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Dogecoin Developer Drops Hint About Major Update in Works


發布: 2024/02/27 06:40 閱讀: 430




Dog-themed cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) is now much closer to the launch of a new core upgrade that will boost its performance and usability. The update, Dogecoin Core 1.14.7, contains many bug fixes and security improvements.

以狗為主題的加密貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)現在距離推出新的核心升級更近了,這將提高其性能和可用性。此次更新 Dogecoin Core 1.14.7 包含許多錯誤修復和安全性改進。

The final phase of the update, which is expected to be released soon, was highlighted by Dogecoin developer Patrick Lodder on X (formerly Twitter), who posted  "entering the final stage of the Dogecoin Core 1.14.7 release plan," while noting what remains for the upgrade to sail.

狗狗幣開發者帕特里克·洛德(Patrick Lodder) 在X(以前稱為Twitter)上強調了預計即將發布的更新的最後階段,他發布了“進入狗狗幣核心1.14.7 發布計劃的最後階段”,同時指出了哪些內容仍有待升級啟航。

Inevitable 360, a Dogecoin developer, tweeted a screenshot of the milestone window for the upgrade 1.14.7, which showed the progress of the update and the words "97% Complete, Dogecoin Core 1.14.7 next update."

狗狗幣開發商Inevitable 360​​在推特上發布了升級1.14.7的里程碑視窗的截圖,其中顯示了更新進度以及「97%完成,狗狗幣核心1.14.7下次更新」的字樣。

While excitement remains for this new upgrade, which would contain essential bug and security fixes, the 1.21 release has been the target for a major Dogecoin core upgrade for the past three years.

雖然這次新升級仍然令人興奮,其中將包含必要的錯誤和安全修復,但 1.21 版本一直是過去三年主要狗狗幣核心升級的目標。

As mentioned by Patrick Lodder in a Dogecoin forum post, the idea of the 1.14.7 upgrade is that it will be easy to transition to the 1.15 version whenever it is released, as well as remove some constraints to focus on more important work.

正如 Patrick Lodder 在狗狗幣論壇帖子中提到的,1.14.7 升級的想法是,無論何時發布,都可以輕鬆過渡到 1.15 版本,並消除一些限制,以便專注於更重要的工作。

Entering the final stage of the Dogecoin Core 1.14.7 release plan.Open items that still need your help to get approval within the next 48h:- French-Canadian translation- Arabic translation- Updated WSL build guideLinks 👇 - thank you in advance ❤️

進入狗狗幣核心1.14.7 發布計劃的最後階段。在接下來的48 小時內仍需要您幫助獲得批准的開放項目:- 法語-加拿大翻譯- 阿拉伯語翻譯- 更新的WSL 構建指南鏈接👇 - 提前感謝❤️

— Your Friend (@patricklodder) February 25, 2024

- 你的朋友 (@patricklodder) 2024 年 2 月 25 日

Libdogecoin 0.1.3, released earlier in February, was the culmination of a year's worth of work spent testing and developing the library, adding various new features, including several from community members, such as support for Android.

Libdogecoin 0.1.3 於二月初發布,是該庫一年的測試和開發工作的結晶,添加了各種新功能,其中包括一些來自社區成員的功能,例如對 Android 的支持。

Going forward in 2024, Dogecoin's core C library, Libdogecoin, is expected to expand its Python and Go language bindings as well as explore additional capabilities.

展望 2024 年,Dogecoin 的核心 C 函式庫 Libdogecoin 預計將擴展其 Python 和 Go 語言綁定,並探索其他功能。

GigaWallet, a prominent backend service for Dogecoin businesses, is set to expand shopping cart integration and offer user-friendly APIs in 2024.

GigaWallet 是狗狗幣企業的重要後端服務,計劃於 2024 年擴大購物車整合並提供用戶友好的 API。

The Dogecoin Foundation says its goals for 2024 include improving existing projects, launching new initiatives like DogeBox and increasing team and community participation.

狗狗幣基金會表示,其 2024 年的目標包括改進現有項目、推出 DogeBox 等新措施以及提高團隊和社區的參與度。


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