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Dogecoin Dazzle: Netflix Director’s $4 Million Bet Turns Into $27 Million

狗狗幣炫目:Netflix 導演 400 萬美元的賭注變成了 2700 萬美元

發布: 2023/11/23 16:32 閱讀: 396



In an audacious financial play, Carl Erik Rinsch, the director of Netflix’s sci-fi series “Conquest,” reportedly magnified a $4 million investment in Dogecoin to a whopping $27 million. This unexpected windfall is part of a larger, dramatic narrative involving Rinsch’s handling of the series’ budget.

據報道,在一部大膽的金融劇中,Netflix 科幻劇集《征服》的導演卡爾·埃里克·林什 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 將狗狗幣的 400 萬美元投資擴大到了高達 2700 萬美元。這筆意外之財是林奇對該劇預算處理的更大、更戲劇化的故事的一部分。

Dogecoin Windfall And Extravagant Expenditure


Rinsch’s journey into the crypto realm began after he faced significant losses in the stock market. Financial records show that after receiving an additional $11 million from Netflix to support “Conquest,” Rinsch allocated $10.5 million to stock market ventures, primarily in pharmaceutical companies and the S&P 500. These risky options trades resulted in a loss of nearly $6 million in just a few weeks, leaving him with a little over $4 million.

Rinsch 在股市遭受重大損失後開始了進入加密貨幣領域的旅程。財務記錄顯示,在從Netflix 額外獲得1,100 萬美元用於支持《征服》後,林奇向股票市場投資(主要是製藥公司和標準普爾500 指數)分配了1,050 萬美元。這些高風險的選擇權交易僅導致了近600 萬美元的損失。幾週後,他只剩下略多於 400 萬美元的資金。

In a bold pivot, Rinsch transferred the remaining funds to the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken, where he invested heavily in Dogecoin, a then-emerging digital currency inspired by an internet meme. His investment coincided with an extraordinary surge in Dogecoin’s value, culminating in him cashing out around $27 million in May 2021, as evidenced by an account statement seen by the Times.

林奇大膽地將剩餘資金轉移到加密貨幣交易所 Kraken,在那裡他大量投資了狗狗幣,這是一種受網路迷因啟發的當時新興的數位貨幣。他的投資恰逢狗狗幣價值大幅飆升,最終他在 2021 年 5 月兌現了約 2,700 萬美元,《紐約時報》看到的一份帳戶報表證明了這一點。

Following this success, Rinsch reportedly expressed his gratitude in an online chat with a Kraken representative, saying, “Thank you and god bless crypto.” However, Rinsch’s windfall quickly translated into extravagant spending.

據報道,在這一成功之後,Rinsch 在與 Kraken 代表的在線聊天中表達了他的感激之情,他說:“謝謝你,上帝保佑加密貨幣。”然而,林什的意外之財很快就轉化為奢侈的支出。

He embarked on a lavish spree, purchasing five Rolls-Royces, a Ferrari, a high-priced Vacheron Constantin watch valued at $387,630, and an assortment of luxury furniture and designer clothing. The total expenditure amounted to $8.7 million, as determined by a forensic accountant hired by Ms. Rosés, Rinsch’s then-wife.

他開始了奢侈的狂歡,買了五輛勞斯萊斯、一輛法拉利、一塊價值387,6​​30美元的高價江詩丹頓手錶,以及各種豪華家具和名牌服裝。根據 Rinsch 時任妻子 Rosés 女士聘請的法務會計確定,總支出為 870 萬美元。

The spending raised suspicions during Rinsch’s acrimonious divorce from Ms. Rosés. Her legal team speculated that these purchases might be an attempt to conceal his cryptocurrency profits. In response, Rinsch claimed in a deposition that these items were props for “Conquest,” funded by Netflix’s production money.

在林什與羅塞斯女士激烈離婚期間,這些支出引起了懷疑。她的法律團隊推測這些購買可能是為了隱藏他的加密貨幣利潤。作為回應,林什在一份證詞中聲稱,這些物品是《征服》的道具,由 Netflix 的製作資金資助。

“Conquest” Is Written Off


Remarkably, Rinsch’s financial upswing stands in sharp contrast to the fate of “Conquest.” Netflix, having invested over $55 million in the series, has yet to receive a single completed episode.

值得注意的是,林奇的經濟繁榮與「征服」的命運形成鮮明對比。 Netflix 在該劇上投資了超過 5500 萬美元,但尚未收到任何完整的劇集。

Rinsch’s unconventional financial maneuvers and erratic behavior during the production have led to a standoff with Netflix. The streaming giant is now embroiled in a confidential arbitration process with Rinsch, who claims a breach of contract and seeks at least $14 million in damages. Netflix, contesting these claims, views Rinsch’s demands as unfounded.

林什在製作過程中非常規的財務策略和古怪的行為導致了與 Netflix 的對峙。這家串流媒體巨頭現在捲入了與 Rinsch 的保密仲裁程序,Rinsch 聲稱違反合同,並尋求至少 1400 萬美元的損失賠償。 Netflix 對這些說法提出質疑,認為林許的要求毫無根據。

Thomas Cherian, a spokesman for Netflix, highlighted the company’s extensive support for Rinsch’s series, noting the eventual decision to write off the project due to the realization that Rinsch was not on track to complete it.

Netflix 發言人 Thomas Cherian 強調了該公司對林奇系列的廣泛支持,並指出,由於意識到林奇無法按計劃完成該項目,最終決定取消該項目。

At press time, DOGE traded at $0.0755.

截至發稿時,DOGE 交易價格為 0.0755 美元。


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