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Solana-Based Dogecoin Rival Rallies After Suprise Listing on Crypto Exchange KuCoin

基於 Solana 的狗狗幣競爭對手在加密貨幣交易所 KuCoin 意外上市後反彈

發布: 2023/11/29 06:39 閱讀: 947



基於 Solana 的狗狗幣競爭對手在加密貨幣交易所 KuCoin 意外上市後反彈

A memecoin rivaling the likes of Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) built on the Solana (SOL) blockchain is rallying on a new major listing.

一種建立在 Solana (SOL) 區塊鏈上的可與狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬幣 (SHIB) 相媲美的模因幣正在新的主要上市中反彈。

KuCoin, the sixth largest crypto exchange by trading volume and known for supporting “altcoin gems” listed Bonk (BONK) yesterday on its platform.

KuCoin 是按交易量計算第六大加密貨幣交易所,以支援「山寨幣寶石」而聞名,Bonk (BONK) 昨天在其平台上上市。




According to the announcement, BONK trading begins today, with BONK withdrawals being allowed as early as tomorrow.


“BONK was launched as a massive Christmas airdrop to the Solana community at the end of 2022, almost marking the exact bottom of Solana’s price & sentiment.

「BONK 於 2022 年底作為大規模聖誕空投向 Solana 社區推出,幾乎標誌著 Solana 價格和情緒的確切底部。

In the months since launch BONK has recently achieved an all-time high of 480k unique holders, making it one of the most widely distributed tokens on Solana. Over 100 apps use BONK.

自推出以來的幾個月內,BONK 最近創下了 48 萬獨立持有者的歷史新高,使其成為 Solana 上分佈最廣泛的代幣之一。超過 100 個應用程式使用 BONK。

BONK’s mission is to reward loyal Solana users and power apps that are ‘Only possible on Solana’.

BONK 的使命是獎勵忠實的 Solana 用戶和「只能在 Solana 上實現」的強大應用程式。

It has remained the most traded token on Solana after Solana itself and USDC for most days since the start of the year.”

自今年年初以來的大部分時間裡,它一直是 Solana 上交易量最大的代幣,僅次於 Solana 本身和 USDC。”

As early as January of this year, the head of strategy and communications at the Solana Foundation, Austin Federa, said Bonk is fostering a strong community as active addresses on the Solana network are up.

早在今年 1 月,Solana 基金會策略和傳播主管 Austin Federa 就表示,隨著 Solana 網路上活躍地址的增加,Bonk 正在培育一個強大的社區。

BONK’s price action has gone bonkers since, exploding 14.6% in the last 24 hours. The dog-themed token is worth $0.000004 at time of writing.

此後,BONK 的價格走勢變得瘋狂,在過去 24 小時內暴漲 14.6%。截至撰寫本文時,以狗為主題的代幣價值為 0.000004 美元。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/solana-based-dogecoin-rival-rallies-after-suprise-listing-on-crypto-exchange-kucoin-tbt71963.html



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