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Are Dogecoin Payments Coming To X? DOGE Wallet CTO Says Yes

X 會使用狗狗幣付款嗎? DOGE 皮夾首席技術長表示可以

發布: 2023/12/21 15:04 閱讀: 670



The expectation of Dogecoin payments on the X (formerly Twitter) platform has ramped up over the last few years, most especially when billionaire Elon Musk took control of the social media platform. But even a year after the was completed, there is yet to be an official acceptance of DOGE payments on the platform. However, this has not discouraged users who believe that Dogecoin payments are coming to X, one of whom is MyDoge Wallet CTO Alex Lewis.

過去幾年,人們對 X(以前的 Twitter)平台上的狗狗幣支付的期望不斷上升,尤其是當億萬富翁埃隆馬斯克控制了這個社交媒體平台後。但即使完成一年後,該平台仍未正式接受 DOGE 付款。然而,這並沒有阻止那些相信狗狗幣支付即將來到 X 的用戶,其中之一就是 MyDoge Wallet 首席技術長 Alex Lewis。

Dogecoin Payments Are Coming To X


In an interview with Fabrice Calmels, Alex Lewis shared some interesting thoughts about Dogecoin payments and when they are coming to the X platform. Sharing his expectations for the X platform, Lewis explains that the company already carried out applications to become a custodial service such as PayPal. This means that they will be able to allow users to hold currency balances on the platform which can then be used for payments or tips.

在接受 Fabrice Calmels 採訪時,Alex Lewis 分享了一些關於狗狗幣支付以及它們何時進入 X 平台的有趣想法。 Lewis 分享了他對 X 平台的期望,他解釋說該公司已經申請成為 PayPal 等託管服務商。這意味著他們將能夠允許用戶在平台上持有貨幣餘額,然後用於付款或小費。

The company has already received the green light for some of these applications as well. In August, X became approved to carry out activities as a payment hub in the US. The company had received a Currency Transmitter License (CTL) from the state of Rhode Island, which could allow it to add crypto payments to the platform.

該公司也已經獲得了其中一些應用的批准。 8 月,X 獲准在美國作為支付中心活動。該公司已獲得羅德島州頒發的貨幣發送器許可證(CTL),這可以使其向平台添加加密支付。

Lewis explains that the payments on X could be structured in a way where users would be able to connect their bank accounts directly to the website which they can use for payments. Furthermore, users would be able to have a Dogecoin balance as well, from which they could pay for things and also tip on the platform. “I honestly believe that’s what’s coming,” Lewis told Calmels.

Lewis 解釋說,X 上的付款可以採用這樣一種方式,即用戶能夠將他們的銀行帳戶直接連接到他們可以用來支付的網站。此外,用戶還可以擁有狗狗幣餘額,他們可以用它來支付費用,也可以在平台上支付小費。 「老實說,我相信這就是即將發生的事情,」劉易斯告訴卡梅爾斯。

Elon Musk On DOGE Payments

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 談 DOGE 支付

Elon Musk has previously talked about integrating Dogecoin payments into the X app, but this vision is still yet to become a reality. Nevertheless, the company has been moving forward with its plans to integrate payments directly into the social media platform.

伊隆馬斯克先前曾談到將狗狗幣支付整合到 X 應用程式中,但這一願景尚未成為現實。儘管如此,該公司一直在推動將支付直接整合到社群媒體平台的計畫。

In October, Musk revealed that he plans to turn the platform from just social media to a financial platform and 2024 was stated as the year when this would happen. However, amid all this, there has been no mention of adding Dogecoin as a payment method for the plan. The closest that DOGE supporters have gotten is the fact that the source code of the Tesla CyberTruck website mentions Dogecoin.

10 月,馬斯克透露,他計劃將該平台從社群媒體轉變為金融平台,並表示 2024 年將實現這一目標。然而,除此之外,還沒有提及添加狗狗幣作為該計劃的支付方式。 DOGE 支持者最接近的事實是 Tesla Cyber​​Truck 網站的源代碼提到了 Dogecoin。

Musk had also previously revealed plans for a social media platform powered by DOGE, a plan that he had discussed with his brother about bringing to life. But despite the billionaire’s fondness for the meme coin, this has still not happened.

馬斯克此前還透露了由 DOGE 驅動的社交媒體平台的計劃,他曾與他的兄弟討論過該計劃的實施。但儘管這位億萬富翁非常喜歡迷因幣,但這仍然沒有發生。


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