首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在加密貨幣交易低迷的情況下,狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格彈性超過了比特幣(BTC); VC 光譜激增 (SPCT)

Dogecoin (DOGE) Surpasses Bitcoin (BTC) in Price Resilience Amid Sluggish Crypto Trading; Surge in VC Spectra (SPCT)

在加密貨幣交易低迷的情況下,狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格彈性超過了比特幣(BTC); VC 光譜激增 (SPCT)

發布: 2023/09/28 00:08 閱讀: 544



It’s a thrilling showdown as these top altcoins boldly challenge the reigning giant, Bitcoin (BTC), with their remarkable price resilience and surging performances. While VC Spectra’s (SPCT) unyielding uptrend leaves investors shocked, Dogecoin’s (DOGE) price resilience and the gradual decline in Bitcoin dominance raise intriguing questions. 

這是一場激動人心的對決,這些頂級山寨幣憑藉其卓越的價格彈性和飆升的表現,大膽挑戰衛冕巨頭比特幣 (BTC)。雖然 VC Spectra (SPCT) 堅不可摧的上升趨勢讓投資者感到震驚,但狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格彈性和比特幣主導地位的逐漸下降引發了一些有趣的問題。

What factors are driving Dogecoin’s price resilience and VC Spectra’s surge amid sluggish crypto trading? Let’s find out!

在加密貨幣交易低迷的情況下,哪些因素推動了狗狗幣的價格彈性和 VC Spectra 的飆升?讓我們來看看吧!


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DOGE Price Prediction: Stable Dogecoin Performance Sets Up Positive Outlook

DOGE 價格預測:穩定的狗狗幣表現奠定了積極的前景

Despite the bearish market, Dogecoin (DOGE) has managed to surpass Bitcoin (BTC) in terms of price resilience, showcasing its stability in comparison to the industry leader.


The volatility of Dogecoin (DOGE), which is the largest meme cryptocurrency by market value, has significantly decreased, making it appear more stable than Bitcoin. According to TradingView, Dogecoin’s (DOGE) annualized 30-day realized volatility currently stands at 30%, while Bitcoin’s volatility is slightly higher at 35%. Realized volatility is calculated by measuring the standard deviation of a price’s daily percentage change over a specific period.

狗狗幣(DOGE)是市值最大的迷因加密貨幣,其波動性已顯著下降,使其看起來比比特幣更穩定。根據 TradingView 的數據,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的年化 30 天實際波動率目前為 30%,而比特幣的波動率略高,為 35%。已實現波動率是透過測量特定時期內價格每日百分比變化的標準差來計算的。

This newfound price resilience of Dogecoin (DOGE) can be attributed to several factors. One notable factor is the speculation surrounding Elon Musk potentially adding Dogecoin (DOGE) as a payment option. This speculation has attracted investors to buy Dogecoin and further bolstered Dogecoin’s (DOGE) stability.


In terms of price movements, Dogecoin (DOGE) has been trading around $0.06 in September. Experts anticipate a positive DOGE price prediction in the coming months if the overall market rebounds. More precisely, based on the current DOGE price prediction, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) is estimated to reach as high as $0.26 next year.

就價格走勢而言,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 9 月的交易價格約為 0.06 美元。專家預計,如果整體市場反彈,未來幾個月 DOGE 價格將會出現正面的預測。更準確地說,根據目前的 DOGE 價格預測,明年狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格預計將高達 0.26 美元。

BTC Price Prediction: Uncertainty Looms around Bitcoin as Support Levels Are Tested


In the midst of what is arguably one of the most subdued periods in the history of the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin (BTC) remains persistently depressed. Since mid-August 2023, Bitcoin (BTC) has been trapped within a horizontal trading range, with $26,670 as a formidable resistance level and $25,650 as a crucial support.


Even fundamental developments like the emergence of new Bitcoin (BTC) ETF applications and concerns surrounding FTX liquidations could not protect the Bitcoin dominance in the crypto market from sliding away. Furthermore, the technical analysis continues to spot bearish symbols in the chats, signaling the possibility of Bitcoin (BTC) moving further downward shortly.

