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DOGE Shows Signs of Potential Breakout: Analyst

分析師:DOGE 顯示出潛在突破的跡象

發布: 2023/11/08 18:19 閱讀: 446



Crypto analyst and trader Ali Martinez (known on the X social media platform as @ali_charts) has published an X post dedicated to the original meme coin DOGE – one of the first several coins ever launched in the market after Bitcoin.

加密貨幣分析師和交易員Ali Martinez(在X 社交媒體平台上被稱為@ali_charts)發表了一篇專門介紹原始模因幣DOGE 的X 帖子,DOGE 是繼比特幣之後市場上最早推出的幾種硬幣之一。

Dogecoin was created as a parody on Bitcoin, and based on its code, it also runs on the proof-of-work consensus algorithm and is mined simultaneously with Litecoin.


Ali Martinez believes that DOGE is currently in a tight zone and has the potential to stage an upward breakthrough.

Ali Martinez認為DOGE目前處於緊張區域,有潛力向上突破。

"Dogecoin is navigating in a tight zone"


Ali tweeted that Dogecoin is currently in a tight zone, trading between two crucial supply walls on the chart. The first one is a support wall, where 200,000 wallets are holding a whopping 28.6 billion DOGE. The second is a resistance wall – here a massive 124,000 wallets are holding 26.95 billion Dogecoin.

阿里在推特上表示,狗狗幣目前處於緊張區域,在圖表上的兩個關鍵供應牆之間交易。第一個是支撐牆,裡面有 20 萬個錢包,持有高達 286 億個 DOGE。第二個是阻力牆——這裡有 124,000 個龐大的錢包持有 269.5 億個狗狗幣。

The support wall is bigger in length than the resistant one and this, the analyst says, indicates that there may be a potential for an upward breakout of DOGE. Once the meme coin goes past the $0.076 level, the next price mark, "a significant hurdle," per the expert, will be $0.084, and traders should watch the level once DOGE reaches it. In his analytical breakdown, Ali referred to data shared by the IntoTheBlock on-chain analytics company.

支撐牆的長度大於阻力牆的長度,分析師表示,這表明 DOGE 可能有向上突破的潛力。一旦 Meme 幣突破 0.076 美元的水平,下一個價格標記(專家認為的「一個重大障礙」)將是 0.084 美元,一旦 DOGE 達到該水平,交易者就應該關注該水平。在他的分析分解中,阿里提到了 IntoTheBlock 鏈上分析公司共享的數據。

#Dogecoin is navigating a tight zone, sandwiched by two crucial supply walls.📉 Support Wall: Spanning $0.072-$0.073, with 200K addresses holding 28.6B $DOGE. 📈 Resistance Wall: Ranging from $0.074-$0.076, where 124K addresses hold 26.95B #DOGE.Note that support outstrips… pic.twitter.com/O5FRIJ1SIl

#Dogecoin 正在一個狹窄的區域中航行,夾在兩個關鍵的供應牆之間。📉 支援牆:跨越 0.072-0.073 美元,20 萬個地址持有 28.6B $DOGE。 📈 阻力牆:範圍從 0.074 美元到 0.076 美元,其中 124K 個地址持有 26.95B #DOGE。請注意,支援超過… pic.twitter.com/O5FRIJ1SIl

— Ali (@ali_charts) November 8, 2023

— 阿里 (@ali_charts) 2023 年 11 月 8 日

Whales buy 265.8 million DOGE on Robinhood

鯨魚在 Robinhood 上買了 2.658 億個 DOGE

According to several X posts recently published by the Whale Alert blockchain sleuth, over the past three days, astounding movements of Dogecoin have been noticed between anonymous wallets and the popular investment platform Robinhood which, allows investing and trading both traditional stocks and cryptocurrencies.

根據Whale Alert 區塊鏈偵探最近發布的幾篇X 帖子,在過去的三天裡,在匿名錢包和流行的投資平台Robinhood 之間注意到了狗狗幣的驚人變動,該平台允許投資和交易傳統股票和加密貨幣。

Robinhood has its own crypto wallet that enables traders to hold their Dogecoin and transfer it to third-party wallets from Robinhood if need be.

Robinhood 擁有自己的加密錢包,使交易者能夠持有他們的狗狗幣,並在需要時將其從 Robinhood 轉移到第三方錢包。

As for the transfers, Whale Alert noticed four big transactions that carried slightly more than half a billion DOGE.

至於轉賬,Whale Alert 注意到有四筆大筆交易,金額略多於 5 億 DOGE。

Three transactions, performed on Nov. 6 and Nov. 7, moved a total of 265.8 million Dogecoin from Robinhood; this may suggest that the owners of these wallets purchased these meme coins there or simply decided to withdraw part of the DOGE that had been held there.

11 月 6 日和 11 月 7 日進行的三筆交易總共從 Robinhood 轉移了 2.658 億個狗狗幣;這可能表明這些錢包的所有者在那裡購買了這些模因幣,或者乾脆決定提取那裡持有的部分 DOGE。

Also, one massive transfer took 250,000,000 DOGE to Robinhood on Nov. 7, a likely sale of a quarter of a billion of these popular meme coins.

此外,11 月 7 日,Robinhood 進行了一次大規模轉賬,將 250,000,000 DOGE 轉移到了 Robinhood,這可能相當於這些流行 Meme 代幣的 25 億個。

🚨 250,000,000 #DOGE (18,943,433 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/1fVE6apBtd

🚨 250,000,000 #DOGE(18,943,433 美元)從未知錢包轉移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/1fVE6apBtd

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) November 7, 2023

— 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 11 月 7 日

As of this writing, Dogecoin is exchanging hands at $0.0745 after a 2.6% drop within the last 24 hours. That was preceded by the 14.6% surge DOGE saw in the period between Nov. 3 and Nov. 7, reaching a local high of $0.0764 on the Binance exchange.

截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣在過去 24 小時內下跌 2.6% 後,目前交易價格為 0.0745 美元。在此之前,DOGE 在 11 月 3 日至 7 日期間飆升了 14.6%,在幣安交易所達到了 0.0764 美元的局部高點。


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