首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣在亞洲時段平均上漲 24%,但在美國時段平均上漲 -15%

Dogecoin Averages +24% in Asian Hours but -15% During US Hours

狗狗幣在亞洲時段平均上漲 24%,但在美國時段平均上漲 -15%

發布: 2023/09/01 00:00 閱讀: 795



It is a preconceived notion that the West plays the most critical role in determining the directional bias of the price of crypto assets. However, when it comes to Dogecoin, that narrative has been changing of late. As depicted in the chart below, the East’s transaction share has overshadowed the West’s share a handful of times in the past fortnight. In fact, on one particular day, the East/West ratio stood at 67/33.

人們先入為主地認為,西方在決定加密資產價格的方向性偏差方面發揮著最關鍵的作用。然而,當談到狗狗幣時,這種說法最近發生了變化。如下圖所示,過去兩週,東方的交易份額多次超過西方。事實上,在某一天,東西方比例為 67/33。

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Dogecoin Cumulative ROI: Region-Wide Analysis


On the Year-to-Date front, Dogecoin is currently down 5.6%. Velo Data’s numbers pointed out that DOGE’s cumulative ROI during Europe’s trading hours [purple] has been in negative territory for most of 2023. In fact, the state has only worsened in H2.

今年迄今,狗狗幣目前下跌 5.6%。 Velo Data 的數據指出,DOGE 在歐洲交易時段(紫色)的累積投資回報率在 2023 年的大部分時間裡一直處於負數區域。事實上,該狀況僅在下半年惡化。

During the first few months, when DOGE rallied along with Bitcoin, the market predominately had buyers from the U.S. [blue] and Asia Pacific [yellow] regions. However, in Q2, U.S. buyers started sidelining, and the ROI during Western trading hours slipped into negative territory.

在最初幾個月,當 DOGE 與比特幣一起上漲時,市場主要有來自美國(藍色)和亞太地區(黃色)地區的買家。然而,第二季度,美國買家開始觀望,西方交易時段的投資報酬率滑入負值。

The Asia-Pacific region’s tale has been the most successful one so far. Only in June, for a brief period, did the ROI drop into negative territory. Other than that, it has only been oscillating in the positive region. In fact, significant upward strides were registered by APAC in Q3. Specifically, this region’s cumulative session return figure stood at 24.28% at press time, when compared to the U.S.’s -14.79% and the EU’s -40.69%.

亞太地區的故事是迄今為止最成功的故事。僅在 6 月份,投資報酬率曾短暫跌至負值。除此之外,它僅在正區域振盪。事實上,亞太地區在第三季取得了顯著的進步。具體而言,截至發稿時,該地區的累積會話回報率為 24.28%,而美國為-14.79%,歐盟為-40.69%。

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DOGE’s average sentiment score continues to be neutral. However, given the strong correlation it shares with Bitcoin and the rest of the market, its price could continue correcting. Nevertheless, traders and short-term holders can consider participating in the Dogecoin market during Asian trading hours to benefit from the ongoing buyer bias and positive return figures.

DOGE 的平均情緒分數持續保持中立。然而,鑑於它與比特幣和市場其他部分具有很強的相關性,其價格可能會繼續調整。儘管如此,交易者和短期持有者可以考慮在亞洲交易時段參與狗狗幣市場,以從持續的買家偏見和正回報數據中受益。

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  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣



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