首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Mollars (MOLLARS) 和狗狗幣,2024 年值得密切關注的兩種加密貨幣

Mollars (MOLLARS) & Dogecoin, Two Cryptocurrencies to Watch Closely in 2024

Mollars (MOLLARS) 和狗狗幣,2024 年值得密切關注的兩種加密貨幣

發布: 2024/01/16 06:11 閱讀: 476



Mollars (MOLLARS) 和狗狗幣,2024 年值得密切關注的兩種加密貨幣

The Mollars token presale was red-hot for the last 7 days. It capped off the last 6 days with over 500,000 tokens sold to crypto investors. The sales came after different crypto communities discussed details of how Mollars is a solution to the outrageous Bitcoin fee.  Several media outlets reported on the store-of-value token after the buzz began. Now, a crypto analyst, who reviewed Mollars whitepaper details and market data related to its target audience, has estimated the token will reach $10 in value this year.

Mollars 代幣預售在過去 7 天非常火爆。過去 6 天,向加密貨幣投資者出售了超過 50 萬枚代幣。此次銷售是在不同的加密貨幣社群討論 Mollars 如何解決比特幣費用過高的細節之後進行的。熱議開始後,多家媒體通報了這種價值儲存代幣。現在,一位加密貨幣分析師在審查了 Mollar 白皮書詳細資訊和與其目標受眾相關的市場數據後估計,今年該代幣的價值將達到 10 美元。

That predicted price would give ICO investors of the Bitcoin rival a +2122% ROI yield.    Each token purchased today would increase in value by US$9.55, making portfolios look plush green.

這項預測價格將為比特幣競爭對手的 ICO 投資者帶來 +2122% 的投資報酬率。今天購買的每個代幣的價值將增加 9.55 美元,使投資組合看起來更綠色。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Investors Lost Their Money — All Bad

柴犬 (SHIB) 投資者賠錢——一切都很糟糕

Put into perspective, in 2023 very few crypto traders saw such gains from holding. Most Shiba Inu (SHIB) investors lost money on the year if holding from January 1st through December. There was the opportunity to cash out for a slight profit in February but nothing close to the Mollars presale token prediction.

客觀來看,到 2023 年,很少有加密貨幣交易者能從持有中獲得如此大的收益。如果從 1 月 1 日到 12 月持有,大多數柴犬 (SHIB) 投資者在這一年都會虧損。 2 月有機會套現以獲得微薄利潤,但與 Mollar 預售代幣的預測相差甚遠。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Investors Prospered in 2023 With ~100% ROI Yield Opportunities

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 投資者在 2023 年蓬勃發展,投資報酬率約 100%

Dogecoin (DOGE), the 10th most popular cryptocurrency today, had a better year than Shiba Inu. The Elon Musk-catalyzed memecoin saw a lot of volatility in 2023, making it an opportunity for crypto traders who studied historical price points. In October the price fell to US$0.579 before rising to US$0.1018 on December 12th. It was the biggest ROI yield for investors in 2023, nearly a full 100% gain.   

狗狗幣(DOGE)是當今第十大最受歡迎的加密貨幣,今年比柴犬表現更好。馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 催化的 memecoin 在 2023 年經歷了很大的波動,這對於研究歷史價格點的加密貨幣交易者來說是一個機會。 10 月價格跌至 0.579 美元,12 月 12 日昇至 0.1018 美元。這是 2023 年投資者最大的投資報酬率,接近 100% 的收益。

Dogecoin (DOGE) definitely outperformed Shiba Inu (SHIB) in a mere 3-month window, but traders still had to predict the right dates to make these trades come out on top. There were 3 dips in the trading year and 3 corrections that brought the price back up, making the chances of a solid win more likely but still, the best trader’s yields were still only a fraction of what Mollars is predicted to reach.

在短短 3 個月的時間裡,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的表現絕對優於柴犬 (SHIB),但交易者仍然必須預測正確的日期才能使這些交易脫穎而出。該交易年度中出現了 3 次下跌和 3 次調整,導致價格回升,這使得獲得穩定盈利的可能性更大,但最佳交易者的收益率仍然只是 Mollar 預計達到的收益率的一小部分。

Pepe (PEPE) Was the Big Winner of 2023 But…

佩佩 (PEPE) 是 2023 年的大贏家,但是…

The biggest token of the 2023 year was not Dogecoin either. It was instead a memecoin token called ‘Pepe.’ Inspired by a viral frog image, it skipped the ICO process and went straight to exchanges for US$0.000000001.    

2023 年最大的代幣也不是狗狗幣。相反,它是一種名為“Pepe”的 memecoin 代幣。受到病毒青蛙圖像的啟發,它跳過了 ICO 流程,直接以 0.000000001 美元的價格進入交易所。

On May 25th of last year, Pepe (PEPE) went hyper-parabolic and the token’s price hit an all-time high reaching US$0.00000431. This was a +430,000% surge in price and yield on early investors in the token.  

