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Dogecoin Attracts Investors with Recent Price Increase


發布: 2024/06/25 20:45 閱讀: 980



Dogecoin Attracts Investors amid Price Surge


Dogecoin (DOGE) has drawn investor interest due to its recent price appreciation. However, current indicators suggest a potential shift in momentum.


Dogecoin's Holding Period


Holding period measures the average time a token is held without transaction activity. In the crypto realm, this "HODLing" strategy involves holding assets despite price fluctuations.


Over the past week, Dogecoin's holding period has increased by 387.03%, indicating strong investor adherence to HODLing. Minimal token movement suggests limited selling pressure, but increased transaction activity could signify sporadic sales.

過去一周,狗狗幣的持有期增加了 387.03%,顯示投資者對 HODLing 的堅持程度很高。最小的代幣變動表明拋售壓力有限,但交易活動增加可能意味著零星銷售。

Sustained HODLing can enhance Dogecoin's stability. If buying pressure persists, the price may rise further. Currently, DOGE trades at $0.12 after experiencing a 20.78% decline over the past month. Trading volume has decreased by 33% during this period. However, this volume reduction might signal a weakening of the extended price downturn, providing potential for DOGE to recover.

持續持有可以增強狗狗幣的穩定性。如果購買壓力持續存在,價格可能會進一步上漲。目前,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.12 美元,過去一個月下跌了 20.78%。在此期間交易量下降了33%。然而,成交量的減少可能預示著價格持續低迷的減弱,為 DOGE 提供了復甦的潛力。

Technical Analysis of DOGE


Technically, the DOGE/USD 4-hour chart indicates that the Awesome Oscillator (AO) has entered the positive region. AO gauges momentum, and its positive value suggests growing momentum for Dogecoin. Similarly, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) has risen but remains below the neutral 50.00 zone. This suggests the price may fluctuate around $0.12 momentarily. However, a breach above this level could trigger further price increases.

從技術上講,DOGE/USD 4 小時圖表顯示動量震盪指標 (AO) 已進入正值區域。 AO 衡量動量,其正值表示狗狗幣的動量不斷增長。同樣,相對強弱指數 (RSI) 有所上升,但仍低於中性 50.00 區域。這表明價格可能會暫時在 0.12 美元左右波動。然而,突破這一水平可能會引發價格進一步上漲。

The Fibonacci Retracement indicator suggests potential price levels. The 61.8% Fib level is at $0.13, indicating DOGE's potential movement towards this level. In a bullish scenario, the price could reach $0.15.

斐波那契回撤指標顯示潛在的物價水準。 61.8% Fib 水平為 0.13 美元,表明 DOGE 可能會朝該水平移動。在看漲情況下,價格可能達到 0.15 美元。

The DAA metric measures active user count and provides buy/sell signals when compared to price. A price rise above DAA triggers a buy signal, while a DAA rise above price triggers a sell signal. Dogecoin's current price DAA deviation is -79.13%, implying lower network participation compared to price growth.

DAA 指標衡量活躍用戶數量,並在與價格比較時提供買入/賣出訊號。價格上漲至高於 DAA 會觸發買入訊號,而 DAA 上漲至高於價格則會觸發賣出訊號。狗狗幣當前價格 DAA 偏差為-79.13%,這意味著與價格增長相比,網路參與度較低。




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