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Dogecoin (DOGE) Statement from Major Short Seller Company


發布: 2024/06/14 02:41 閱讀: 793

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN



Citron Research Ends GameStop Shorting Amid Market Irrationality

Citron Research 結束了市場非理性中的 GameStop 做空行為

Citron Research, a prominent short-selling firm, has announced its withdrawal from shorting GameStop (GME). While acknowledging the company's weak fundamentals, Citron's decision is driven by an astute understanding of the market's unpredictable behavior.

著名賣空公司 Citron Research 宣布退出 GameStop (GME)的做空活動。儘管 Citron 承認公司基本面疲弱,但其決策是基於對市場不可預測行為的敏銳理解。

In a statement, Citron explained, "We are no longer shorting GME, not because we anticipate an imminent turnaround, but rather because the company's $4 billion cash reserves provide sufficient flexibility to placate its devoted shareholders."

Citron 在一份聲明中解釋說,“我們不再做空 GME,不是因為我們預計即將出現好轉,而是因為該公司 40 億美元的現金儲備提供了足夠的靈活性來安撫其忠誠的股東。”

Recognizing the power of retail investors, Citron cited Dogecoin's $20 billion market capitalization as evidence of the market's irrationality. "Ultimately, Dogecoin remains a $20 billion asset," the firm noted.

Citron 認識到散戶投資者的力量,並以狗狗幣 200 億美元的市值作為市場非理性的證據。 「最終,狗狗幣仍然是 200 億美元的資產,」該公司指出。

Andrew Left, Citron Research's founder, initially re-established a short position in GameStop last week. However, the size of his position was notably smaller compared to his ill-fated 2021 shorting attempt, which ended due to a coordinated rally by individual investors united on online forums.

Citron Research 創辦人 Andrew Left 上週最初重新建立了 GameStop 的空頭部位。然而,與他在 2021 年不幸的做空嘗試相比,他的頭寸規模明顯較小,這次嘗試因個人投資者在線上論壇上聯合起來的協調反彈而結束。

Disclaimer: This is not investment advice.



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