フロントページ > 情報ニュース > DOGE価格は5%突破に向けて順調、出来高は3カ月ぶりの高水準に

DOGE Price Gives Potential Breakout Surging 5%, Transaction Volumes At 3-Month High


リリース: 2023/11/17 14:26 読む: 232



While the altcoin space and broader crypto market are facing some retracement, memecoin Dogecoin is enjoying a new bull run. As of press time, the DOGE price is up by another 6% and is currently trading at $0.081 with a market cap of $11.5 billion.


The Dogecoin Price Rally


Over the past week, DOGE has gained nearly 10% and 37% over the last month. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) reflects notable price volatility since the beginning of the month, indicating ongoing significant price movements for the coin. Additionally, the averages demonstrate an upward trend, suggesting the potential for the price to continue appreciating in the upcoming days.

過去 1 週間で DOGE は 10% 近く上昇し、先月では 37% 上昇しました。移動平均収束ダイバージェンス (MACD) は、月初からの顕著な価格変動を反映しており、コインの継続的な大きな価格変動を示しています。さらに、平均は上昇傾向を示しており、今後数日間価格が上昇し続ける可能性を示唆しています。

A key level for the bulls to maintain is $0.0803; doing so would sustain the positive momentum, paving the way for a test of the upper resistance level at $0.08393. If this level is successfully held, it sets the stage for further upward movement, potentially reaching $0.0950 in the near future.


In the event that bullish momentum persists, there is a possibility for Dogecoin’s price to challenge the upper level of $0.1 in the week ahead. On the flip side, if bears exert dominance over bulls, causing a loss of momentum, the price may retreat and test its support level at $0.07648.


Furthermore, continued bearish market control could lead to a sustained loss of momentum, pushing the price down to test its lower support level of $0.07250 in the weeks to come.


The recent surge in Dogecoin’s value and trading activity can be partially linked to the increasing enthusiasm within the Dogecoin community surrounding Astrobotic’s upcoming launch of a physical Dogecoin token to the moon in December. This upcoming event has generated significant interest among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, playing a role in the increased movements of Dogecoin across various wallets and exchanges.

最近のドージコインの価値と取引活動の急騰は、Astrobotic による 12 月の月への物理的なドージコイン トークンの打ち上げをめぐるドージコイン コミュニティ内の熱意の高まりと部分的に関連している可能性があります。この今後のイベントは、暗号通貨愛好家の間で大きな関心を引き起こし、さまざまなウォレットや取引所にわたるドージコインの動きの増加に一役買っています。

DOGE Whale Transactions

DOGE クジラ取引

On-chain data shows that the transaction volumes for Dogecoin have recently hit its three-month high. As per Santiment, Dogecoin experienced a moderate 5% increase in value amid a predominantly stable day in the cryptocurrency market.


This boost was supported by a substantial on-chain transaction volume of $665 million, marking its highest level in the past three months. Additionally, there is a noteworthy increase in Dogecoin long positions as traders express optimism and bet on potential price rises.

この押し上げは、過去 3 か月で最高レベルとなる 6 億 6,500 万ドルという相当量のオンチェーン取引高によって支えられました。さらに、トレーダーが楽観的な見方を示し、潜在的な価格上昇に賭けているため、ドージコインのロングポジションが顕著に増加しています。

A sequence of large-value Dogecoin transactions commenced on November 7, as Robinhood received a substantial transfer of 250 million DOGE, equivalent to about $50.3 million at that time. The trend persisted into early November with two distinct transactions involving 75.3 million and 73.6 million DOGE, respectively.

一連の高額ドージコイン取引が11月7日に始まり、ロビンフッドは当時約5030万ドルに相当する2億5000万DOGEという多額の送金を受け取った。この傾向は 11 月初旬まで続き、それぞれ 7,530 万 DOGE と 7,360 万 DOGE が関与する 2 つの異なる取引がありました。

On Sunday, a noteworthy transfer unfolded, moving 140.6 million DOGE from Robinhood to an undisclosed wallet. Subsequently, an anonymous transfer of 690 million DOGE occurred between unidentified wallets on Tuesday.

日曜日、注目すべき送金が展開され、1億4,060万DOGEがロビンフッドから非公開のウォレットに移されました。その後、火曜日に身元不明のウォレット間で 6 億 9,000 万 DOGE の匿名送金が発生しました。

The post DOGE Price Gives Potential Breakout Surging 5%, Transaction Volumes At 3-Month High appeared first on CoinGape.

投稿 DOGE 価格は 5% の急上昇の可能性を示し、取引量は 3 か月ぶりの高水準に 最初に CoinGape に掲載されました。


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