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DOGE Price Gives Potential Breakout Surging 5%, Transaction Volumes At 3-Month High

DOGE 價格預計突破 5%,成交量創 3 個月新高

發布: 2023/11/17 14:26 閱讀: 232



While the altcoin space and broader crypto market are facing some retracement, memecoin Dogecoin is enjoying a new bull run. As of press time, the DOGE price is up by another 6% and is currently trading at $0.081 with a market cap of $11.5 billion.

雖然山寨幣空間和更廣泛的加密市場面臨一些回調,但 memecoin 狗狗幣正在享受新的牛市。截至發稿,DOGE 價格再上漲 6%,目前交易價格為 0.081 美元,市值為 115 億美元。

The Dogecoin Price Rally


Over the past week, DOGE has gained nearly 10% and 37% over the last month. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) reflects notable price volatility since the beginning of the month, indicating ongoing significant price movements for the coin. Additionally, the averages demonstrate an upward trend, suggesting the potential for the price to continue appreciating in the upcoming days.


A key level for the bulls to maintain is $0.0803; doing so would sustain the positive momentum, paving the way for a test of the upper resistance level at $0.08393. If this level is successfully held, it sets the stage for further upward movement, potentially reaching $0.0950 in the near future.

多頭要維持的關鍵水準是 0.0803 美元;這樣做將維持積極勢頭,為測試上方阻力位 0.08393 美元鋪平道路。如果成功守住該水平,則為進一步上漲奠定基礎,可能在不久的將來達到 0.0950 美元。

In the event that bullish momentum persists, there is a possibility for Dogecoin’s price to challenge the upper level of $0.1 in the week ahead. On the flip side, if bears exert dominance over bulls, causing a loss of momentum, the price may retreat and test its support level at $0.07648.

如果看漲勢頭持續下去,狗狗幣的價格有可能在未來一周挑戰 0.1 美元的上限。另一方面,如果空頭對多頭發揮主導作用,導致動能喪失,價格可能會回落並測試 0.07648 美元的支撐位。

Furthermore, continued bearish market control could lead to a sustained loss of momentum, pushing the price down to test its lower support level of $0.07250 in the weeks to come.

此外,持續的看跌市場控制可能會導致動力持續喪失,從而推動價格在未來幾週內測試其較低的支撐位 0.07250 美元。

The recent surge in Dogecoin’s value and trading activity can be partially linked to the increasing enthusiasm within the Dogecoin community surrounding Astrobotic’s upcoming launch of a physical Dogecoin token to the moon in December. This upcoming event has generated significant interest among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, playing a role in the increased movements of Dogecoin across various wallets and exchanges.

最近狗狗幣價值和交易活動的飆升可能部分與狗狗幣社群對 Astrobotic 即將在 12 月向月球發射實體狗狗幣代幣的熱情高漲有關。這場即將舉行的活動引起了加密貨幣愛好者的極大興趣,在各種錢包和交易所中狗狗幣的流動性增加中發揮了作用。

DOGE Whale Transactions


On-chain data shows that the transaction volumes for Dogecoin have recently hit its three-month high. As per Santiment, Dogecoin experienced a moderate 5% increase in value amid a predominantly stable day in the cryptocurrency market.

鏈上數據顯示,狗狗幣的交易量最近創下了三個月來的新高。根據 Santiment 的數據,在加密貨幣市場基本上穩定的一天中,狗狗幣的價值溫和成長了 5%。

This boost was supported by a substantial on-chain transaction volume of $665 million, marking its highest level in the past three months. Additionally, there is a noteworthy increase in Dogecoin long positions as traders express optimism and bet on potential price rises.

這一增長得益於 6.65 億美元的大量鏈上交易量,創下過去三個月來的最高水平。此外,由於交易者表達樂觀並押注潛在的價格上漲,狗狗幣多頭部位顯著增加。

A sequence of large-value Dogecoin transactions commenced on November 7, as Robinhood received a substantial transfer of 250 million DOGE, equivalent to about $50.3 million at that time. The trend persisted into early November with two distinct transactions involving 75.3 million and 73.6 million DOGE, respectively.

一系列大額狗狗幣交易於 11 月 7 日開始,Robinhood 收到了 2.5 億 DOGE 的大額轉賬,當時相當於約 5,030 萬美元。這一趨勢一直持續到 11 月初,兩筆不同的交易分別涉及 7,530 萬和 7,360 萬個 DOGE。

On Sunday, a noteworthy transfer unfolded, moving 140.6 million DOGE from Robinhood to an undisclosed wallet. Subsequently, an anonymous transfer of 690 million DOGE occurred between unidentified wallets on Tuesday.

週日,發生了一筆值得注意的轉賬,將 1.406 億枚 DOGE 從 Robinhood 轉移到了一個未公開的錢包中。隨後,週二,身份不明的錢包之間發生了 6.9 億 DOGE 的匿名轉帳。

The post DOGE Price Gives Potential Breakout Surging 5%, Transaction Volumes At 3-Month High appeared first on CoinGape.

後 DOGE 價格預計將突破 5%,交易量創 3 個月高點首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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