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Shiba Inu Rival Dogecoin Gearing Up for a ‘Significant Price Spike’, Says Crypto Analyst – Here’s Why


發布: 2023/11/24 07:06 閱讀: 933



A closely followed analyst says that the dog-themed meme asset Dogecoin (DOGE) is setting up the stage for a massive surge to the upside.


In a new strategy session, crypto trader Ali Martinez tells his 33,200 followers on the social media platform X that the Shiba Inu (SHIB) rival’s surge of transactions exceeding $100,000 during the last month suggests interest from blue-chip investors.

在新的策略會議中,加密貨幣交易員阿里·馬丁內斯(Ali Martinez) 在社交媒體平台X 上告訴他的33,200 名粉絲,柴犬(SHIB) 競爭對手上個月的交易量激增超過100,000 美元,這顯示藍籌股投資者的興趣。




“There’s a notable surge in DOGE transactions exceeding $100,000 in the past month, consistently hitting new highs. This uptick suggests increased interest in DOGE from institutional players and whales, potentially gearing up for a significant price spike.”

「過去一個月,DOGE 交易量顯著激增,超過 10 萬美元,不斷創出新高。這種上升表明機構參與者和鯨魚對 DOGE 的興趣增加,可能會為價格大幅上漲做好準備。”

Fellow crypto strategist Kaleo is also expressing bullish sentiment toward Dogecoin, saying that the memecoin will have a huge rally in the next week or two that will see it shoot up to around the $0.15 mark.

加密貨幣策略師 Kaleo 也表達了對 Dogecoin 的看漲情緒,稱 Memecoin 將在未來一兩週內大幅反彈,飆升至 0.15 美元左右。

He goes on to say that he believes the “real” DOGE rally will spark sometime in 2024.

他接著表示,他相信「真正的」DOGE 反彈將在 2024 年的某個時候爆發。

“Sometime in the next week or two, Dogecoin finally starts to move. When DOGE starts moving higher, it usually moves pretty fast.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see a daily from here to somewhere in the 9-10 cents range, chop there for a bit, then another daily to ~$0.15. It’ll be a fast move… maybe churn a bit higher from there, but as much as I’d love for it to go to $1+, I honestly don’t see it getting too much past twenty cents on this rally.

如果每日價格從這裡跌至 9-10 美分範圍內,我不會感到驚訝,在那裡稍微削減一點,然後再每日價格降至約 0.15 美元。這將是一個快速的走勢……也許會從那裡開始走高一點,但儘管我希望它能升至 1 美元以上,但老實說,我認為在這次反彈中它不會超過 20 美分。

I’m just looking for a touch of HTF (high time frame) resistance on the BTC pair around 550 [satoshis] (where I’m getting the 20 cents figure depending on what the price of Bitcoin is). I don’t think the real DOGE rally starts until later in 2024, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun before then.”

我只是在 550 [satoshis] 附近尋找 BTC 對的 HTF(高時間框架)阻力(根據比特幣的價格,我得到 20 美分的數字)。我認為真正的 DOGE 反彈要到 2024 年晚些時候才會開始,但這並不意味著我們不能在那之前享受一些樂趣。”

Dogecoin is trading for $0.075 at time of writing, a 1.5% increase on the day.

截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.075 美元,當日上漲 1.5%。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/shiba-inu-rival-dogecoin-gearing-up-for-a-significant-price-spike-says-crypto-analyst-here-s-why-tbt71427.html



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