Traders speculate that $DOGE might be on the cusp of a major rebound after the number-one-ranked meme coin holds support at the 100-day MA for two weeks.
交易員推測,在排名第一的 meme 代幣在 100 日移動平均線保持兩週支撐後,美元 DOGE 可能即將大幅反彈。
Dogecoin surged higher in mid-December, allowing it to briefly breach $0.1, but has since been trending lower until it found support at the 100-day MA at around $0.08.
狗狗幣在 12 月中旬飆升,一度突破 0.1 美元,但此後一直走低,直到在 0.08 美元左右的 100 日均線處找到支撐。
With X receiving a money transmitter license and Elon says he’s still buying Doge, traders are questioning if it’s enough to spark a rebound.
隨著 X 獲得貨幣傳輸許可證,而埃隆表示他仍在購買 Doge,交易員質疑這是否足以引發反彈。
Meanwhile, traders are also looking at alternatives to $DOGE that can produce much higher returns, and $SPONGE continues cropping up on everybody’s radar.
同時,交易者也在尋找能夠產生更高回報的 $DOGE 替代品,而 $SPONGE 繼續出現在每個人關注的範圍內。
Dogecoin ($DOGE) Holds 100-day MA – Major Rebound Coming?
狗狗幣 ($DOGE) 守住 100 日均線 – 主要反彈即將到來?
Dogecoin has successfully held support at the 100-day MA level for almost 14 days in a row, demonstrating very strong support at the level.
狗狗幣已連續近 14 天成功守住 100 日均線水準的支撐,顯示出該水準的支撐非常強勁。
The cryptocurrency had been trending lower since mid-December after briefly breaking above $0.1 during the month.
自 12 月中旬以來,加密貨幣在短暫突破 0.1 美元後一直呈現走低趨勢。
The meme coin collapsed from above $0.09 to reach as low as $0.075 on January 3rd but has since established support at the 100-day MA.
1 月 3 日,Meme 幣從 0.09 美元上方暴跌至 0.075 美元,但此後在 100 日均線建立了支撐。
$DOGE is now trapped within a range between the $0.075 support and resistance at $0.0875, provided by the Feb 2021 highs. The market would need to break either of these levels to dictate the next direction.
DOGE 美元目前陷入 0.075 美元支撐位和 0.0875 美元阻力位之間的區間,該區間由 2021 年 2 月高點提供。市場需要突破這些水平中的任何一個才能決定下一步的方向。

