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Dogecoin (DOGE) surges by over 11% in the last few hours

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在過去幾個小時內飆升超過 11%

發布: 2023/11/17 21:41 閱讀: 240



In an unexpected turn of events, Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen a remarkable surge of more than 11%, while major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are facing a market dip.

出乎意料的是,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的漲幅超過 11%,而比特幣和以太幣等主要加密貨幣則面臨市場下跌。

The surge in activity and rekindled interest in meme-based crypto are the reasons for this unanticipated upswing.


This surge appears to have been sparked by conjecture related to the Astrobotic lunar mission. Fans are counting down the seconds until "Physical Dogecoins" appear in the current Peregrine Mission One.

這種激增似乎是由與天體機器人登月任務相關的猜想引發的。粉絲們正在倒數計時,直到「實體狗狗幣」出現在當前的 Peregrine 任務一中。

On November 16, Dogecoin's official X account announced on Twitter that Astrobotics would be delivering physical Dogecoins into space, which fueled further rumors.

11 月 16 日,狗狗幣官方 X 帳號在 Twitter 上宣布 Astrobotics 將向太空運送實體狗狗幣,引發了進一步的謠言。

Dogecoin's value has surged, suggesting a possible rally for the original meme coin, thanks to positive technical and on-chain factors.


Dogecoin is currently trading at $0.08585, showing a 10% increase over the last day and a noteworthy 18% increase over the last week, according to the most recent update.

根據最新更新,狗狗幣目前的交易價格為 0.08585 美元,較前一天上漲 10%,較上週上漲 18%。

In the past 24 hours, there has been a noteworthy surge in the daily trading volume, amounting to over 115.3%, or $1.9 billion. Notably, earlier today, DOGE briefly traded in the $0.087 range.

在過去 24 小時內,每日交易量顯著激增,達到 115.3% 以上,即 19 億美元。值得注意的是,今天早些時候,DOGE 短暫交投於 0.087 美元區間。

Last week, data from burn tracker Shibburn revealed that a total of 9.6 million Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens, DOGE rival, were burned in the past 24 hours.

上週,銷毀追蹤器 Shibburn 的數據顯示,過去 24 小時內總共銷毀了 960 萬個 DOGE 競爭對手 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 代幣。

The post Dogecoin (DOGE) surges by over 11% in the last few hours appeared first on Optimisus.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在過去幾個小時內飆升了 11% 以上,首先出現在 Optimisus 上。


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