フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン(DOGE)は2024年に1ドルを突破するでしょうか?

Dogecoin (DOGE) to Surpass $1 in 2024?


リリース: 2023/12/27 16:33 読む: 408



The original meme coin has undoubtedly become a key part of the digital asset sector. As the 10th largest token by market cap, it has found itself as one of the most popular investment options. However, could an ascension be on the cards? Specifically, could Dogecoin (DOGE) be set to surpass $1 in 2024?


The asset is currently trading at $0.929, slightly down by less than 1% over the last 24 hours, according to CoinMarketCap. However, with the year quickly coming to a close, could the new year provide a renewed trajectory for the meme coin? Well, let’s delve a little bit deeper.


Also Read: How Much Dogecoin is Needed to Be a Millionaire if it Hits $1?

こちらもお読みください: 1ドルに達した場合、億万長者になるにはドージコインはいくら必要ですか?

Dogecoin (DOGE) Set to Hit New All-Time High in 2024?


Throughout 2023, the digital asset sector has seen a massive bounce back from the events a year prior. Indeed, overall market sentiment is increasingly positive as the Christmas holiday has come and gone. Now, with the new year on the horizon, various tokens could be poised for massive gains.

2023 年を通じて、デジタル資産セクターは 1 年前の出来事から大幅な回復を見せました。実際、クリスマス休暇が過ぎ去るにつれ、市場全体のセンチメントはますます前向きになっています。新年が近づいている今、さまざまなトークンが巨額の利益を得る準備が整っている可能性があります。

Among them is none other than Dogecoin (DOGE), which could see a $1 price in 2024. That value would certainly be an all-time high for the asset. Specifically, its previous mark was $0.73 in May 2021. Still, to reach that previous high, it would need a surge of more than 680%, with an even larger jump to surpass the dollar mark.

その中にはほかならぬドージコイン (DOGE) も含まれており、2024 年には価格が 1 ドルになる可能性があります。その価値は間違いなくこの資産の史上最高値となるでしょう。具体的には、以前のマークは2021年5月の0.73ドルでした。それでも、その以前の高値に到達するには、680%以上の急騰が必要であり、ドルのマークを超えるにはさらに大きな上昇が必要です。

Also Read: Dogecoin: DOGE Payments Could Come to X: MyDoge Wallet CTO

こちらもお読みください: Dogecoin: DOGE の支払いが X に実現する可能性: MyDoge Wallet CTO

What makes this a possibility is the past performance of the asset. Indeed, during the march to its previous high, DOGE reached $0.5 in March of that year, up from a $0.41 price in April. Subsequently, that 720% increase was not the largest it had seen during that march. Specifically, it increased an incredible 1360% in less than 10 weeks to reach its previous high mark.

これを可能にするのは、資産の過去のパフォーマンスです。実際、前回の高値に向かう途中で、DOGE は同年 3 月に 0.5 ドルに達し、4 月の 0.41 ドルから上昇しました。その後、その 720% の増加は、その行進中に見られた最大のものではありませんでした。具体的には、10 週間足らずで 1360% という驚異的な増加を記録し、以前の高水準に達しました。

Still, that development had a lot to do with Elon Musk, the self-professed Dogefather, and exchanges adding DOGE. Therefore, for a similar development to take place this time around, massive changes would have to occur. The arrival of a Spot Bitcoin ETF could be one of those, but it would need additional outside interference to catapult beyond the $1 mark.


Although this could be possible, it is not likely. Moreover, the price prediction platform, Changelly does not predict a $1 price point for the asset within the next several years. However, as has been common for DOGE, it could face unexpected benefits that propel it further than expected.

これは可能かもしれませんが、可能性は低いです。さらに、価格予測プラットフォームである Changelly は、今後数年以内にその資産の価格が 1 ドルになることを予測しません。ただし、DOGE ではよくあることですが、予期せぬ利点によって予想以上に推進される可能性があります。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-to-surpass-1-in-2024-tbt74821.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-to-surpass-1-in-2024-tbt74821.html


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