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Dogecoin: How Many DOGE Millionaires Were Added in 2023?

狗狗幣:2023 年新增了多少 DOGE 百萬富翁?

發布: 2023/12/21 15:09 閱讀: 245



Despite its volatility, 2023 has proven to be an overall positive year for Dogecoin. The meme coin pioneer saw nearly 22% added to its overall value over the course of the year, which led to an increase in large holdings of the asset. Yet, when it comes to Dogecoin growth, just how many DOGE millionaires were added in 2023?

儘管波動較大,但 2023 年對於狗狗幣來說總體上是積極的一年。這一米姆幣先驅的整體價值在一年內增加了近 22%,這導致該資產的大量持有量增加。然而,說到狗狗幣的成長,2023 年到底增加了多少狗狗幣百萬富翁?

The number of millionaires of a specific asset showcases which wallets possess at least a million of that asset. These large holdings for specific individuals can speak to the overall health of the market and the asset specifically. In the case of DOGE, the figure represents its growth trajectory amid the overall market.

特定資產的百萬富翁數量顯示了哪些錢包擁有至少一百萬該資產。特定個人的這些大量持有可以具體說明市場和資產的整體健康狀況。就 DOGE 而言,該數字代表了其在整個市場中的成長軌跡。

Also Read: Dogecoin Founder Had Another Crypto Project Before 2014; What Happened to It?

另請閱讀:Dogecoin 創始人在 2014 年之前還有另一個加密項目;這是怎麼回事?

Dogecoin Millionaires Grow in 2023

狗狗幣百萬富翁數量將在 2023 年增長

There is little argument to be made against the prevalence of Dogecoin in the meme coin market. Moreover, the asset has become one of the most well-known digital assets within the industry in general. Subsequently, 2023 has seen rather interesting growth that has led to an overall increase in Dogecoin (DOGE) millionaires in 2023.

狗狗幣在迷因幣市場上的流行是無可爭議的。此外,該資產已成為業界最知名的數位資產之一。隨後,2023 年出現了相當有趣的增長,導致 2023 年狗狗幣 (DOGE) 百萬富翁數量總體增加。

According to data from Finbold, Doge has seen a significant increase in $1 million DOGE holders in 2023. Specifically, the year saw a total of 718 wallets, which is up from 716 that were present after 2022. However, there is a rather large growth represented in even greater holdings.

Finbold 的數據顯示,2023 年,Doge 的 100 萬美元 DOGE 持有者大幅增加。具體來說,這一年共有 718 個錢包,比 2022 年之後的 716 個有所增加。但增長幅度相當大代表了更大的持股。

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When observing the wallets that hold more than $10 million DOGE, the current figure is 107 addresses. However, this is a rather stark increase from the 79 wallets that were reported after last year. Moreover, that information becomes significant considering the number of DOGE it represents.

當觀察持有超過 1000 萬美元 DOGE 的錢包時,目前的數字是 107 個地址。然而,與去年之後報告的 79 個錢包相比,這是一個相當明顯的成長。此外,考慮到它所代表的 DOGE 數量,這些資訊變得非常重要。

Additionally, data shows that DOGE holders with a total wallet worth of more than $1 million have increased over the past month. Specifically, the data shows an increase of nearly 100 new millionaires. Subsequently, it is likely connected to the overall growth of the industry as a whole.


Conversely, the mere growth of $1 million DOGE wallets presents a rather interesting picture considering the growth in other aspects. However, it is likely attributed to the fact that one individual could hold different wallets. Conversely, Dogecoin’s inflationary nature could also factor in, considering the new coins sent into circulation and creating a dilution of overall DOGE wealth.

相反,考慮到其他方面的成長,僅僅 100 萬美元的 DOGE 錢包成長就呈現出相當有趣的景象。然而,這可能是由於一個人可以持有不同的錢包這一事實。相反,考慮到新硬幣投入流通並造成狗狗幣整體財富的稀釋,狗狗幣的通貨膨脹性質也可能受到影響。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-how-many-doge-millionaires-were-added-in-2023-tbt74346.html



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