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The Inscriptions Hype Continues to Grow in the Crypto Market


發布: 2023/12/21 14:58 閱讀: 441



Inscriptions hype continues to grow and this sector has already reached incredible sizes. These experimental data files were thought to be a temporary fad when they first appeared with the use of a protocol called Ordinals at the beginning of 2023. However, the use of Inscriptions has opened the doors to another process for the crypto market.

銘文炒作持續成長,這個行業已經達到了令人難以置信的規模。這些實驗數據檔案在 2023 年初首次使用名為 Ordinals 的協議出現時,被認為是一種暫時的時尚。然而,Inscriptions 的使用為加密市場的另一種流程打開了大門。

The Growing Allure of Inscriptions


Despite being rejected by Bitcoin investors like Jimmy Song and condemned by long-time developer Luke Dashjr, the allure towards the Inscriptions industry is greater than ever. The total market size for Bitcoin Inscriptions tokens has reached $1.5 billion.

儘管遭到了吉米·宋(Jimmy Song)等比特幣投資者的拒絕,並受到了長期開發者 Luke Dashjr 的譴責,但銘文行業的吸引力比以往任何時候都大。 Bitcoin Inscriptions 代幣的總市場規模已達 15 億美元。

ORDI, the biggest of these projects, constitutes a large part of this valuation with a market cap of $1 billion. Following fundamental cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, ORDI is the fourth-largest memecoin project. This week, a fund consisting of various crypto assets, including Ethereum, worth $106 million, has been invested in Bitcoin Cats, an as-yet-unreleased NFT game based on the Ordinals Inscriptions craze.

ORDI 是這些項目中最大的項目,佔此估值的很大一部分,市值為 10 億美元。 ORDI 是繼狗狗幣和柴犬等基礎加密貨幣之後的第四大迷因幣項目。本週,一支由包括以太坊在內的各種加密資產組成的基金,價值 1.06 億美元,投資於《比特幣貓》,這是一款基於 Ordinals Inscriptions 熱潮的尚未發布的 NFT 遊戲。

This development further highlights the growing appetite among investors for this emerging crypto market. In May, many Bitcoin investors like Song claimed that the Ordinals Inscriptions craze would eventually run out. However, contrary to this belief, the opposite has continued to happen over the past seven months. The Bitcoin Cats fundraising event, which ended on December 19, received 150 times more demand from investors, demonstrating a strong appetite for high-risk crypto ventures.

這一發展進一步凸顯了投資者對這個新興加密貨幣市場日益增長的興趣。今年五月,許多像宋這樣的比特幣投資者聲稱序數銘文熱潮最終會消失。然而,與這信念相反,在過去七個月裡,相反的情況不斷發生。比特幣貓募款活動於 12 月 19 日結束,投資者的需求增加了 150 倍,顯示出對高風險加密貨幣企業的強烈興趣。

A Revolution in the Bitcoin Ecosystem


Bitcoin Cats presentation to investors indicates that the game will provide access to an NFT collection for users. Investors will receive these NFTs in exchange for staking their share of the project’s native token, 1CAT. Inscriptions allow users to mimic Ethereum’s smart contract functionality on Bitcoin.

比特幣貓向投資者的演示表明,該遊戲將為用戶提供 NFT 收藏的存取權限。投資者將獲得這些 NFT,以換取他們在該項目的原生代幣 1CAT 中的份額。銘文允許用戶在比特幣上模仿以太坊的智慧合約功能。

This means that users can create data such as image and sound files in the Bitcoin ecosystem, similar to NFTs like Bored Apes and memecoin projects like Shiba Inu. This was nearly an impossible achievement until recently because Bitcoin’s blockchain software did not have native support for smart contracts necessary for creating NFTs and tokens.

這意味著用戶可以在比特幣生態系統中創建圖像和聲音檔案等數據,類似於 Bored Apes 等 NFT 和 Shiba Inu 等 memecoin 專案。直到最近,這幾乎是一項不可能的成就,因為比特幣的區塊鏈軟體沒有對創建 NFT 和代幣所需的智慧合約的原生支援。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-inscriptions-hype-continues-to-grow-in-the-crypto-market/



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