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Dogecoin (DOGE) Defies Downtrend in Epic Plot Twist


發布: 2024/01/30 06:16 閱讀: 649



In a surprising twist, Dogecoin (DOGE) has emerged as an unexpected hero, defying the prevailing downtrend. Per the latest data from CoinMarketCap, Dogecoin is trading at $0.08101, showcasing a remarkable increase of 1.68% in the past 24 hours. 

令人驚訝的是,狗狗幣(DOGE)成為了意想不到的英雄,挑戰了普遍的下跌趨勢。根據 CoinMarketCap 的最新數據,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.08101 美元,在過去 24 小時內大幅上漲 1.68%。

The trading volume has surged to $416.5 million, marking a notable 68.9% uptick during the same period. Notably, while other top cryptocurrencies are in the red, Dogecoin stands tall in the green zone.

交易量已飆升至 4.165 億美元,同期大幅成長 68.9%。值得注意的是,雖然其他頂級加密貨幣處於紅色區域,但狗狗幣卻在綠色區域中高高矗立。

Top 10 price chart showing DOGE resilience. Source: CoinMarketCap

顯示 DOGE 彈性的十大價格圖表。資料來源:CoinMarketCap

Dogecoin's resilience amid market turbulence


As the crypto market experiences a notable decline, Dogecoin's resilience has become a point of fascination for investors and enthusiasts alike. The driving force behind Dogecoin's bullish momentum can be attributed to X owner Elon Musk and his ambitious project, X Payments. Musk, renowned for his interest in cryptocurrencies, especially DOGE and Bitcoin (BTC), has been a key player in shaping market sentiment.

隨著加密貨幣市場的顯著下滑,狗狗幣的彈性已成為投資者和愛好者的著迷點。狗狗幣看漲勢頭背後的推動力可歸因於 X 所有者 Elon Musk 和他雄心勃勃的項目 X Payments。馬斯克因對加密貨幣特別是 DOGE 和比特幣 (BTC) 的興趣而聞名,一直是塑造市場情緒的關鍵人物。

X, formerly labeled as Twitter, recently made a move into the financial sector with the official launch of its X Payments account. Musk's commitment to this venture is highlighted by the acquisition of licenses for money operations in multiple U.S. states. In a recent interview, Musk revealed intriguing insights into the future of X, describing it as the ultimate version of what PayPal should have been.

X(原名 Twitter)最近正式進軍金融領域,正式推出 X Payments 帳號。馬斯克在美國多個州獲得貨幣營運許可證,凸顯了他對這項合資企業的承諾。在最近的一次採訪中,馬斯克透露了對 X 未來的有趣見解,將其描述為 PayPal 的終極版本。

One of the key takeaways from the conversation was Musk's announcement that the much-anticipated X payments feature is set to make its debut later this year. This revelation has undoubtedly fueled positive sentiment around Dogecoin, as it positions itself as a crucial element in Musk's grand vision for the all-encompassing X platform.

這次談話的關鍵要點之一是馬斯克宣布,備受期待的 X 支付功能將於今年稍後首次亮相。這一消息無疑激發了人們對狗狗幣的積極情緒,因為它將自己定位為馬斯克關於無所不包的 X 平台宏偉願景中的關鍵元素。

The sentiment around this venture has not cooled down, attributed to the sustained DOGE push.

由於 DOGE 的持續推動,圍繞該合資企業的情緒並未降溫。

Binance boosts Dogecoin's fortunes


Another factor that may be contributing to Dogecoin's positive signal is its recent addition to Binance's USDC-margined futures. Binance's move to integrate Dogecoin into its USDC-margined futures has added liquidity and further diversified trading options for Dogecoin enthusiasts.

可能促成狗狗幣發出正面訊號的另一個因素是它最近加入了幣安的 USDC 保證金期貨。幣安將狗狗幣納入其 USDC 保證金期貨的舉措為狗狗幣愛好者增加了流動性並進一步多元化了交易選擇。

Furthermore, Dogecoin has continued to receive support from its active community members. This sense of community and purpose has helped Dogecoin weather storms and remain popular among crypto enthusiasts.



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