首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DOGE 交易超過 10 萬美元:狗狗幣是否正在引起投資者的認真關注?

DOGE Transactions Exceed $100,000: Is Dogecoin Gaining Serious Investor Attention?

DOGE 交易超過 10 萬美元:狗狗幣是否正在引起投資者的認真關注?

發布: 2023/11/24 07:12 閱讀: 313

原文作者:Crypto News Land


DOGE 交易超過 10 萬美元:狗狗幣是否正在引起投資者的認真關注?

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) experiences a surge in transactions exceeding $100,000, attracting institutional attention.
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE)的交易量激增超過 10 萬美元,引起了機構的關注。

  • Transaction volumes show significant fluctuations, with daily highs reaching $2.12 billion on Nov. 17.
  • 交易量波動較大,11 月 17 日交易量達 21.2 億美元。

  • Analysts speculate that increased whale activity in DOGE transactions could foreshadow a major price movement.
  • 分析師推測,DOGE 交易中鯨魚活動的增加可能預示著價格的重大變動。

Dogecoin (DOGE) has witnessed a significant uptick in transactions exceeding the $100,000 mark over the past month. This surge comes on the heels of a substantial price spike, indicating a newfound interest in DOGE from larger financial entities, often referred to as “whales” and institutional investors.

過去一個月,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的交易量大幅上升,突破了 10 萬美元大關。這一飆升是在價格大幅上漲之後出現的,表明大型金融實體(通常被稱為「鯨魚」和機構投資者)對 DOGE 產生了新的興趣。

The data reveals noteworthy fluctuations in DOGE transaction volumes. On November 17, transaction volumes soared to an impressive $2.12 billion, only to dip to $965.41 million on November 18. Such fluctuations are particularly remarkable given Dogecoin’s reputation as a cryptocurrency driven by its community rather than institutional forces.

數據顯示 DOGE 交易量出現顯著波動。 11 月17 日,交易量飆升至令人印象深刻的21.2 億美元,但到11 月18 日卻降至9.6541 億美元。考慮到狗狗幣作為由社區而非機構力量驅動的加密貨幣的聲譽,這種波動尤其引人注目。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2023 up to 2031: Is $0.3 EOY Price Possible?

2023 年至 2031 年狗狗幣價格預測:EOY 價格可能達到 0.3 美元嗎?

Analysts are now speculating about the implications of this surge in whale activity within DOGE transactions. Could it be a precursor to a significant price movement in the near future? As Dogecoin continues to attract institutional attention and large-scale transactions, the crypto market eagerly awaits what’s in store for this memecoin.

分析師現在正在猜測 DOGE 交易中鯨魚活動激增的影響。它是否會成為近期價格大幅波動的前兆?隨著狗狗幣繼續吸引機構關注和大規模交易,加密市場熱切地等待著這種迷因幣的發展。

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The post DOGE Transactions Exceed $100,000: Is Dogecoin Gaining Serious Investor Attention? appeared first on Crypto News Land.

DOGE 交易超過 10 萬美元:Dogecoin 是否正在引起投資者的認真關注?首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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