首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 30 天價格持續下跌。 BONK、SNEK 和 NUGX 是更好的選擇嗎?

Dogecoin’s 30-Day Price Drop Continues. Are BONK, SNEK, and NUGX Better Options?

狗狗幣 30 天價格持續下跌。 BONK、SNEK 和 NUGX 是更好的選擇嗎?

發布: 2024/01/16 06:06 閱讀: 628



狗狗幣 30 天價格持續下跌。 BONK、SNEK 和 NUGX 是更好的選擇嗎?



  • Dogecoin is experiencing price corrections that have trended for over a month, pushing the token to decline.
  • 狗狗幣正在經歷一個多月以來的價格調整,推動該代幣下跌。

  • Investors seeking alternative options to uplift their portfolios turn to other meme coins.
  • 尋求替代選擇來提升投資組合的投資者轉向其他迷因幣。

  • NuggetRush, Bonk, and Snek are three tokens with memetic value that have caught the attention of these investors as they chart a positive path in the crypto market.
  • NuggetRush、Bonk 和 Snek 是三種具有模因價值的代幣,它們在加密貨幣市場中描繪出積極的道路時引起了這些投資者的注意。

Meme coins are well-known for delivering impressive returns and turning investors into overnight millionaires. Investors who turned to Dogecoin (DOGE) for promising gains are backing out as the meme coin continues to chart a red path. With this narrative underway, investors seek top Dogecoin variants that could offer better solutions than Dogecoin.

Meme 幣因提供可觀的回報並使投資者一夜之間成為百萬富翁而聞名。隨著狗狗幣繼續呈現紅色走勢,那些轉向狗狗幣(DOGE)尋求收益的投資者正在退出。隨著這種敘述的進行,投資者尋求頂級狗狗幣變體,這些變體可以提供比狗狗幣更好的解決方案。

Of the different meme coins on the list, Bonk (BONK), Snek (SNEK), and NuggetRush (NUGX) have taken the lead, attracting investors with the hopes of earning a significant ROI. While BONK and SNEK suffer losses in the value of their tokens, NUGX is propelling its token price as its presale surges. This upcoming ICO offers a unique blend, focusing on a peer-to-peer ecosystem with impact gaming in sight. This article highlights the top meme coins on the decentralized cryptocurrency list, highlighting their features to determine whether they can surpass Dogecoin and offer better investment options.

在名單上的不同迷因幣中,Bonk (BONK)、Snek (SNEK) 和 NuggetRush (NUGX) 佔據領先地位,吸引了希望獲得可觀投資回報率的投資者。雖然 BONK 和 SNEK 的代幣價值遭受損失,但 NUGX 的代幣價格隨著預售激增而上漲。這個即將到來的 ICO 提供了一種獨特的融合,專注於點對點生態系統和影響力遊戲。本文重點介紹了去中心化加密貨幣清單中的頂級迷因幣,重點介紹了它們的功能,以確定它們是否可以超越狗狗幣並提供更好的投資選擇。

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NuggetRush (NUGX): Impact Gaming With Cryptocurrency

NuggetRush (NUGX):用加密貨幣影響遊戲

NUGX is a new meme coin offering gamification capabilities on the blockchain. This project provides players with an exciting play-to-earn game that allows them to enjoy gaming in the metaverse, where they can mine for treasures and even get gold and real cash delivered to their doorsteps in the real world. Within its model, NuggetRush provides artisanal miners in underdeveloped countries with a percentage of the rewards realized from the gameplay.

NUGX 是一種新的迷因幣,在區塊鏈上提供遊戲化功能。該項目為玩家提供了一款激動人心的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,讓他們可以在虛擬宇宙中享受遊戲的樂趣,在那裡他們可以挖掘寶藏,甚至可以在現實世界中獲得送到家門口的黃金和真實現金。在其模型中,NuggetRush 為不發達國家的手工礦工提供了從遊戲中獲得的一定比例的獎勵。

The upcoming blockchain ICO has recorded sales of over 147 million tokens as its fourth presale stage rounds up, raising over $1.6 million. This is an incredible feat for a new project, showing heightened investor interest. Over 90% of the 50 million tokens allocated to this round have been bought, and the project’s DeFi coin price is projected to rise by 20% from 0.015 USDT to 0.018 USDT.

