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Raise Update: Memeinator’s Hits $1.4m

融資更新:Memeinator 融資 140 萬美元

發布: 2023/11/30 14:03 閱讀: 917



融資更新:Memeinator 融資 140 萬美元

The frost of crypto winter is thawing, with once-frigid market conditions finally showing signs of easing up. Considering Bitcoin’s recent surge past $35,000 and billions of dollars in inflows toward investment opportunities in 2023, conditions indicate that winter is over. Crypto pundits, therefore, expect a new wave of people looking to invest in crypto to take advantage of the market’s resurgence.

加密貨幣寒冬正在消融,一度寒冷的市場狀況終於出現緩和的跡象。考慮到比特幣最近飆升至 35,000 美元以上,以及 2023 年投資機會將有數十億美元流入,情況表明冬天已經結束。因此,加密貨幣專家預計,新一波尋求投資加密貨幣的人將利用市場的復甦。

One crypto, Memeinator (MMTR), is making waves in its ICO phase. In 2023, it has raised $1.4m in capital just 8 weeks since its presale launched. Here’s why Memeinator is gaining traction as potentially one of the year’s best investments.

一種加密貨幣 Memeinator (MMTR) 在 ICO 階段掀起了波瀾。到 2023 年,自預售啟動僅 8 週以來,它就籌集了 140 萬美元的資金。這就是 Memeinator 成為年度最佳投資之一而受到關注的原因。

What is Memeinator (MMTR)?

什麼是 Memeinator (MMTR)?

The meme coin sector is flooded with uninspiring and unimaginative scores of Dogecoin derivatives and PEPE ripoffs. Many people looking to invest in crypto by way of the meme coin market have been turned off by the serious lack of innovation, creativity, and utility on offer.

迷因幣領域充斥著大量毫無創意且缺乏想像力的狗狗幣衍生品和 PEPE 盜版產品。許多希望透過迷因幣市場投資加密貨幣的人因嚴重缺乏創新、創造力和實用性而望而卻步。

For far too long, the meme coin format itself has deteriorated into the sorry state that it finds itself in—strewn with insipid, unfunny, and rehashed garbage with no future prospects or any redeemable qualities whatsoever.


Fortunately, a savior has arrived straight from 2077 AD: a messiah that has come to purge the crypto world from the weak meme coin menace that bedevils it to this very day. Memeinator is out for blood—and it’s here to bring about a long-overdue meme coin apocalypse.

幸運的是,一位救世主從公元 2077 年直接降臨:一位彌賽亞來清除加密貨幣世界,使其免受至今仍困擾其的弱模因幣威脅。 Memeinator 正全力以赴,它的目的是帶來一場遲來已久的 Meme 幣末日。

Please embed the above video in the post at this point, do not just post the link.


Memeinator is carrying out a culling of the weak with one major goal in its sights: destroying every meme coin its AI algorithms deem unworthy of existence on its path of destruction toward a $1 billion market capitalization. Hasta la vista… 

Memeinator 正在進行一場弱者淘汰行動,其主要目標是:在其市值達到 10 億美元的毀滅之路上,摧毀其人工智慧演算法認為不值得存在的每一枚 Meme 幣。哈斯塔拉遠景…

Memeinator (MMTR) presale tipped among best investments of 2023

Memeinator (MMTR) 預售被評為 2023 年最佳投資之一

Here’s the best part about Memeinator: it’s only in stage 6 and 8 weeks into its 29-stage initial coin offering. It’s barely in its infancy, giving people looking to invest in crypto an ideal opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a meme coin with serious moon potential.

這是 Memeinator 最好的部分:在 29 階段的首次代幣發行中,它僅處於第 6 和第 8 週。它還處於起步階段,為那些想要投資加密貨幣的人提供了一個理想的機會,可以進入具有巨大月球潛力的模因硬幣的底層。

The Memeinator presale is gaining traction with its FOMO-inducing progressive token price increase mechanism, which will see MMTR tokens increase in price by around 6% for every succeeding presale stage. From a beginning price of $0.01 in stage 1, MMTR token prices will increase all the way to $0.049 by the end of the presale in stage 29. That’s a 390% increase from initial launch prices—and that’s not even factoring in the potential increase in value after MMTR lists on exchanges. We’re talking about going parabolic.

