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Shiba Inu Price on Black Friday 2023

2023 年黑色星期五柴犬價格

發布: 2023/11/09 04:48 閱讀: 636



Shiba Inu (SHIB) has become one of the most prominent meme-inspired cryptocurrencies since its launch in August 2020. The developers behind the decentralized token have worked to build an ecosystem of projects for the SHIB community.

自 2020 年 8 月推出以來,Shiba Inu (SHIB) 已成為最著名的迷因加密貨幣之一。去中心化代幣背後的開發人員一直致力於為 SHIB 社區建立一個專案生態系統。

However, the recent launch of the layer-2 solution Shibarium failed to significantly boost prices amid the ongoing crypto bear market. With Thanksgiving approaching, here is our Shiba Inu price prediction for Black Friday 2023.

然而,在持續的加密貨幣熊市中,最近推出的 Layer-2 解決方案 Shibarium 未能顯著提振價格。隨著感恩節的臨近,以下是我們對 2023 年黑色星期五的柴犬價格預測。

What is Shiba Inu? A Brief History


Shiba Inu is a decentralized cryptocurrency that spawned from a meme-inspired online community. The token’s mascot is a Shiba Inu dog, which led to the name.

Shiba Inu 是一種去中心化的加密貨幣,誕生於受迷因啟發的線上社群。該代幣的吉祥物是一隻柴犬,因此得名。

In mid-2020, an anonymous individual or group known as Ryoshi started working on Shiba Inu as an experimental decentralized community project. Ryoshi intended to take the meme coin concept behind Dogecoin and build an ecosystem around it.

2020 年中期,一個名為 Ryoshi 的匿名個人或團體開始將 Shiba Inu 作為一個實驗性去中心化社區計畫。 Ryoshi 打算採用狗狗幣背後的迷因幣概念,並圍繞它建立一個生態系統。

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After launching in August 2020, Shiba Inu gained little initial traction until May 2021. That month, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin donated and burned trillions of SHIB, sparking a frenzy of interest. The supply removal helped propel SHIB’s price from $0.0000007 to $0.000037 within days.

Shiba Inu 於 2020 年 8 月推出後,直到 2021 年 5 月才獲得了最初的關注。當月,以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 捐贈並銷毀了數萬億個 SHIB,引發了人們的狂熱興趣。供應的減少幫助 SHIB 的價格在幾天內從 0.0000007 美元上漲至 0.000037 美元。

By October 2021, SHIB peaked at $0.000088, delivering over +10133726% gains from its debut. However, the token has declined significantly since being caught up in the 2022 crypto bear market.

到 2021 年 10 月,SHIB 達到 0.000088 美元的峰值,自首次亮相以來收益超過 +10133726%。然而,自陷入 2022 年加密貨幣熊市以來,該代幣已大幅下跌。

The developers behind Shiba Inu have worked to expand utility and use cases beyond being a speculative asset. Efforts include the Shibarium layer-2 network, metaverse land in the Shibaverse, and plans for merchant payments with SHIB. However, prices remain depressed near all-time lows.

Shiba Inu 背後的開發人員一直致力於擴展實用性和用例,使其超越投機資產的範疇。努力包括 Shibarium 第 2 層網路、Shibaverse 中的元宇宙土地以及使用 SHIB 進行商業支付的計劃。然而,價格仍然低迷,接近歷史低點。

Shiba Inu Price Prediction for Black Friday 2023

2023 年黑色星期五柴犬價格預測

According to analysts, SHIB’s price outlook for Black Friday 2023 appears muted, with limited upside expected in the near term.

分析師表示,SHIB 對 2023 年黑色星期五的價格前景似乎不太樂觀,預計近期上漲空間有限。

Changelly analysts estimate SHIB will trade between a minimum of $0.00000710 and a maximum of $0.00000891 in November. The average predicted trading price for November 24, Black Friday is $0.000008653.

Changelly 分析師估計,11 月 SHIB 的交易價格將在最低 0.00000710 美元到最高 0.00000891 美元之間。 11 月 24 日黑色星期五的平均預測交易價格為 0.000008653 美元。

This would only represent a minor recovery from the current price of $0.000008199. Since its peak in late 2021, SHIB has plunged over 90% in value amid the crypto bear market and is struggling to regain momentum.

這僅代表當前價格 0.000008199 美元的小幅回升。自 2021 年底達到頂峰以來,SHIB 的價值在加密貨幣熊市中暴跌了 90% 以上,並且正在努力恢復勢頭。

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另請閱讀:2023 年 CFTC 案件中近一半針對加密貨幣

With crypto prices still highly volatile, SHIB could see spikes in either direction depending on market sentiment and developments within the broader Shiba Inu ecosystem. However, major gains above $0.00001 seem unlikely, barring unforeseen bullish catalysts.

由於加密貨幣價格仍然高度波動,SHIB 可能會出現任一方向的飆升,具體取決於市場情緒和更廣泛的柴犬生態系統內的發展。然而,除非出現不可預見的看漲催化劑,否則似乎不太可能大幅上漲至 0.00001 美元以上。

For the meme coin to mount a sustainable turnaround, investors will need to see real adoption and utility materialize through platforms like the Shibarium layer-2 network. So far, the cryptocurrency has mainly been used for speculative trading.

為了使模因幣實現可持續的轉變,投資者需要看到透過 Shibarium 二層網路等平台實現真正的採用和實用性。到目前為止,加密貨幣主要用於投機交易。

While Shiba Inu boasts a loyal community of supporters who remain engaged online, many analysts don’t anticipate a return to all-time highs anytime soon. Unless the crypto market strongly reverses its bearish trend, SHIB appears set to trade largely sideways through late 2022 and into 2023.

雖然柴犬擁有一個忠實的支持者社區,他們仍然在線上參與,但許多分析師預計柴犬不會很快恢復到歷史最高水平。除非加密貨幣市場強烈扭轉其看跌趨勢,否則 SHIB 似乎將在 2022 年底和 2023 年期間大幅橫盤交易。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/shiba-inu-price-on-black-friday-2023-tbt69571.html



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