首页 > 资讯新闻 > Sam Bankman-Fried 称赵长庚为“混蛋”,因为他没有向加密期货企业投资 4000 万美元 — Michael Lewis

Sam Bankman-Fried Called Chanpgeng Zhao ”A Douche” For Not Investing $40 million In Crypto Futures Venture – Michael Lewis

Sam Bankman-Fried 称赵长庚为“混蛋”,因为他没有向加密期货企业投资 4000 万美元 — Michael Lewis

发布: 2023/10/06 02:16 阅读: 376



Sam Bankman-Fried told author Michael Lewis that Binance founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ) is ”a douche” for refusing to invest $40 million in his plan for a crypto futures exchange.

萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 告诉作家迈克尔·刘易斯 (Michael Lewis),币安创始人赵长鹏 (CZ) 是个“混蛋”,因为他拒绝在其加密货币期货交易所计划中投资 4000 万美元。

That’s according to Lewis’s book on Bankman-Fried, “Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a new Tycoon,” which says he found the decision ”vaguely disappointing.”


“He’s kind of a douche but not worse than a douche,” Bankman-Fried said, according to Lewis. “He should be a great character but he’s not.”

根据刘易斯的说法,班克曼-弗里德说:“他有点像个混蛋,但并不比混蛋更糟糕。” “他应该是一个伟大的人物,但他不是。”

Zhao mulled over the invitation but chose instead to start his own futures exchange as a part of Binance, which at that time focussed mainly on spot crypto trading, Lewis wrote.


Bankman-Fried Founded FTX Instead

Bankman-Fried 创立了 FTX

Bankman-Fried went on to create FTX, the notorious crypto exchange that collapsed in November last year. His trial for fraud and conspiracy in connection with that implosion began this week in New York and is expected to last about six weeks.

Bankman-Fried 随后创建了 FTX,这是一家臭名昭著的加密货币交易所,于去年 11 月倒闭。他因与那次内爆有关的欺诈和共谋罪的审判本周在纽约开始,预计将持续约六周。

There were other encounters between the two men. When FTX offered some 350 million FTT tokens at the discounted price of $0.10 to ”important crypto people, like Zhao” and FTX employees in 2019, Zhao turned down that offer as well, Lewis wrote. The tokens began trading at $1 and later traded as high as $1.50, the book said.

这两个人之间还有其他的遭遇。 Lewis 写道,当 FTX 在 2019 年以 0.10 美元的折扣价向“像赵这样的重要加密人士”和 FTX 员工提供约 3.5 亿个 FTT 代币时,赵也拒绝了这一提议。书中称,这些代币的交易价格为 1 美元,后来高达 1.50 美元。

When Bankman-Fried met Zhao at a conference in Taipei soon after, he said it “was the first time CZ seemed more interested in me than I was in him,” he told Lewis. Zhao called Bankman-Fried about three weeks later with an offer to buy 20% of FTX for $80 million, the book says.

不久之后,当班克曼-弗里德在台北的一次会议上见到赵时,他告诉刘易斯,“这是赵第一次对我比我对他更感兴趣”。书中称,大约三周后,赵打电话给 Bankman-Fried,提出以 8000 万美元购买 FTX 20% 的股份。


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Source: https://thebittimes.com/sam-bankman-fried-called-chanpgeng-zhao-a-douche-for-not-investing-40-million-in-crypto-futures-venture-michael-lewis-tbt65272.html

资料来源:https://thebittimes.com/sam-bankman-fried-known-chanpeng-zhao-a-douche-for-not-investing-40-million-in-crypto-futures-venture-michael-lewis-tbt65272。 html


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