首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DigiToads 預售吸引了狗狗幣持有者,狗狗幣失去了流動性

DigiToads presale draws Dogecoin holders, DOGE losing liquidity

DigiToads 預售吸引了狗狗幣持有者,狗狗幣失去了流動性

發布: 2023/08/03 18:30 閱讀: 695



Encouragingly, crypto sentiment is rising, similar to how it was in 2019. Even so, while traditional equities are rallying, digital assets are lagging. Nonetheless, experts predict fast growth in the next six months.

令人鼓舞的是,加密貨幣情緒正在上升,與 2019 年類似。即便如此,雖然傳統股票正在上漲,但數位資產卻落後了。儘管如此,專家預測未來六個月將快速成長。

Looking at recent trends, investors appear interested in emerging decentralized finance (defi) projects such as DigiToads, whose presale is ongoing. 

從最近的趨勢來看,投資者似乎對新興的去中心化金融 (defi) 項目感興趣,例如 DigiToads,其預售正在進行中。

This liquidity shift to potent projects with smaller market caps suggests that investors are positioning themselves for the altcoin season, and the bear run is almost over.


DigiToads is a third-generation meme coin

DigiToads 是第三代迷因幣

DigiToads is garnering attention in crypto as a third-generation meme coin. 

DigiToads 作為第三代迷因硬幣正在引起加密領域的關注。

TOADS, its native token, offers utility and primes a sophisticated economic model that has seen the project raise over $6.6 million in its presale. 

TOADS 是其原生代幣,提供實用性並啟動了複雜的經濟模型,該專案在預售中籌集了超過 660 萬美元。

The Swamp, which powers several earning angles for investors, is DigiToads’ central feature. 

沼澤是 DigiToads 的核心功能,為投資者提供多種獲利角度。

Toad Cade is a play-to-earn (P2E) game where players battle toad non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The protocol distributes the prize pool to the top 25% of players each season. 

Toad Cade 是一款邊玩邊賺錢 (P2E) 遊戲,玩家可以與 Toad 不可替代代幣 (NFT) 進行戰鬥。該協議將獎池分配給每個賽季排名前 25% 的玩家。

The platform’s NFT staking mechanism allocates 2% of all transactions to a payout pool, rewarding holders of DigiToads NFTs. This feature incentivizes long-term holders by giving them a larger share of the total supply.

該平台的 NFT 質押機制將所有交易的 2% 分配給支付池,獎勵 DigiToads NFT 的持有者。這項功能透過給予長期持有者更大的總供應份額來激勵他們。

你可能還喜歡:狗狗幣和 Floki 幻燈片、DigiToads 掀起迷因硬幣狂潮

The Trading Post is a DEX that allows users to earn money by trading and providing liquidity. It also also DigiToads to retain all the value from by swapping.

Trading Post 是 DEX,允許用戶透過交易和提供流動性來賺錢。它還讓 DigiToads 透過交換保留所有價值。

A unique program called Platinum Toads will rewards the best community traders for helping grow the protocol treasury.

一個名為 Platinum Toads 的獨特計劃將獎勵那些幫助發展協議金庫的最佳社區交易者。

In the days ahead, users may earn rewards in a token with enforced scarcity because of TOADS’ deflationary tokenomics, which involves burning 2% of transactions. 

在未來的日子裡,由於 TOADS 的通縮代幣經濟學(涉及銷毀 2% 的交易),用戶可能會以強制稀缺的代幣獲得獎勵。

Analysts predict TOADS to post more gains after launching on Aug. 21.

分析師預測 TOADS 在 8 月 21 日推出後將取得更多漲幅。

Dogecoin losing liquidity 


Due to its new utility focus and earning opportunities, the DigiToads presale has attracted many Dogecoin (DOGE) holders.

由於其新的實用性重點和盈利機會,DigiToads 預售吸引了許多狗狗幣 (DOGE) 持有者。

DOGE is losing liquidity to emerging ERC-20 tokens in the highly competitive crypto economy. 

在競爭激烈的加密經濟中,DOGE 正在失去流動性,輸給新興的 ERC-20 代幣。

你可能也喜歡:幣安解鎖新功能,DigiToads 為投資者帶來機會

Meme coin investors are turning to low market cap but nimble projects. However, rumors of a possible integration on Musk’s new super app, “X,” have fueled speculation. 

Meme 幣投資者正在轉向低市值但靈活的項目。然而,有關可能整合馬斯克的新超級應用程式「X」的傳言引發了人們的猜測。

Analysts forecast DOGE to reach $0.21 in 2024 should X integrate the coin for payment.

分析師預測,如果 X 整合 DOGE 進行支付,到 2024 年,DOGE 的價格將達到 0.21 美元。

Closing thoughts: portfolio rotation and small-cap gems 


Investors are increasingly channeling funds to altcoins in their growth phases. 


The DigiToads presale is ongoing, and investors can explore the project. 

DigiToads 預售正在進行中,投資者可以探索該專案。

TOADS has a low market cap, while DigiToads offers multiple use cases, earning streams for holders, and integrates deflationary tokenomics. 

TOADS 的市值較低,而 DigiToads 提供多種用例、為持有者帶來收益流,並整合了通縮代幣經濟。

These fundamentals place TOADS in a strong position, with more analysts bullish on the project.

這些基本面使 TOADS 處於有利地位,更多分析師看好該專案。

Visit DigiToads presale

造訪 DigiToads 預售

Mint DigiToads NFTs here

在這裡薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上購買 DigiToads NFT

Join the community 


閱讀更多:Meme 幣熱潮席捲而來,DigiToads 的 P2E 模式吸引了多頭

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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