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Analysts: HIPP is undervalued after El Hippo liquidity lock

分析師:El Hippo 流動性鎖定後 HIPP 被低估

發布: 2024/01/16 06:11 閱讀: 784



分析師:El Hippo 流動性鎖定後 HIPP 被低估

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As the crypto space evolves, more advanced systems are put in place to safeguard funds and increase the trust and transparency of a project. One of the best ways to demonstrate to a community that the team is serious about the project’s long-term health is to implement a liquidity lock and token burn mechanism, which El Hippo did in December 2023.

隨著加密貨幣領域的發展,更先進的系統被部署到位,以保護資金並提高專案的信任和透明度。向社區證明團隊認真對待計畫長期健康發展的最佳方式之一是實施流動性鎖定和代幣銷毀機制,El Hippo 在 2023 年 12 月就這樣做了。

What’s a liquidity lock?


A liquidity lock typically refers to a decentralized finance (defi) platform mechanism that involves securing or “locking” a certain amount of cryptocurrency assets in a smart contract. This is often done to ensure the availability of liquidity for a particular decentralized exchange or liquidity pool.


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Liquidity locks are intended to add transparency and trust to decentralized finance platforms. Users can verify the locked liquidity amount, ensuring the platform has the necessary funds to honor trades. It also helps prevent the so-called “rug pulls,” where malicious actors could drain liquidity from a pool and harm other users.


In some cases, a project may choose to reward the locked tokens to the community by unlocking the contract in the future and distributing funds. Another way to reward the community is to destroy locked tokens, creating scarcity for the token and increasing the demand vs supply, which often leads to a price increase.


El Hippo liquidity lock

El Hippo 流動性鎖定

The El Hippo meme coin project, which launched just in August of last year, has already made waves in the space, getting listed on MEXC and Bitget before hitting an all-time high in price following the announcement of a liquidity lock and burn being put in place.

El Hippo meme 硬幣項目於去年 8 月推出,已在該領域掀起波瀾,在 MEXC 和 Bitget 上市,隨後宣布實施流動性鎖定和銷毀,其價格創下歷史新高。到位。

El Hippo locked over $500,000 worth of HIPP in unclaimed fees on Uniswap, demonstrating to the community that the team is willing to forego potential profits for themselves for the benefit of the community. 

El Hippo 在 Uniswap 上以無人認領的費用鎖定了價值超過 50 萬美元的 HIPP,向社區表明該團隊願意為了社區的利益而放棄自己的潛在利潤。

You might also like: El Hippo burns $150,000 worth of HIPP

您可能還喜歡:El Hippo 燃燒了價值 150,000 美元的 HIPP

The team has pledged to lock the contract for four months, unlock it, burn the fees, and repeat the cycle indefinitely. These regular token burns, in which tokens are permanently removed from circulation, create the exact deflationary burn mechanism that underpins Bitcoin.


El Hippo also issues regular rewards via the project’s Zealy campaign, which has proven instrumental in catalyzing price growth.

El Hippo 也透過該專案的 Zealy 活動定期發放獎勵,事實證明這對於促進價格成長發揮了重要作用。

El Hippo in 2024

2024 年的河馬

With regular airdrops, Zealy from where users are paid every two weeks, multiple exchange listings, the liquidity lock, and announcements that HIPP can now be spent as cash via Ivendpay, the project may dominate the meme coin sphere. 

透過定期空投、每兩週向用戶支付一次的 Zealy、多個交易所上市、流動性鎖定以及 HIPP 現在可以透過 Ivendpay 作為現金使用的公告,該項目可能會主導 meme 幣領域。

Many online analysts are now speculating whether or not El Hippo is undervalued and oversold.

許多線上分析師現在都在猜測 El Hippo 是否被低估和超賣。

As with anything in crypto, there are no guarantees, and as a small-cap coin, El Hippo is a high-risk investment with high levels of volatility. Even so, this volatility is why some investors are exploring HIPP.

與加密貨幣中的任何事物一樣,沒有任何保證,並且作為一種小盤貨幣,El Hippo 是一種高風險投資,具有高波動性。即便如此,這種波動性也是一些投資人探索 HIPP 的原因。

Read more: Meme coin roundup: El Hippo, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin trending below monthly high

了解更多:Meme 幣綜述:El Hippo、Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 趨勢低於月度高點

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披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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