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Dogecoin (DOGE) Iconic Meme Dog Turns 18: Details

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 標誌性模因狗 18 歲了:詳細信息

發布: 2023/11/03 00:14 閱讀: 973



Kabosu, the original Dogecoin dog, has turned 18. Kabosu is the real-life dog who inspired the famous meme culture and cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin.

最初的狗狗幣狗 Kabosu 已經 18 歲了。Kabosu 是現實生活中的狗,它激發了著名的迷因文化和狗狗幣等加密貨幣。

In a tweet, the Dogecoin Foundation celebrates this remarkable milestone. The milestone is being celebrated as the Dogecoin Foundation recalls that around this time in the past year the famed meme dog had a health scare.


Raising funds to commemorate Kabosu when she had a health scare last year was an incredible time. The Doge & Dogecoin communities from around the internet came together.Amazing to see statue become a reality with @kabosumama and everyone else on Kabosu's 18th birthday! https://t.co/rbG0MP6EhM

去年卡博蘇因健康問題而籌集資金來紀念她是一段令人難以置信的時光。來自網路各地的狗狗和狗狗幣社群齊聚一堂。在 Kabosu 18 歲生日那天,與 @kabosumama 和其他人一起看到雕像成為現實,真是太棒了! https://t.co/rbG0MP6EhM

— Dogecoin Foundation (@DogecoinFdn) November 2, 2023

— 狗狗幣基金會 (@DogecoinFdn) 2023 年 11 月 2 日

In commemoration of the 18th birthday, Kabosu's bronze statue has been unveiled in Sakura City, Japan. Fans of Kabosu, the famed Shiba Inu dog, gathered funds for the statue last year.

為紀念18歲生日,卡博蘇銅像在日本佐倉市揭幕。著名的柴犬卡博蘇 (Kabosu) 的粉絲去年為這座雕像籌集了資金。

SBI VC Trade, the SBI Group's crypto exchange branch, is asking members of the Japanese crypto community to take part in a festive campaign to commemorate Kabosu's birthday.

SBI 集團的加密貨幣交易所分支機構 SBI VC Trade 正在邀請日本加密貨幣社區的成員參加紀念 Kabosu 生日的節日活動。

Kabosu's birthday is being celebrated by SBI VC Trade with a "doggie campaign." Orders of 50,000 yen or more will receive 1% of the contract value as DOGE and SHIB rewards.

SBI VC Trade 透過「狗狗活動」慶祝 Kabosu 的生日。 5萬日圓以上的訂單將獲得合約價值的1%作為DOGE和SHIB獎勵。

The "doge" meme's popularity came to light in December 2013, when two programmers launched Dogecoin as a tongue-in-cheek response to Bitcoin that reflected the internet's love of animal memes.

「doge」表情包的流行於 2013 年 12 月曝光,當時兩名程式設計師推出了狗狗幣,作為對比特幣的半開玩笑回應,反映了網路對動物表情包的熱愛。

Dogecoin was founded as a "joke" by software programmers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer to mock the wild speculation in cryptocurrencies at the time. It is regarded as the first "meme coin" as well as the first "dog coin."


Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, is a fan, branding himself "The Dogefather" after years of being affiliated with the dog-themed cryptocurrency.

特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)是一名粉絲,在與狗主題的加密貨幣有多年聯繫後,他將自己稱為「狗父」。

At the time of writing, Dogecoin was up 1.80% in the last 24 hours to $0.068, per CoinMarketCap data. 

根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣在過去 24 小時內上漲 1.80%,至 0.068 美元。


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