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Dogecoin (DOGE) Surpasses 5 Million Addresses

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 地址突破 500 萬個

發布: 2023/11/30 14:03 閱讀: 250



狗狗幣 (DOGE) 地址突破 500 萬個

Dogecoin (DOGE) memecoin has reached a significant milestone, surpassing 5 million addresses, according to on-chain analytics firm IntoTheBlock.

根據鏈上分析公司 IntoTheBlock 的數據,狗狗幣 (DOGE) memecoin 已經達到了一個重要的里程碑,超過 500 萬個地址。

This achievement is accompanied by notable increases in completed transactions and active addresses on the DOGE network.

這項成就伴隨著 DOGE 網路上已完成交易和活躍地址的顯著增加。

Over the last 10 days, the number of completed transactions has experienced an extraordinary 1,000% surge, reaching an all-time high.

在過去的 10 天裡,完成的交易數量經歷了 1,000% 的驚人激增,達到了歷史最高水準。

Concurrently, the quantity of active addresses on the network has nearly doubled, totaling 168,000—a peak not witnessed since March 2022.

同時,網路上的活躍位址數量幾乎翻了一番,總數達到 168,000 個,這是自 2022 年 3 月以來從未出現過的高峰。

While these metrics showcase the growing prominence of DOGE, a persistent concern revolves around the issue of concentrated ownership.

雖然這些指標顯示了 DOGE 的日益突出,但人們一直擔心所有權集中的問題。

With fewer than 5,000 addresses controlling more than 80% of DOGE's total supply, there is an indication that the cryptocurrency's price is influenced by a relatively small group of traders.

不到 5,000 個位址控制著 DOGE 總供應量的 80% 以上,這表明加密貨幣的價格受到相對較小的交易者群體的影響。

Despite this concentration, there remains a prevailing sense of optimism among DOGE investors. A noteworthy statistic from IntoTheBlock on November 25th reveals that over 50% of Dogecoin investors are currently in a profitable position.

儘管如此集中,DOGE 投資者中仍然普遍存在樂觀情緒。 IntoTheBlock 11 月 25 日的一項值得注意的統計數據顯示,超過 50% 的狗狗幣投資者目前處於盈利狀態。

This optimism may suggest that investors have confidence in Dogecoin's ability to retain its value, and it could potentially indicate that some holders are contemplating selling their DOGE holdings to capitalize on their profits.


Notably, 57% of all DOGE wallet addresses are currently in a profitable position, indicating that a majority of buyers acquired DOGE at prices lower than the current market value of $0.07777 per coin, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

值得注意的是,根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,所有 DOGE 錢包地址中的 57% 目前處於盈利狀態,這表明大多數買家以低於當前每枚代幣 0.07777 美元的市場價值的價格購買了 DOGE。

Adding to the intrigue, a substantial number of "whale" investors have displayed significant interest in Dogecoin, with 121 new wallets emerging, each holding at least 1 million DOGE.

更令人感興趣的是,大量「鯨魚」投資者對狗狗幣表現出了濃厚的興趣,出現了 121 個新錢包,每個錢包至少持有 100 萬個 DOGE。

Additionally, previously inactive high-value wallets are once again displaying movement, suggesting renewed activity and interest in the Dogecoin ecosystem.


The post Dogecoin (DOGE) Surpasses 5 Million Addresses appeared first on Optimisus.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 地址突破 500 萬個的貼文首先出現在 Optimisus 上。


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