貨関係者」とFTX従業員に0.10ドルの割引価格で約3億5,000万のFTTトークンを提供したとき、Zhaoはその申し出も断ったとルイス氏は書いた。同書によると、トークンは1ドルで取引が開始され、後には1.50ドルまで取引されたという。

When Bankman-Fried met Zhao at a conference in Taipei soon after, he said it “was the first time CZ seemed more interested in me than I was in him,” he told Lewis. Zhao called Bankman-Fried about three weeks later with an offer to buy 20% of FTX for $80 million, the book says.



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Source: https://thebittimes.com/sam-bankman-fried-called-chanpgeng-zhao-a-douche-for-not-investing-40-million-in-crypto-futures-venture-michael-lewis-tbt65272.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/sam-bankman-fried-called-chanpgeng-zhao-a-douche-for-not-investing-40-million-in-crypto-futures-venture-michael-lewis-tbt65272。 html


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