首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師表示,隨著 Memecoin 超級週期,狗狗幣價格將嘗試 2 美元

Dogecoin Price To Attempt $2 With With Memecoin Supercycle Says Analysts

分析師表示,隨著 Memecoin 超級週期,狗狗幣價格將嘗試 2 美元

發布: 2024/07/01 22:09 閱讀: 844

原文作者:Coingape News Media


Since the beginning of June, DOGE's price has been on a downtrend, losing more than 21% in value. Though Dogecoin was not performing at its best even before, the current decline has pushed the value way down the average of $0.15 it has maintained for months. During this time, the Dogecoin price went down to $0.1157 before attempting a recovery in the last few days. It has surged more than 6% over the week, out of which a 2% hike today, bringing the value to $0.1247.

自6月初以來,DOGE的價格一直處於下跌趨勢,價值損失超過21%。儘管狗狗幣之前的表現並未達到最佳狀態,但當前的下跌已將其價值推低至數月來維持的 0.15 美元平均值。在此期間,狗狗幣價格跌至 0.1157 美元,然後在過去幾天嘗試回升。本週上漲超過 6%,其中今天上漲 2%,使其價值達到 0.1247 美元。

With this, the investors are expecting a complete uptrend to recover the ongoing losses. However, they might get even more as a few analysts have predicted of Dogecoin price to surge between the $1-$2 mark in the upcoming days.

因此,投資者預計會出現完全的上升趨勢,以彌補持續的損失。然而,由於一些分析師預測狗狗幣價格在未來幾天將飆升至 1-2 美元大關,因此它們的價格可能會更高。

Dogecoin Price To Hit $2 With Memecoin Spercycle, Says Kaleo

Kaleo 表示,隨著 Memecoin Spercycle,Dogecoin 的價格將達到 2 美元

Kaleo, the popular pseudo-anonymous crypto analyst, has recently predicted the Dogecoin price to surge beyond $1, because of the ongoing Memecoin Supercycle. He began the post by explaining how people have viewed Dogecoin as boring because of its sideways moment for the last nine and half years. But he highlighted that the one-year DOGE price surged, it offered more than 6000% gains, followed by another 30,000%.

Kaleo 是一位受歡迎的偽匿名加密貨幣分析師,他最近預測,由於 Memecoin 超級週期的持續進行,狗狗幣的價格將飆升至 1 美元以上。他在這篇文章的開頭解釋了人們如何認為狗狗幣很無聊,因為它在過去九年半的時間裡一直處於橫盤狀態。但他強調,一年期 DOGE 價格飆升,漲幅超過 6,000%,隨後又上漲了 30,000%。

Dogecoin has been moving sideways since it created the all-time high of $0.7376 on May 8, 2021, but interestingly, the charts had two similar sideways movements before the all-time high. Each of these took at least 8-9 months after Bitcoin halving to boom in value, and now, as it has been two months since 2024 halving, a similar rally can be expected for the December-February.

自 2021 年 5 月 8 日創造歷史高點 0.7376 美元以來,狗狗幣一直在橫盤整理,但有趣的是,圖表在創歷史高點之前有兩次類似的橫盤整理。每一次比特幣減半後至少需要 8-9 個月的時間才能暴漲,而現在,距離 2024 年減半已經過去兩個月了,預計 12 月至 2 月也會出現類似的反彈。

However, he did mention witnessing a pullback to 8-9 cents before seeing an uptrend similar to the February one.

不過,他確實提到,在看到類似 2 月的上升趨勢之前,價格曾回調至 8-9 美分。

Overall, Kaleo has presented his expectation with the dogecoin to turn bullish like the other meme coins. But he has also accepted the long wait to bear before the DOGE price surges to $2.

總體而言,Kaleo 表達了他對狗狗幣的期望,即它會像其他迷因幣一樣轉為看漲。但他也接受了 DOGE 價格飆升至 2 美元之前的漫長等待。

What Will Happen If This Prediction Came Out True?



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