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Shiba Inu: Number of Addresses Surge Prior to Shibarium Launch

Shiba Inu:Shibarium 推出前地址數量激增

發布: 2023/08/03 16:00 閱讀: 826



According to the data on IntoTheBlock, the number of addresses holding Shiba Inu (SHIB) saw a surge in the month of July. As per the blockchain analytics platform, the number of SHIB addresses grew by 115% on a weekly basis. Additionally, the figure continues to grow, with a 22% rise over the previous week. Currently, SHIB has 3.51 million addresses in total, while non-zero addresses are at 1.24 million.

根據IntoTheBlock的數據,7月持有Shiba Inu(SHIB)的地址數量激增。根據區塊鏈分析平台,SHIB 位址數量每週成長 115%。此外,這一數字還在持續增長,較前一周增長了 22%。目前,SHIB 共有 351 萬個位址,非零位址為 124 萬個。

The rise in the number of addresses also coincides with SHIB crossing the $0.000008 resistance level. The asset was struggling to get past this level for many weeks. However, new users and funds seem to have done the trick.

地址數量的增加也與 SHIB 突破 0.000008 美元阻力位同時發生。數週以來,該資產一直在努力突破這一水平。然而,新用戶和資金似乎已經成功了。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: 100% of BONE Addresses in Profit, Price Up 150%

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:BONE 地址 100% 盈利,價格上漲 150%

Despite the rise in addresses, Shiba Inu’s rally seems to be cooling down. The token touched $0.00000872 on July 30 and has been on a downtrend thereafter. Moreover, the token’s price has fallen by 2% in the last 24 hours.

儘管地址有所增加,但柴犬的漲勢似乎正在降溫。該代幣於 7 月 30 日觸及 0.00000872 美元,此後一直處於下跌趨勢。此外,該代幣的價格在過去 24 小時內下跌了 2%。

Why are Shiba Inu addresses rising?


The rise in the number of addresses could be attributed to the upcoming Shibarium launch. Shiba Inu is one of the most popular crypto projects out there and the layer-2 network is one of its biggest launches in its three-year history. Many fans and users expect the price of the token to significantly rise once the new blockchain goes live.

地址數量的增加可能歸因於即將推出的 Shibarium。 Shiba Inu 是最受歡迎的加密項目之一,而第 2 層網路是其三年歷史上最大規模的發布之一。許多粉絲和用戶預計,一旦新的區塊鏈上線,代幣的價格將大幅上漲。

Also Read: Shiba Inu More Popular Than Ethereum, Dogecoin in the U.S.


Another reason could be SHIB’s metaverse being possibly launched later this month during the Blockchain Futurist Conference, to be held in Toronto, Canada. SHIB’s metaverse adviser Marcie Jastrow is one of the speakers at the conference, and she has confirmed that the team is “two weeks away to show the world.”

另一個原因可能是 SHIB 的元宇宙可能會在本月稍後在加拿大多倫多舉行的區塊鏈未來主義者會議期間推出。 SHIB 的元宇宙顧問 Marcie Jastrow 是會議的發言人之一,她確認團隊「還有兩週時間向世界展示」。

  • shib
  • 希布

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬


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