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Ethereum (ETH) on Verge of Death Cross


發布: 2023/09/01 09:30 閱讀: 575



Currently trading at $1,705, Ethereum is on the brink of experiencing a death cross, a technical indicator that often signals a bearish trend. However, it is essential to note that while a death cross is a significant event, it is not a foolproof predictor of market behavior.

目前以太坊的交易價格為 1,705 美元,正處於死亡交叉的邊緣,這是一個經常預示看跌趨勢的技術指標。然而,必須注意的是,雖然死亡交叉是一個重大事件,但它並不是市場行為的萬無一失的預測指標。

A death cross occurs when a short-term moving average, typically the 50-day moving average, crosses below a long-term moving average, usually the 200-day moving average. This crossover is often interpreted as a bearish signal that could indicate a substantial drop in the asset's price. Conversely, a golden cross, where the short-term moving average crosses above the long-term moving average, is considered a bullish signal.

當短期移動平均線(通常是 50 日移動平均線)低於長期移動平均線(通常是 200 日移動平均線)時,就會出現死亡交叉。這種交叉通常被解釋為看跌訊號,可能表示資產價格大幅下跌。相反,黃金交叉,即短期移動平均線穿過長期移動平均線上方,被認為是看漲訊號。

Source: TradingView


As of now, Ethereum is trading at $1,705.09, and the looming death cross has many investors on edge. The price has been fluctuating, and the market is watching closely to see if the death cross will indeed occur. If it does, it could potentially lead to a sell-off, further driving down the price of Ethereum.

截至目前,以太坊的交易價格為 1,705.09 美元,迫在眉睫的死亡交叉讓許多投資者感到緊張。價格一直在波動,市場正在密切關注死亡交叉是否真的會發生。如果確實如此,可能會導致拋售,進一步壓低以太坊的價格。

While the death cross is a significant technical indicator, it is crucial to remember that it is not a guaranteed predictor of market behavior. There have been instances where a death cross was followed by a period of stability or even a slight uptick in price. Therefore, while it is a tool that can aid in decision-making, it should not be the sole factor considered when evaluating an asset's potential future performance.


Cardano finally breaks through


Cardano (ADA) has been a topic of discussion among crypto enthusiasts for its recent price behavior. The digital asset has finally broken its RSI divergence and surged forward, currently trading at approximately $0.265 as of Aug. 31, 2023. While this may seem like a positive development, the current market tendencies suggest that this upward movement may not be a reliable indicator of a sustained bullish trend.

卡爾達諾(ADA)因其最近的價格行為而成為加密貨幣愛好者討論的話題。該數位資產終於突破了RSI 背離並大幅上漲,截至2023 年8 月31 日,目前交易價格約為0.265 美元。雖然這看起來像是一個積極的發展,但當前的市場趨勢表明,這種上漲趨勢可能不是一個可靠的指標持續看漲趨勢。

Source: TradingView


The price of Cardano has been struggling for a while, but the recent break in RSI divergence seemed to have given it a much-needed boost. However, the current price of $0.265 suggests that the market is still not entirely convinced of Cardano's potential. The lack of significant volume accompanying this price increase raises questions about the sustainability of this upward movement.

卡爾達諾的價格已經掙扎了一段時間,但最近 RSI 背離的突破似乎給了它一個急需的提振。然而,目前 0.265 美元的價格表明市場仍未完全相信卡爾達諾的潛力。價格上漲伴隨著成交量的缺乏,引發了人們對這種上漲趨勢可持續性的質疑。

The RSI divergence break is generally a strong bullish signal, but in Cardano's case, it appears to be more of a blip than a trend. The lack of conviction among investors is evident from the trading volume, which has not shown a significant increase. This tepid response from the market makes the current upward movement a questionable trend continuation.

RSI 背離突破通常是一個強烈的看漲訊號,但就卡爾達諾而言,它似乎更像是曇花一現,而不是趨勢。從交易量來看,投資者缺乏信心,交易量並未顯著增加。市場的這種不溫不火的反應使得當前的上漲趨勢能否持續下去值得懷疑。

Dogecoin full of surprises


Dogecoin (DOGE) continues to defy market expectations, maintaining its upward trajectory even as the crypto market cools off following the Grayscale v. SEC decision. As of the latest data, Dogecoin is trading at approximately $0.06, showing resilience in a somewhat volatile market.

狗狗幣(DOGE)繼續違背市場預期,即使在灰階訴美國證券交易委員會(SEC)判決後加密貨幣市場降溫的情況下,仍保持其上升軌跡。截至最新數據,狗狗幣的交易價格約為 0.06 美元,在波動較大的市場中顯示出韌性。

The recent price action of Dogecoin is intriguing, to say the least. While many expected the meme coin to lose steam after the initial euphoria surrounding the Grayscale v. SEC decision subsided, DOGE has managed to hold its ground. This could be attributed to improving market sentiment that is buoying the coin beyond its usual speculative nature.

至少可以說,狗狗幣最近的價格走勢很有趣。儘管許多人預計在圍繞 Grayscale v. SEC 判決的最初興奮消退後,Meme 代幣將會失去動力,但 DOGE 仍然堅守住了自己的陣地。這可能歸因於市場情緒的改善,這使得代幣超出了其通常的投機性質。

The Grayscale v. SEC decision had a significant impact on the crypto market, driving up prices across the board. While the initial excitement has cooled off, leading to a consolidation phase for many cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin seems to be an exception. Its sustained growth suggests that the coin has more going for it than just short-term speculative interest.

Grayscale v. SEC 的判決對加密貨幣市場產生了重大影響,全面推高了價格。雖然最初的興奮已經降溫,導致許多加密貨幣進入整合階段,但狗狗幣似乎是個例外。其持續增長表明,該代幣不僅僅具有短期投機興趣。


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