首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣開發商向 DOGE 社區發出重大警報

Dogecoin Developer Raises Major Alert to DOGE Community

狗狗幣開發商向 DOGE 社區發出重大警報

發布: 2023/08/03 03:00 閱讀: 335



Dogecoin has garnered significant attention and inspired the emergence of numerous other animal-themed coins in the crypto market. While early adopters and investors enjoyed considerable profits, the current situation for DOGE appears to be less favorable.

狗狗幣引起了極大的關注,並激發了加密市場上許多其他動物主題硬幣的出現。雖然早期採用者和投資者獲得了可觀的利潤,但 DOGE 目前的情況似乎不太有利。

Also read: Dogecoin Eyes $0.1 Milestone, What’s Hindering the Surge?

另請閱讀:狗狗幣著眼於 0.1 美元里程碑,是什麼阻礙了它的飆升?

Amidst the plunging prices, the Dogecoin community also has something else to worry about. A key DOGE developer, Mishaboar, has recently asked the DOGE community to stay cautious of the growing DOGE impersonators.

在價格暴跌的同時,狗狗幣社群還有其他事情需要擔心。 DOGE 的主要開發者 Mishaboar 最近要求 DOGE 社群對不斷增長的 DOGE 模仿者保持警惕。

Dogecoin dev asks users to stay cautious


In a recent major alert to the Dogecoin community by Mishaboar, concerns have been raised over the proliferation of tokens carrying the “Doge” name on various blockchain networks. With claims of locked liquidity, renounced contracts, and “doxxed” teams, these tokens may appear legitimate at first glance. However, experts caution that many are the work of scam artists.

Mishaboar 最近向狗狗幣社群發出了一份重大警報,人們對各種區塊鏈網路上帶有「Doge」名稱的代幣激增表示擔憂。由於聲稱鎖定流動性、放棄合約和「人肉搜尋」團隊,這些代幣乍看之下似乎是合法的。然而,專家警告說,許多都是騙子的作品。

The dev mentioned that as the popularity of Dogecoin surges, scammers are capitalizing on the frenzy by launching numerous tokens with similar names to confuse and deceive unsuspecting investors. Despite claims of robust security Features like locked liquidity and renounced contracts, experts assert that these tokens are often the work of deceptive teams aiming to defraud individuals.


Also read: SEC Chair Gary Gensler Talks about Re-appealing Ripple Case

另請閱讀:SEC 主席加里·詹斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 談論重新吸引 Ripple 案件

One particular tactic used by these Dogecoin scam projects involves maintaining a large decoy wallet to look legit. While investors may believe that the team is holding their tokens without selling, the reality is quite different.


Mishaboar stated that behind the scenes, these unscrupulous actors use a network of smaller wallets, airdropped to themselves or acquired at low prices, to offload their tokens without alerting the community.


  • doge
  • 總督

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣


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