Looking ahead, if the buyers start to push the market higher, the first level of resistance lies at $0.0836, provided by the 20-day MA.
展望未來,如果買家開始推高市場,第一個阻力位是 20 日均線提供的 0.0836 美元。
This is followed by resistance at $0.0875 (Feb 2021 highs) and $0.09 (50-day MA).
接下來是阻力位 0.0875 美元(2021 年 2 月高點)和 0.09 美元(50 日均線)。
If the bullish narrative continues upward, added resistance lies at $0.0935, $0.1, and $0.105. Beyond the 2023 highs, resistance lies at $011 and $0.117 (1.272 Fib Extension).
如果看漲情緒繼續向上,則額外阻力位於 0.0935 美元、0.1 美元和 0.105 美元。除了 2023 年高點之外,阻力位於 011 美元和 0.117 美元(斐波那契擴展位 1.272)。
Dogecoin Coming to X After Company Receives Money Transmitter License After Elon States He’s Still Holding
在伊隆表示他仍然持有之後,公司獲得了匯款許可證,狗狗幣即將進入 X
Besides the recently launched Bitcoin spot ETF bringing mainstream attention to the crypto world, traders believe the stars are aligning for Dogecoin after Elon stated he’s still holding $DOGE and X receives its money transmitter license.
除了最近推出的比特幣現貨 ETF 給加密世界帶來了主流關注之外,在 Elon 表示他仍然持有 DOGE 且 X 獲得了貨幣傳輸許可證之後,交易員們相信狗狗幣正在成為明星。
The social media platform intends to launch a payment service and recently was granted a Money Transmitter License in Utah.
This is bullish for $DOGE as many believe the meme coin will be one of the first additions to the service, especially after Elon stated he still holds “a bunch of Dogecoin” in a discussion on X Space last week.
這對$DOGE 來說是利好,因為許多人相信模因幣將是該服務的首批新增內容之一,特別是在埃隆上週在X Space 的討論中表示他仍然持有“一堆狗狗幣”之後。
What Alternatives Provide Better Opportunities?
While Dogecoin still provides a great trading opportunity, investors are convinced that alternative projects that can provide higher returns are available.
In particular, $SPONGE continues turning heads after attracting $4.5 million in staked assets for the V2 upgrade.
特別是,$SPONGE 在為 V2 升級吸引了 450 萬美元的質押資產後繼續引人注目。
Spongebob Token ($SPONGE) is upgrading its token to reprint the 100x return it delivered in 2023, and investors are backing it with their money.
Spongebob Token ($SPONGE) 正在升級其代幣,以重印其在 2023 年實現的 100 倍回報,並且投資者正在用資金支持它。
$SPONGE Token Sees $4 Million INflows Into Staking Contract for V2
$SPONGE 代幣看到 400 萬美元流入 V2 的質押合約
$SPONGE has seen an enormous $4.5 million worth of inflows into its V2 staking contract as investors rush to get positioned in its V2 upgrade.
隨著投資者爭先恐後地在其 V2 升級中建倉,$SPONGE 的 V2 質押合約已獲得價值 450 萬美元的巨額資金流入。
The next incarnation of $SPONGE is going live in the coming weeks, and traders are keen to be involved as they believe it can reproduce the 100x return seen in May 2023.
$SPONGE 的下一個版本將在未來幾週內上線,交易者們渴望參與其中,因為他們相信它可以重現 2023 年 5 月的 100 倍回報。
$SPONGE was one of the hottest meme coins in 2023, allowing it to reach a $100 million market cap and be added to a list of major exchanges.
$SPONGE 是 2023 年最熱門的迷因幣之一,使其市值達到 1 億美元,並被添加到主要交易所清單中。
Now, the team is back with a V2 upgrade to continue the pump and absorb the “damp.”
現在,團隊回來了,進行了 V2 升級,以繼續泵送並吸收「濕氣」。

The Krabby Patty of meme coins is launching a novel stake-to-bridge upgrade, where users have to lock $SPONGE into the V2 staking contract to earn an equivalent amount of the V2 upgrade.
Meme 幣的 Krabby Patty 正在推出一種新穎的權益到橋升級,用戶必須將 $SPONGE 鎖定到 V2 權益合約中才能獲得等值的 V2 升級。
The stake-to-bridge utility is the only way to get positioned in V2, ensuring a fair distribution for the second time around.
權益到橋樑的實用程式是進入 V2 的唯一途徑,確保第二次公平分配。
If you don’t own $SPONGE, you can purchase it from the project’s website and have it automatically staked for the V2 upgrade.
如果您沒有 $SPONGE,您可以從該專案的網站購買它並自動質押以進行 V2 升級。
Alternatively, holders of V1 $SPONGE are encouraged to stake their assets to participate.
或者,鼓勵 V1 $SPONGE 的持有者質押其資產來參與。
All V1 $SPONGE staked in the V2 contract will be permanently locked to help facilitate the transition to V2.
V2 合約中質押的所有 V1 $SPONGE 將永久鎖定,以幫助促進向 V2 的過渡。

Once launched, participants can claim their V2 $SPONGE from the website.
啟動後,參與者可以從網站領取他們的 V2 $SPONGE。
Overall, $SPONGE is undoubtedly a project you don’t want to miss this month if you’re searching for high returns. The team has already shown its capabilities in 2023 and is back and better than ever for another 100x run in 2024.
總的來說,如果你正在尋找高回報,$SPONGE無疑是本月你不想錯過的項目。該團隊已在 2023 年展示了其能力,並在 2024 年再次跑出 100 倍,並且比以往任何時候都更好。
購買並質押 $SPONGE
The post Is Dogecoin ($DOGE) Preparing For An Epic Rebound After Holding 100-Day MA, Or Is This a Better Alternative? Here Are The Levels to Watch appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.
這篇文章是狗狗幣 ($DOGE) 在持有 100 天均線後準備史詩般的反彈,還是這是一個更好的選擇?以下是值得關注的關卡,首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。