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Dogecoin Could Eclipse $1 Mark This Bull Run, Predicts Analyst

分析師預測,狗狗幣可能會在這次多頭市場中超越 1 美元

發布: 2024/07/01 22:48 閱讀: 881



分析師預測,狗狗幣可能會在這次多頭市場中超越 1 美元

Dogecoin Price Prediction: Bullish Outlook Points to Potential $1 Threshold

狗狗幣價格預測:看漲前景指向潛在的 1 美元門檻

Crypto analyst Big Mike has released a bullish forecast for Dogecoin (DOGE), suggesting the meme coin could surpass $1 during this bull cycle. The prediction is based on Elliott Wave theory, complemented by strong technical indicators.

加密貨幣分析師 Big Mike 發布了對狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的看漲預測,暗示在本輪牛市週期中,這種模因幣可能會突破 1 美元。此預測基於艾略特波浪理論,並輔以強大的技術指標。

Elliott Wave Analysis


The weekly chart reveals a completed 5-wave Elliott Wave pattern during the previous bull run, reaching a peak of $0.70. Following a corrective WXY pattern, Dogecoin has entered a new 5-wave sequence, projected to drive prices significantly higher.

週線圖顯示了上一輪牛市期間完整的 5 浪艾略特波浪模式,達到了 0.70 美元的峰值。遵循修正的 WXY 模式,狗狗幣已進入新的 5 波序列,預計將推動價格大幅上漲。

Wave 1 ended at $0.23, while Wave 2 corrected to $0.1140. Dogecoin is currently in the early stages of Wave 3, typically the most significant in a bullish trend. An ascending channel reinforces this bullish sentiment, with the upper boundary at $0.60 as a potential target.

第一波收 0.23 美元,第二波修正至 0.1140 美元。狗狗幣目前處於第三波的早期階段,通常是看漲趨勢中最重要的階段。上升通道強化了這種看漲情緒,上限為 0.60 美元作為潛在目標。

Wave 4 could pull prices back to the channel's lower boundary ($0.25), setting the stage for Wave 5, which is projected to propel DOGE above $1.

第 4 波可能會將價格拉回通道的下限(0.25 美元),為第 5 波奠定基礎,預計第 5 波將推動 DOGE 突破 1 美元。

Fibonacci extension levels play a role in defining future price points, with 2.618 at $0.14591 and 3.618 at $0.68835 as potential targets.

斐波那契擴展水準在定義未來價格點方面發揮重要作用,潛在目標為 2.618(0.14591 美元)和 3.618(0.68835 美元)。

Technical Indicators


Weekly Stochastic RSI indicates potential for a recovery, while weekly RSI shows bullish momentum with higher lows.

每週隨機 RSI 顯示有復甦的潛力,而每週 RSI 顯示看漲勢頭,低點走高。



At the time of writing, DOGE trades at $0.1247. Technical indicators and Elliott Wave analysis suggest a bullish outlook, with a potential surge towards $1 during this bull cycle.

截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.1247 美元。技術指標和艾略特波浪分析表明前景看漲,在本輪牛市週期中可能飆升至 1 美元。


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