隨著第四次預售階段的結束,即將到來的區塊鏈 ICO 已售出超過 1.47 億枚代幣,籌集了超過 160 萬美元。對於一個新項目來說,這是一項令人難以置信的壯舉,顯示出投資者的濃厚興趣。本輪分配的5,000萬枚代幣中,90%以上已被購買,該專案的DeFi幣價預計將上漲20%,從0.015 USDT上漲至0.018 USDT。

The appeal of this blockchain ICO extends beyond its presale success. NuggetRush proposes impressive features that make it a better investment option for DOGE investors. Aside from its peer-to-peer marketplace where players can buy, sell, and trade their NFTs, it also offers a staking mechanism where holders can lock their NFTs to earn up to 20% ROI. The project stands out on the decentralized cryptocurrency list with a proposed list price of 100% of its initial price that is set to rise once all these features become a reality.

此次區塊鏈 ICO 的吸引力不僅在於其預售的成功。 NuggetRush 提出了令人印象深刻的功能,使其成為 DOGE 投資者更好的投資選擇。除了玩家可以購買、出售和交易 NFT 的點對點市場外,它還提供了質押機制,持有者可以鎖定他們的 NFT 以獲得高達 20% 的投資回報率。該項目在去中心化加密貨幣清單中脫穎而出,其提議標價為初始價格的 100%,一旦所有這些功能成為現實,該標價將會上漲。

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Dogecoin (DOGE): Troubling Waters for the OG Meme Coin 

狗狗幣(DOGE):OG Meme 幣的困境

Dogecoin, the prevailing meme coin, has been on a 30-day decline with a significant drop in its market value. The token has witnessed a nearly 20% dip in the past month, with whales dumping about 600 million coins. Uncertainty around the token has peaked, leaving DOGE investors seeking a better option to gain substantial returns.    

狗狗幣,流行的迷因幣,已經連續 30 天下跌,市值大幅下跌。過去一個月,該代幣下跌了近 20%,鯨魚拋售了約 6 億枚代幣。該代幣的不確定性已經達到頂峰,使得 DOGE 投資者尋求更好的選擇來獲得可觀的回報。

In another instance, much more recently, DOGE dipped alongside top coins like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). This dip resulted from false information passed via the SEC official account on X. The hacker relayed a message through the account that a BTC Spot ETF had been approved, causing a significant surge within 15 minutes. SEC Chair Gary Gensler debunked this news, alerting investors of the hack and plunging Bitcoin’s prices by nearly 9%. This price correction affected other tokens, including Dogecoin, whose value dipped. 

在另一個例子中,最近,DOGE 與比特幣 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 等頂級代幣一起下跌。此次下跌是由於X上SEC官方帳戶傳遞了虛假訊息。駭客透過該帳戶轉發了一條BTC現貨ETF已獲批准的訊息,導致15分鐘內大幅上漲。 SEC 主席加里·根斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 揭穿了這一消息,提醒投資者註意這次駭客攻擊,並使比特幣價格暴跌近 9%。這次價格調整影響了其他代幣,包括狗狗幣,價值下跌。

Bonk (BONK): Impressive Returns on the Solana Ecosystem

Bonk (BONK):Solana 生態系統的令人印象深刻的回報

The first meme coin on the Solana blockchain, Bonk, experienced stellar performance in 2023 following the introduction of single-sided staking on the blockchain. Its rally increased by 50% a day after listing on Coinbase, a popular decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX). Since then, BONK has witnessed exceptional gains, listings on high-profile DEXs, and price corrections.