即使是新的比特幣 (BTC) ETF 應用的出現以及對 FTX 清算的擔憂等基本面發展也無法保護比特幣在加密市場的主導地位不會被削弱。此外,技術分析繼續在聊天中發現看跌符號,顯示比特幣(BTC)短期內可能進一步下跌。

While trading around $26,484 in September, analysts predict that Bitcoin (BTC) will fall to $20,000 in the coming months to reveal the continuous and gradual sliding away of Bitcoin dominance. As a result, investors keep wondering whether it’s the right time to bid farewell to the once most resilient digital asset and turn to crypto assets with more viable prospects.

雖然比特幣 9 月的交易價格約為 26,484 美元,但分析師預測,未來幾個月比特幣 (BTC) 將跌至 20,000 美元,這表明比特幣的主導地位正在持續逐漸下滑。因此,投資者不斷想知道現在是否是告別曾經最具彈性的數位資產並轉向前景更可行的加密資產的合適時機。

VC Spectra (SPCT) Rockets To New Heights During Presale

VC Spectra (SPCT) 在預售期間飆升至新高度

In an unprecedented turn of events, VC Spectra (SPCT) has witnessed a remarkable surge during its ongoing public presale, captivating the attention of investors and industry enthusiasts alike. 

VC Spectra(SPCT)在公開預售期間出現了前所未有的飆升,吸引了投資者和行業愛好者的注意。

During Stage 3 of the public presale, the VC Spectra (SPCT) token surged twice, reaching an impressive value of $0.033. This surge can be attributed to the overwhelming demand from investors, who were additionally rewarded with a 50% bonus on their deposits at this stage. 

在公開預售的第三階段,VC Spectra (SPCT) 代幣飆升了兩次,達到了 0.033 美元的驚人價值。這種激增可歸因於投資者的龐大需求,他們在此階段還獲得了存款 50% 的額外獎勵。

For those who purchase SPCT tokens at the current price of $0.033, they will benefit from a 33.33% surge when the token reaches $0.044 in Stage 4. Furthermore, an astounding 142.42% surge awaits investors who hold SPCT tokens until the end of the presale, with projections indicating a value of $0.08.

對於以當前價格為0.033 美元購買SPCT 代幣的人來說,當代幣在第四階段達到0.044 美元時,他們將受益於33.33% 的飆升。此外,在預售結束之前持有SPCT 代幣的投資者將獲得驚人的142.42% 的飆升,預計價值為 0.08 美元。

Built on the Bitcoin blockchain, the SPCT token adheres to the BRC-20 standard and serves as the primary medium of exchange, facilitating decentralized trading, asset management, and covering transaction fees within the Spectra platform.

SPCT 代幣建立在比特幣區塊鏈之上,遵循 BRC-20 標準,作為主要交換媒介,促進去中心化交易、資產管理並涵蓋 Spectra 平台內的交易費用。

VC Spectra’s (SPCT) value proposition lies in its role as a decentralized hedge fund, offering users quarterly dividends and buybacks derived from investment profits. Moreover, participants gain access to new ICOs and new DeFi projects within the platform. The platform’s democratic structure also grants users voting rights, ensuring their active participation in decision-making processes.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 的價值主張在於其作為去中心化對沖基金的角色,為用戶提供來自投資利潤的季度股息和回購。此外,參與者還可以在平台內存取新的 ICO 和新的 DeFi 專案。該平台的民主結構也賦予用戶投票權,確保他們積極參與決策過程。

With the surge in VC Spectra (SPCT) captivating the market’s attention, investors are increasingly recognizing the platform’s potential to deliver lucrative returns. As a result, investors are openly turning to SPCT, leaving the once-praised BTC in the dust.

隨著 VC Spectra (SPCT) 的激增吸引了市場的關注,投資者越來越認識到該平台帶來豐厚回報的潛力。因此,投資人公開轉向 SPCT,讓曾經備受讚譽的 BTC 望塵莫及。

The post Dogecoin (DOGE) Surpasses Bitcoin (BTC) in Price Resilience Amid Sluggish Crypto Trading; Surge in VC Spectra (SPCT) appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

在加密貨幣交易低迷的情況下,狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格彈性超過了比特幣(BTC); Surge in VC Spectra (SPCT) 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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