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Dogecoin (DOGE) Reaches 5 Million Active Address Threshold

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 達到 500 萬活躍地址門檻

發布: 2023/08/03 20:30 閱讀: 244



Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency initially conceived as a joke but that rapidly gained popularity, is demonstrating considerable signs of fundamental growth on the market. It is edging closer to the impressive threshold of five million active addresses.

狗狗幣這種加密貨幣最初被認為是個玩笑,但很快就流行起來,並在市場上顯示出明顯的基本成長跡象。它正在接近 500 萬個活躍地址這一令人印象深刻的門檻。

Achieving this feat will mark the highest number of active addresses recorded on the Dogecoin network, a testament to its proliferating reach and growing popularity.


The rapid growth of active addresses is a significant milestone, as it indicates a growing user base and, by extension, the potential for increased market activity. However, despite this upward trajectory, Dogecoin currently lacks a solid fundamental use case. This reality raises questions about the sustainability of its recent success, with critics often pointing to its origins as a meme cryptocurrency.


Source: TradingView


Nevertheless, the rumor mill surrounding Dogecoin remains active. Back in 2022, whispers of Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin and other developers working to develop a smart contract platform for Dogecoin have circulated. The development of such a platform would present a fundamental use case for Dogecoin, potentially propelling it beyond its current status.

儘管如此,圍繞狗狗幣的謠言仍然活躍。早在 2022 年,以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 和其他開發人員致力於為狗狗幣開發智慧合約平台的傳聞就已經流傳開來。這樣一個平台的開發將為狗狗幣提供一個基本的用例,有可能推動它超越目前的狀態。

Unfortunately, these whispers remain unsubstantiated as no product has been delivered yet. These rumors, if realized, could bring about a transformative change in Dogecoin's standing on the cryptocurrency market. It could provide the much-needed impetus to propel Dogecoin into a more concrete functional domain, moving it beyond its meme cryptocurrency image.


The five million active address milestone on the horizon for Dogecoin is a significant achievement. While it currently lacks a fundamental use case, Dogecoin's market presence and popularity are undeniable.

狗狗幣即將達到 500 萬活躍地址里程碑,這是一項重大成就。雖然狗狗幣目前缺乏基本的用例,但其市場存在和受歡迎程度是不可否認的。

The potential development of a smart contract platform could revolutionize its standing, but until then, the market watches with bated breath as Dogecoin strides toward its next milestone.



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