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310 Million Dogecoin (DOGE) Disappears into Unknown After Robinhood News Hits

Robinhood 新聞曝光後,3.1 億狗狗幣 (DOGE) 消失得無影無蹤

發布: 2024/06/07 01:07 閱讀: 280



Robinhood 新聞曝光後,3.1 億狗狗幣 (DOGE) 消失得無影無蹤

Dogecoin Transfer Sparks Speculation Amid Robinhood Acquisition


Today, the cryptocurrency space has been abuzz with intrigue following the transfer of a substantial 310 million Dogecoin (DOGE), valued at $51.07 million. Data from Whale Alert has revealed this movement from address "DEgDV" to "DDuXG," igniting speculation within the Dogecoin community.

如今,在價值 5,107 萬美元的 3.1 億狗狗幣 (DOGE) 轉讓之後,加密貨幣領域充滿了陰謀。來自 Whale Alert 的數據揭示了地址從“DEgDV”到“DDuXG”的這一變化,引發了狗狗幣社區的猜測。

The transfer's potential connection to Robinhood, the esteemed U.S.-based brokerage firm, has garnered significant attention. Sources suggest that the sender's address, holding 30.97 billion DOGE, worth $5.07 billion, may be associated with Robinhood. The recipient address now holds 2.14 billion DOGE, valued at $350 million.

此次轉讓與美國著名經紀公司 Robinhood 的潛在聯繫引起了廣泛關注。有消息稱,發送者的地址持有 309.7 億個 DOGE,價值 50.7 億美元,可能與 Robinhood 有關。接收地址目前持有 21.4 億個 DOGE,價值 3.5 億美元。

This transfer has coincided with Robinhood's recent announcement of its planned acquisition of Bitstamp, a reputable European cryptocurrency exchange, for approximately $200 million in cash. This acquisition, projected to be completed by the first half of 2025, has added another intriguing dimension to the narrative.

此次轉讓恰逢 Robinhood 最近宣布計劃以約 2 億美元現金收購歐洲著名加密貨幣交易所 Bitstamp。此次收購預計將於 2025 年上半年完成,為故事增添了另一個有趣的維度。

This substantial transfer marks a significant event in Dogecoin's history, with the sender's address emerging as the largest DOGE holder, controlling approximately 23.4% of the total supply. The wallet's inception in May 2023 aligns with Dogecoin's surge in popularity, particularly on platforms like Robinhood, which welcomed numerous novice cryptocurrency investors.

這次大規模轉移標誌著狗狗幣歷史上的重大事件,發送者地址成為最大的狗狗幣持有者,控制著總供應量的約 23.4%。該錢包於 2023 年 5 月推出,恰逢狗狗幣人氣飆升,尤其是在 Robinhood 等平台上,該平台吸引了許多加密貨幣新手投資者。

As major market acquisitions and large-scale movements continue to shape the landscape, all eyes are focused on how this narrative will influence the price of DOGE in the near future.

隨著主要市場收購和大規模變動繼續塑造格局,所有人的目光都集中在這種敘事將如何影響 DOGE 在不久的將來的價格。


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