Memeinator 預售因其 FOMO 引發的漸進式代幣價格上漲機製而受到關注,在接下來的每個預售階段,MMTR 代幣的價格將上漲約 6%。從第1 階段的0.01 美元開始價格,到第29 階段預售結束時,MMTR 代幣價格將一路上漲至0.049 美元。這比最初的發行價格上漲了390%,而且這甚至沒有考慮到MMTR 代幣的潛在上漲。MMTR 在交易所上市後的價值。我們正在談論拋物線。

The Memeinator ICO will culminate with the release of Meme Warfare, a shoot-em-up game where players can engage in a fight with Memeinator’s competition. Memeinator’s rival meme coins will be fed into the game as their respective characters using its AI web scraping tool. Players will get to destroy the weak meme coins of the crypto world in a vulgar and gratuitous display of violence.

Memeinator ICO 將隨著 Meme Warfare 的發布而達到高潮,Meme Warfare 是一款射擊遊戲,玩家可以在其中與 Memeinator 的競爭對手進行戰鬥。 Memeinator 的競爭對手 Meme 硬幣將使用其 AI 網路抓取工具作為各自的角色輸入遊戲中。玩家將透過粗俗且無端的暴力展示來摧毀加密世界中較弱的迷因幣。

MMTR holders can stake their holdings for passive income as well as entitle them to an exclusive NFT project currently under development. Memeinator’s deflationary tokenomics will employ token burns and buybacks to boost MMTR token prices over the long run. Moreover, one lucky presale investor will get a chance to win a complimentary trip to outer space on a Virgin Galactic spacecraft worth $250k. There’s even the opportunity for loyal supporters of MMTR to demonstrate their allegiance to the project by rocking the latest Memeinator merch available on its official online store.

MMTR 持有者可以透過抵押其持有的資產來獲得被動收入,並有權參與目前正在開發的獨家 NFT 專案。從長遠來看,Memeinator 的通貨緊縮代幣經濟學將利用代幣銷毀和回購來提高 MMTR 代幣價格。此外,一位幸運的預售投資者將有機會贏得價值 25 萬美元的維珍銀河飛船免費外太空之旅。 MMTR 的忠實支持者甚至有機會透過在其官方線上商店購買最新的 Memeinator 商品來展示他們對該項目的忠誠。

There’s more than enough time for prospective Memeinator investors to benefit from up to 268.42% in gains between MMTR’s listing and the likely bull run of 2025— join the Memeinator presale today to jump onboard.

對於潛在的 Memeinator 投資者來說,從 MMTR 上市到 2025 年可能出現的多頭市場之間,有足夠的時間從高達 268.42% 的收益中獲益——立即加入 Memeinator 預售即可加入。

Memeinator: Price prediction for 2025

Memeinator:2025 年價格預測

Crypto publications like CoinJournal declare Memeinator among the best options for individuals looking to invest in crypto in 2023, and for good reason. Memeinator looks likely to do anywhere from 25x from launch prices all the way to 100x by the time the bull market likely returns in 2025.

CoinJournal 等加密貨幣出版物宣稱 Memeinator 是希望在 2023 年投資加密貨幣的個人的最佳選擇,這是有充分理由的。到 2025 年多頭市場可能回歸時,Memeinator 的股價可能會上漲 25 倍,一直到 100 倍。

From conservative estimates starting at $0.25 to full-on bull market estimates of $1, if it hits its goal of a $1 billion market capitalization, Memeinator distinguishes itself among the best investments of 2023. With its compelling narrative and vision, generous presale incentives, and dedicated team and community, Memeinator’s presale stands out as a can’t-miss investment opportunity.

從保守估計的0.25 美元起價到全面牛市估計的1 美元(如果達到10 億美元市值的目標),Memeinator 躋身2023 年最佳投資之列。憑藉其令人信服的敘述和願景、慷慨的預售激勵措施以及Memeinator 的預售擁有敬業的團隊和社區,是一個不容錯過的投資機會。

Join the Memeinator ICO today

立即加入 Memeinator ICO

Memeinator has what it takes to generate potentially life-changing gains. But you have to act now. The bull market is likely just around the corner thanks to the Bitcoin halving event of 2024. Don’t miss out on serious gains before the coin lists on exchanges. With 268.42% in gains left before listing, there’s still plenty of opportunity to be capitalized on.

Memeinator 擁有產生潛在改變生活的收穫所需的一切。但你現在必須採取行動。由於 2024 年比特幣減半事件,牛市可能即將來臨。不要錯過比特幣在交易所上市之前的巨大漲幅。上市前還有268.42%的收益,還有很多機會可以利用。

Join the Memeinator ICO and experience what it’s like to be at the beginning of an investment opportunity programmed to appreciate in value. And take advantage of what’s looking like the presale of the year before it sells out.

加入 Memeinator ICO,體驗在價值增值的投資機會開始時的感覺。並在售完前充分利用今年的預售機會。

To buy Memeinator (MMTR), visit the official Memeinator website.

購買 Memeinator (MMTR),請造訪 Memeinator 官方網站。


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