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Dogecoin (DOGE) to Surpass $1 in 2024?

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 將在 2024 年突破 1 美元?

發布: 2023/12/27 16:33 閱讀: 408



The original meme coin has undoubtedly become a key part of the digital asset sector. As the 10th largest token by market cap, it has found itself as one of the most popular investment options. However, could an ascension be on the cards? Specifically, could Dogecoin (DOGE) be set to surpass $1 in 2024?

原創米姆幣無疑已成為數位資產領域的重要組成部分。作為市值第十大代幣,它已成為最受歡迎的投資選擇之一。然而,提升有可能實現嗎?具體來說,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 能否在 2024 年突破 1 美元?

The asset is currently trading at $0.929, slightly down by less than 1% over the last 24 hours, according to CoinMarketCap. However, with the year quickly coming to a close, could the new year provide a renewed trajectory for the meme coin? Well, let’s delve a little bit deeper.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,該資產目前交易價格為 0.929 美元,在過去 24 小時內小幅下跌不到 1%。然而,隨著這一年即將結束,新的一年能否為迷因幣提供新的軌跡呢?好吧,讓我們更深入地研究一下。

Also Read: How Much Dogecoin is Needed to Be a Millionaire if it Hits $1?

另請閱讀:如果狗狗幣達到 1 美元,需要多少狗狗幣才能成為百萬富翁?

Dogecoin (DOGE) Set to Hit New All-Time High in 2024?

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 將於 2024 年創下歷史新高?

Throughout 2023, the digital asset sector has seen a massive bounce back from the events a year prior. Indeed, overall market sentiment is increasingly positive as the Christmas holiday has come and gone. Now, with the new year on the horizon, various tokens could be poised for massive gains.

在整個 2023 年,數位資產產業從一年前的事件中出現了大幅反彈。事實上,隨著聖誕假期的到來和過去,整體市場情緒越來越正面。現在,隨著新的一年即將到來,各種代幣可能會獲得巨大的收益。

Among them is none other than Dogecoin (DOGE), which could see a $1 price in 2024. That value would certainly be an all-time high for the asset. Specifically, its previous mark was $0.73 in May 2021. Still, to reach that previous high, it would need a surge of more than 680%, with an even larger jump to surpass the dollar mark.

其中之一就是狗狗幣 (DOGE),它的價格可能在 2024 年達到 1 美元。這個價值肯定會創下該資產的歷史新高。具體而言,其上一個關卡在 2021 年 5 月為 0.73 美元。不過,要達到先前的高點,需要飆升 680% 以上,甚至需要更大的漲幅才能突破美元關卡。

Also Read: Dogecoin: DOGE Payments Could Come to X: MyDoge Wallet CTO

另請閱讀:Dogecoin:DOGE 付款可能會出現在 X:MyDoge 錢包 CTO 上

What makes this a possibility is the past performance of the asset. Indeed, during the march to its previous high, DOGE reached $0.5 in March of that year, up from a $0.41 price in April. Subsequently, that 720% increase was not the largest it had seen during that march. Specifically, it increased an incredible 1360% in less than 10 weeks to reach its previous high mark.

使這種可能性成為可能的是該資產過去的表現。事實上,在邁向之前高點的過程中,DOGE 在當年 3 月達到了 0.5 美元,高於 4 月的 0.41 美元。隨後,720% 的增幅並不是 3 月的最大增幅。具體來說,它在不到 10 週的時間內令人難以置信地上漲了 1360%,達到了之前的高點。

Still, that development had a lot to do with Elon Musk, the self-professed Dogefather, and exchanges adding DOGE. Therefore, for a similar development to take place this time around, massive changes would have to occur. The arrival of a Spot Bitcoin ETF could be one of those, but it would need additional outside interference to catapult beyond the $1 mark.

儘管如此,這一發展與自稱狗狗之父的馬斯克(Elon Musk)以及添加 DOGE 的交易所有很大關係。因此,這次要發生類似的發展,就必須發生巨大的變化。現貨比特幣 ETF 的到來可能就是其中之一,但它需要額外的外部幹預才能突破 1 美元大關。

Although this could be possible, it is not likely. Moreover, the price prediction platform, Changelly does not predict a $1 price point for the asset within the next several years. However, as has been common for DOGE, it could face unexpected benefits that propel it further than expected.

儘管這有可能,但可能性不大。此外,價格預測平台 Changelly 不會預測未來幾年內該資產的價格點為 1 美元。然而,正如 DOGE 所常見的那樣,它可能會面臨意想不到的好處,使其進一步超出預期。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-to-surpass-1-in-2024-tbt74821.html



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