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Dogecoin Developer Delivers Urgent Warning To DOGE Community

狗狗幣開發商向 DOGE 社群發出緊急警告

發布: 2023/11/29 06:33 閱讀: 634



With crypto scams growing daily in the space, it is becoming increasingly important to implement proper security measures. As a result, Dogecoin developer, Mishaboar has sent out precautionary security messages to DOGE community members. 

隨著加密貨幣詐騙在該領域日益增多,實施適當的安全措施變得越來越重要。因此,狗狗幣開發商 Mishaboar 已向 DOGE 社群成員發送了預防性安全訊息。

Urgent Warning To DOGE Users

向 DOGE 用戶發出緊急警告

Dogecoin Chief Developer, Mishaboar has recently taken to X (formerly Twitter), to deliver an urgent warning to new members of the DOGE community. Mishaboar emphasized that new users should diligently adhere to privacy and security protocols when using social media to avoid falling prey to scam attacks. 

狗狗幣首席開發人員 Mishaboar 最近在 X(以前的 Twitter)上向 DOGE 社群的新成員發出緊急警告。 Mishaboar 強調,新用戶在使用社群媒體時應嚴格遵守隱私和安全協議,以避免成為詐騙攻擊的受害者。

“Dear Dogecoin, this is a warning for newbies (hopefully). NEVER share private information or send money (!!!) to “influencers” promising you access to special channels on Telegram,” Mishaboar stated.

「親愛的狗狗幣,這是對新手的警告(希望如此)。切勿與承諾您可以存取 Telegram 上特殊頻道的「影響者」分享私人資訊或匯款(!!!)。」Mishaboar 表示。

He added:


“These kinds of scams are more and more common, and come from X handles that might even happen to have very big and popular crypto accounts following them. Having well-known followers (who, by the way, might be scammers themselves) is no proof or guarantee of legitimacy. In fact, keep this in mind: Telegram = Hell.” 

「這類詐騙越來越常見,並且來自 X 帳號,這些帳號甚至可能碰巧有非常大且流行的加密貨幣帳戶關注它們。擁有知名追隨者(順便說一句,他們自己也可能是騙子)並不能證明或保證合法性。事實上,請記住這一點:電報 = 地獄。”

Following his warning, multiple community members have attested to the increasing number of scam attempts targeting crypto users on social media platforms like X, Telegram, and Discord.

在他發出警告後,多名社群成員證實,X、Telegram 和 Discord 等社群媒體平台上針對加密貨幣用戶的詐騙嘗試數量不斷增加。

Mishaboar has also cautioned against sharing private information with suspicious individuals on Discord, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and implementing security practices to safeguard their identities and digital assets. 

Mishaboar 也警告不要在 Discord 上與可疑個人分享私人訊息,強調保持警惕並實施安全措施以保護其身分和數位資產的重要性。

Dogecoin Developer Targeted By Impersonators


Before his recent warning, Mishaboar has consistently been a prime target for impersonators on X. According to the Dogecoin developer, these impostors have created social media accounts that mimic his feeds and give out wrong information to DOGE community members.

在他最近發出警告之前,Mishaboar 一直是X 上冒充者的主要目標。根據狗狗幣開發者的說法,這些冒名頂替者創建了模仿他的動態的社交媒體帳戶,並向DOGE 社區成員提供錯誤訊息。

Mishaboar has alerted the crypto community through X, urging users to report and steer clear of accounts impersonating his social media identity. Additionally, he has also called out the support team on X to restrict these impostor accounts and enhance security measures to prevent future scam attempts.

Mishaboar 透過 X 向加密社群發出警報,敦促用戶舉報並避開冒充其社群媒體身分的帳號。此外,他還呼籲 X 的支援團隊限制這些冒名頂替者帳戶並加強安全措施,以防止未來的詐騙企圖。

“These impersonators keep popping up, and it is getting more difficult to shut them down. I think this is because they are now using old accounts, which they hack or buy and then rename and use to copy my feed. Shouldn’t it be easy for Support to verify that an account is copying the feed of another one (and usually also trying to DM dozens of users at the same time)?” Mishaboar stated.


He lamented the magnitude of the problem and how rapidly it has grown, saying “This is becoming a big problem, and sooner or later some newbie will fall for this. To make things worse, they are also directly targeting the Dogecoin community, full of people new to crypto (and scammers).”



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