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Dogecoin (DOGE) Consolidates After Facing Rejection at This Top Resistance Point


發布: 2023/09/23 21:23 閱讀: 284



After facing rejection at the Channel Top, DOGE has been retracing, revisiting the Channel Bottom. It has successfully found support at 0.06, sparking conversations among enthusiasts and investors. Some community members have noted that the price hasn’t generated a substantial upside since finding this support, leading to varied predictions and analyses.

在通道頂部被拒絕後,DOGE 開始回撤,重新審視通道底部。它已成功找到0.06的支撐,引發了愛好者和投資者的討論。一些社區成員指出,自從找到這種支撐以來,價格並沒有產生實質的上漲,導致了不同的預測和分析。

Currently, observations indicate that DOGE is forming a Lower Low on price and a Higher Low on the Relative Strength Index (RSI). This development suggests that a new Bullish Divergence may be in the process of forming. Part of the community is optimistic about this development, believing that as long as DOGE maintains the Channel Bottom as support, this Bullish Divergence could play out well, enabling the price to revisit the Channel Top over time.

目前,觀察結果顯示 DOGE 正在形成較低的價格低點和較高的相對強弱指數 (RSI) 低點。這一發展表明,新的看漲背離可能正在形成。部分社區對這一發展持樂觀態度,認為只要 DOGE 維持通道底部作為支撐,這種看漲背離就可能發揮良好作用,使價格隨著時間的推移重新回到通道頂部。

Macro Consolidation Within the Channel


Macro-wise, DOGE is consolidating inside this Channel until further notice. Various entities and platforms involved in cryptocurrency trading and analysis closely monitor this consolidation phase. The discussions revolve around the potential outcomes of this consolidation and its impact on the future value of DOGE. Others are cautiously observing the market movements, waiting for more definitive signs of recovery before making any predictions or investment decisions.

從宏觀角度來看,DOGE 正在該頻道內盤整,直至另行通知。參與加密貨幣交易和分析的各種實體和平台密切關注這一整合階段。討論圍繞此次合併的潛在結果及其對 DOGE 未來價值的影響。其他人則謹慎觀察市場趨勢,等待更明確的復甦跡象,然後再做出任何預測或投資決定。

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The possibility of DOGE revisiting the Channel Top is a topic of keen interest. The community is divided, with some anticipating a positive outcome from the current developments while others are adopting a more cautious stance. The discussions and debates continue to evolve as DOGE navigates through the market fluctuations, with many keeping a close eye on its movements and potential trajectory.

DOGE 重登頻道頂部的可能性是人們熱衷的話題。社區存在分歧,有些人預期當前事態發展會產生正面成果,而有些人則採取更為謹慎的立場。隨著 DOGE 在市場波動中前進,討論和辯論不斷發展,許多人密切關注其走勢和潛在軌跡。

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The post Dogecoin (DOGE) Consolidates After Facing Rejection at This Top Resistance Point appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在最高阻力點面臨拒絕後整合後首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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