去年5月25日,Pepe(PEPE)出現超拋物線走勢,代幣價格創下歷史新高,達到0.00000431美元。對於早期投資者來說,該代幣的價格和收益率飆升了 430,000%。

Mollars (MOLLARS) ROI Yields Predicted To Be Higher Than Pepe, Doge, & SHIB

Mollars (MOLLARS) 投資回報率預計將高於 Pepe、Doge 和 SHIB

While Pepe’s ROI last year beats the prediction for Mollars token’s future value of $10, this year is a different year.  Pepe token too has seen its peak and the golden days of the coin are gone. That aside from the fact that $MOLLARS tokens will actually have value and utility as a solution to Bitcoin’s fees which affect hundreds of millions of crypto traders, is why Mollars will likely yield much greater ROIs than Pepe at this point.

雖然 Pepe 去年的投資回報率超過了 Mollars 代幣未來價值 10 美元的預測,但今年是不同的一年。 Pepe 代幣也已經達到了頂峰,代幣的黃金時代已經一去不復返了。除了 $MOLLARS 代幣實際上具有價值和實用性之外,它可以作為影響數億加密貨幣交易者的比特幣費用的解決方案,這就是為什麼 Mollars 目前可能會比 Pepe 產生更高的投資回報率。

While that +430,000% surge sounds great, there are already predictions about $MOLLARS tokens’ value going parabolic if the crypto brand’s whitepaper plan is carried out properly. If demand is maintained for Mollars, as a limited supply deflationary token, it could rise nearly +10,000,000% over the next 10 years. This prediction is based on historical data from its main rival, Bitcoin, and if Mollars can see a similar demand for its smaller supply.

雖然 430,000% 的飆升聽起來不錯,但已經有預測稱,如果該加密貨幣品牌的白皮書計劃得到正確執行,$MOLLARS 代幣的價值將呈拋物線增長。如果對 Mollar 的需求保持不變,作為一種供應有限的通貨緊縮代幣,它可能在未來 10 年內上漲近 10,000,000%。這項預測是基於其主要競爭對手比特幣的歷史數據,以及莫拉爾斯是否能看到對其較小供應量的類似需求。

Predicted Two Best Cryptos To Invest Into Now For 2024

預測 2024 年最值得投資的兩種加密貨幣

Overall, the big prediction for 2024 is that Mollars & Dogecoin become solid investments. Of the 4 cryptocurrencies, these two will likely be the only ones in the group to provide value to traders.

Dogecoin, with Elon Musk’s support, is sure to see similar gains as last year, but expectations are much higher as X [formerly Twitter] could begin using the memecoin for their upcoming payment system. Also, the $DOGE token has a globally recognized brand and that sort of brand value can help any business move forward.    

整體而言,2024 年的重大預測是 Mollar 和狗狗幣將成為可靠的投資。在4 種加密貨幣中,這兩種可能是該組中唯一為交易者提供價值的加密貨幣。在馬斯克的支持下,狗狗幣肯定會看到與去年類似的收益,但預期比X [前Twitter] 高得多可以開始將 memecoin 用於他們即將推出的支付系統。此外,$DOGE 代幣擁有全球認可的品牌,這種品牌價值可以幫助任何企業向前發展。

But one action speaking loudly of $DOGE holders, they are migrating to the Mollars initial coin offering — the biggest prospect.

但對於 DOGE 持有者來說,有一項行動是他們正在轉向 Mollar 首次代幣發行——這是最大的前景。

Mollars token, the Bitcoin for Ethereum-Blockchain users, is a store of value token that can grow to astronomical heights if the demand is there. The low total supply of 10 million will allow traders to hold the token and lower the risk of losing money to global economic swings.   

Mollars 代幣,即以太坊區塊鏈用戶的比特幣,是一種價值儲存代幣,如果有需求,它可以增長到天文數字的高度。 1000 萬枚的低總供應量將使交易者能夠持有該代幣,並降低因全球經濟波動而虧損的風險。

Also, 100% of the $MOLLARS tokens will be put into the crypto market exchange as the cryptocurrency will have no owner. Neither the creator nor developers behind it will be ‘gifted’ or keep tokens for free, which could swing market prices heavily as has happened with Shiba Inu (SHIB), Solana (SOL), and others.

此外,由於加密貨幣沒有所有者,因此 100% 的 $MOLLARS 代幣將投入加密貨幣市場交易所。其背後的創建者和開發者都不會“有天賦”,也不會免費保留代幣,這可能會嚴重影響市場價格,就像Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Solana (SOL) 等公司發生的情況一樣。

The sky’s the limit for the Mollars token value, so be sure to keep an eye on the Mollars.com token presale and watch how it grows. Also, keep an eye open for the latest news on Dogecoin.

Mollars 代幣的價值是無限的,因此請務必關注 Mollars.com 代幣預售並觀察其增長情況。另外,請密切關注狗狗幣的最新消息。

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