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Dogecoin Price Prediction: Why $DOGE Recovery is Set to Extend 32%

狗狗幣價格預測:為什麼 $DOGE 的復甦將擴大 32%

發布: 2023/11/17 21:41 閱讀: 989



Dogecoin Price Prediction: Bucking the trend of a broader market retracement, the DOGE price has exhibited a remarkable recovery, consistently climbing over the last three days. This surge, amounting to a 20% increase to reach a $0.087 peak, appears to be spurred by the exhilarating news of a physical Dogecoin mission to the Earth’s moon. could this momentum fuel this memecoin’s ascent past the $0.01 threshold?

狗狗幣價格預測:與大盤回檔的趨勢相反,狗狗幣價格表現出顯著的復甦,在過去三天持續攀升。這次飆升,相當於上漲 20%,達到 0.087 美元的峰值,似乎是受到狗狗幣前往月球的實體任務這一令人振奮的消息的刺激。這種勢頭能否推動 memecoin 突破 0.01 美元的門檻?

Also Read: Why Dogecoin & HBAR Are Rising Amid Crypto Market Downturn?

另請閱讀:為什麼狗狗幣和 HBAR 在加密貨幣市場低迷的情況下上漲?

Bullish Pattern Hints Rally to $0.11

看漲模式暗示反彈至 0.11 美元

  • Dogecoin price rising for 5 consecutive weeks with a substantial increase in volume indicates sustained momentum,
  • 狗狗幣價格連續5週上漲且交易量大幅增加顯示勢頭持續,

  • The 20-day EMA slope is offering dynamic support to rising prices
  • 20 日均線斜率為價格上漲提供動態支撐

  • The 24-hour trading volume in Dogecoin is $1.9 Million, indicating an 87% gain.
  • 狗狗幣 24 小時交易量為 190 萬美元,漲幅為 87%。



Over the past 30 days, the Dogecoin price has traveled a sustained recovery, rising from the $0.057 level to a current trading price of $0.082, registering a gain of 45%. Amid this rally, the coin price witnessed two pullbacks indicating the buyers are managing to absorb the overhead selling pressure and make a strong strikeback.

在過去的 30 天裡,狗狗幣價格持續復甦,從 0.057 美元上漲至目前交易價格 0.082 美元,漲幅達 45%。在這次反彈中,代幣價格經歷了兩次回調,表明買家正在設法吸收間接拋售壓力並進行強勁反擊。

The Daily time frame Chart reveals that this rally is contributing to the formation of a bullish ‘Double Bottom‘ reversal pattern. Just today, the DOGE price surged by 10%, approaching the pattern’s neckline, potentially catalyzing this bullish formation.

每日時間框架圖顯示,這次反彈有助於形成一個看漲的「雙底」反轉模式。就在今天,DOGE 價格飆升 10%,接近該形態的頸線,可能會催化這一看漲形態。

A daily close above $0.083 could convert this resistance level into a support platform, potentially paving the way for a 32% surge to the dual resistance at $0.11, marked by a downtrend line. This dynamic resistance has been a critical factor in the correction phase; thus, breaching it could signal a significant trend reversal.

日收盤價高於 0.083 美元可能會將這一阻力位轉化為支撐平台,可能為飆升 32% 至 0.11 美元的雙重阻力位(以下降趨勢線為標誌)鋪平道路。這種動態阻力一直是修正階段的關鍵因素;因此,突破它可能預示著趨勢的重大逆轉。

Healthy Retracement Sets Higher Recovery


While an upward trajectory for the DOGE price seems probable, intermittent pullbacks might occur, serving to consolidate the bullish momentum. Historical data suggests these corrections align well with the 50% Fibonacci retracement level, an indicator of a robust pullback. Consequently, investors might consider the 50% or 38.2% Fibonacci levels as strategic points for setting stop-loss orders or reassessing their positions

雖然 DOGE 價格似乎有可能出現上漲軌跡,但也可能出現間歇性回調,從而鞏固看漲勢頭。歷史數據表明,這些調整與 50% 斐波那契回撤水準非常吻合,這是強勁回檔的指標。因此,投資者可能會將 50% 或 38.2% 斐波那契水準視為設定止損訂單或重新評估其部位的策略點

  • Stochastic Oscillator: Rising slopes in the %K and %D lines signal active bullish momentum, reinforcing the positive trend.
  • 隨機振盪指標:%K 和 %D 線的斜率上升表示正向的看漲勢頭,強化了正向趨勢。

  • Exponential Moving Average: A ‘golden crossover’ between the 50-day and 200-day EMAs could strengthen buyer confidence, fueling the ongoing recovery.
  • 指數移動平均線:50 天和 200 天均線之間的「黃金交叉」可以增強買家信心,推動持續復甦。

The post Dogecoin Price Prediction: Why $DOGE Recovery is Set to Extend 32% appeared first on CoinGape.

狗狗幣價格預測:為什麼 $DOGE 復甦將擴大 32% 首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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