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DOGE Price Analysis: Bearish Breakout Looms as Sellers Gain Advantage

DOGE 價格分析:看跌突破迫在眉睫,賣家獲得優勢

發布: 2023/09/10 05:30 閱讀: 210



Dogecoin (DOGE) has been caught in a tight trading range, signalling a potential bearish breakout on the horizon. Sellers in the derivatives market have positioned themselves with shorts, holding a substantial 52.66% advantage over the longs. This analysis delves into the current state of DOGE’s price action and its implications for the cryptocurrency market.

狗狗幣(DOGE)陷入狹窄的交易區間,預示著潛在的看跌突破即將到來。衍生性商品市場的賣家以空頭定位,比多頭擁有 52.66% 的巨大優勢。該分析深入探討了 DOGE 價格行為的現狀及其對加密貨幣市場的影響。

DOGE has been trapped within a range for several weeks, stubbornly refusing to break out. The price has oscillated between the 23.6% and 38.2% Fibonacci retracement levels since August 18th. Neither the bears nor the bulls have gained the upper hand, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty for traders and investors alike.


Adding to the market’s overall stagnation, Bitcoin (BTC) has been meandering between $25.6k and $26.4k, contributing to the prevailing sideways movement across the cryptocurrency spectrum.

比特幣 (BTC) 一直在 2.56 萬美元到 2.64 萬美元之間徘徊,加劇了市場的整體停滯,導致整個加密貨幣領域普遍橫盤整理。

A closer examination of DOGE’s historical price action reveals a recurring pattern. The meme-inspired cryptocurrency tends to trade sideways for an extended period before experiencing a significant price swing. Presently, DOGE’s price action is following this familiar trajectory.

仔細研究 DOGE 的歷史價格走勢就會發現一種反覆出現的模式。這種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣在經歷大幅價格波動之前往往會在很長一段時間內橫向交易。目前,DOGE 的價格走勢正在遵循這一熟悉的軌跡。

As of the latest data, bears are strengthening their position. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) remains below the neutral 50, indicating a lack of buying pressure. Furthermore, the On Balance Volume (OBV) has declined by over 2 billion in the past 48 hours, hinting at an impending bearish breakout.

截至最新數據,空頭正在加強其地位。相對強弱指數 (RSI) 仍低於中性 50,顯示缺乏買盤壓力。此外,過去 48 小時內平衡成交量 (OBV) 下降了超過 20 億,暗示即將出現看跌突破。

If the bears maintain dominance in the coming days, DOGE could potentially plummet to the $0.055 price level, representing year-to-date lows in June and August. Conversely, a resurgence of bullish sentiment in the broader market and increased DOGE speculation could spark a rebound, with potential price targets of $0.066 to $0.07.

如果空頭在未來幾天繼續佔據主導地位,DOGE 的價格可能會暴跌至 0.055 美元,這是 6 月和 8 月迄今為止的低點。相反,大盤看漲情緒的復甦和 DOGE 投機的增加可能會引發反彈,潛在目標價為 0.066 美元至 0.07 美元。

Notably, futures traders have aligned themselves with the growing bearish sentiment. Data from Coinglass indicates that shorts now hold a 52.66% share of open contracts, marking a $5 million difference between long and short positions. This substantial disparity underscores the market’s expectation of DOGE heading south.

值得注意的是,期貨交易員已經與日益增長的看跌情緒保持一致。 Coinglass 的數據顯示,空頭目前持有未平倉合約的 52.66%,多頭和空頭部位之間存在 500 萬美元的差異。這種巨大的差異凸顯了市場對 DOGE 下跌的預期。

In conclusion, Dogecoin’s price action has been characterized by sideways movement, with bears gaining the upper hand in the derivatives market. The potential for a bearish breakout looms as we closely monitor DOGE’s trajectory. Traders and investors should exercise caution and watch key support and resistance levels as DOGE navigates this critical phase.

總之,狗狗幣的價格走勢以橫盤走勢為特點,空頭在衍生性商品市場上佔了上風。當我們密切關注狗狗幣的走勢時,看跌突破的可能性迫在眉睫。隨著 DOGE 度過這一關鍵階段,交易者和投資者應保持謹慎,並專注於關鍵支撐位和阻力位。



《DOGE 價格分析:看跌突破迫在眉睫,賣家獲得優勢》首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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