Solana 區塊鏈上的第一個 meme 代幣 Bonk 在區塊鏈上引入單側質押後,在 2023 年經歷了出色的表現。在流行的去中心化加密貨幣交易所(DEX)Coinbase上市後,其漲幅一天增加了50%。從那時起,BONK 見證了非凡的收益、在備受矚目的去中心化交易所上市以及價格調整。

The BONK token is experiencing newfound support as its market sentiment turns bullish following its recent listing on another top-rated DEX, OKX. Although its last price correction caused a significant dip, losing nearly 75% from its November-December surge, the token still stands strong with an unwavering trading volume. Predictions for the meme coin put Bonk on a bullish path, with a potential surge to the $0.0000175 level if it can scale and sustain the $0.0000138 support level.

BONK 代幣最近在另一個頂級去中心化交易所 OKX 上市後,隨著市場情緒轉為看漲,BONK 代幣正在經歷新的支撐。儘管其上次價格調整導致大幅下跌,較 11 月至 12 月的飆升下跌了近 75%,但該代幣仍然堅挺,交易量穩定。對 meme 代幣的預測使 Bonk 走上看漲之路,如果它能夠擴大並維持 0.0000138 美元的支撐位,則有可能飆升至 0.0000175 美元的水平。

Snek (SNEK): Buzzing on the Cardano Blockchain

Snek (SNEK):卡爾達諾區塊鏈上的嗡嗡聲

As investors seek meme coin alternatives, another token with a memetic appeal, SNEK, emerges after challenging Bonk for 2024 meme coin top-gainer. This deflationary crypto project has gained significant attention in the crypto market, reporting a 700% year-to-date yield. Snek is tenth on the list of top meme coins by market capitalization.

隨著投資者尋求模因幣替代品,另一種具有模因吸引力的代幣 SNEK 在挑戰 Bonk 成為 2024 年模因幣漲幅最大的代幣後出現。這個通貨緊縮的加密貨幣項目在加密貨幣市場上引起了廣泛關注,今年迄今的收益率為 700%。以市值計算,Snek 在頂級 meme 代幣排行榜上排名第十。

The token has dipped recently, recording over 21% decrease in the DeFi coin price of its primary token. Analysts still project that it could pick up in 2024 as its developers prepare to roll out several implementations within its ecosystem. Snek has unveiled multiple attractions beyond its memetic value: an energy drink, an exchange, raffles, and, more recently, a gaming innovation, features that will propel its market value.

該代幣最近出現下跌,其主要代幣的 DeFi 代幣價格下跌了 21% 以上。分析師仍然預計,隨著開發人員準備在其生態系統中推出多項實施,該產業的發展可能會在 2024 年有所回升。 Snek 還推出了超越其模因價值的多個吸引力:能量飲料、交換、抽獎,以及最近的遊戲創新,這些功能將推動其市場價值。



With DOGE dipping in market value, investors are turning to promising Dogecoin variants on the blockchain to find a superb alternative with a bullish rally. Some meme coins have been proposed for this exploration, but one stands the strongest. Bonk and Snek are top performers, experiencing price corrections in the market. Although analysts predict their rallies will pick up, investors are flocking to NuggetRush, a meme coin with impressive utility and a promising presale journey. Investors can purchase NUGX tokens at a discounted rate and await the project’s listing for more significant returns.

隨著狗狗幣市值下跌,投資人開始轉向區塊鏈上有前途的狗狗幣變體,以尋找看漲反彈的絕佳替代品。一些模因幣已經被提議用於這一探索,但其中一個是最強的。 Bonk 和 Snek 表現最好,正在經歷市場價格調整。儘管分析師預測他們的漲勢將會加快,但投資者仍湧向 NuggetRush,這是一種具有令人印象深刻的實用性和充滿希望的預售之旅的迷因代幣。投資者可以以折扣價購買NUGX代幣,等待專案上市以獲得更豐厚的回報。

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造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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The post Dogecoin’s 30-Day Price Drop Continues. Are BONK, SNEK, and NUGX Better Options? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗幣 30 天價格持續下跌。 BONK、SNEK 和 NUGX 是更好的選擇嗎?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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