首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣正在衰落?了解比特幣 Spark 如何憑藉其革命性技術超越 Doge

Dogecoin Fading? Discover How Bitcoin Spark Is Surpassing the Doge with Its Revolutionary Tech

狗狗幣正在衰落?了解比特幣 Spark 如何憑藉其革命性技術超越 Doge

發布: 2023/11/27 21:43 閱讀: 663

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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狗狗幣後衰退?了解比特幣 Spark 如何以其革命性技術超越 Doge 首次出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞

Amidst the revolutionary technology propelling Bitcoin Spark into the spotlight, its unique features and advancements surpass the once-dominant Dogecoin. As the Bitcoin Spark narrative unfolds, the crypto arena embraces the Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) tale of innovation as it shines through the final ICO process.

在革命性技術推動比特幣 Spark 成為人們關注的焦點的過程中,其獨特的功能和進步超越了曾經佔據主導地位的狗狗幣。隨著 Bitcoin Spark 故事的展開,加密領域擁抱了 Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) 的創新故事,因為它在最終的 ICO 過程中大放異彩。

Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) Beats Doge Revolution

比特幣 Spark (BTCS) 擊敗 Doge Revolution

Realizing the paramount importance of the technological revolution in the crypto space, Bitcoin Spark brings an inclusive technological disruptor, addressing the prevalent crypto challenges head-on. The new-to-market proof of Process technology will balance staking and proof of work for a refined system where miners contribute their processing power for rental to institutions and individuals requiring high-volume usage. On focus is the easily accessible Bitcoin Spark application that onboards anyone willing to mine and participate in the functions of the BTCS ecosystem. BTCS ensures anyone participates and gets rewarded regardless of stake and power contribution. The idea is to onboard a broader participation and prevent control by a single entity. Furthermore, the platform will achieve self-sustainability through many devices working together using minimal CPU/GPU usage. The excess processing power is rented to attract revenues for reward purposes, supported by other income from advertisements.

意識到加密領域技術革命的至關重要性,Bitcoin Spark 帶來了一個包容性的技術顛覆者,正面解決了普遍存在的加密挑戰。新上市的過程證明技術將平衡精細系統的質押和工作證明,在該系統中,礦工將其處理能力貢獻給需要大量使用的機構和個人。焦點是易於訪問的 Bitcoin Spark 應用程序,任何願意挖礦並參與 BTCS 生態系統功能的人都可以使用該應用程式。 BTCS 確保任何人參與並獲得獎勵,無論權益和算力貢獻如何。這個想法是讓更廣泛的參與並防止單一實體的控制。此外,該平台將透過使用最少的 CPU/GPU 使用率的許多設備協同工作來實現自我永續性。多餘的處理能力被出租以吸引收入用於獎勵目的,並得到其他廣告收入的支持。

Bitcoin Spark is nearing the end of a successful ICO, currently in its final phase ten with BTCS at $3.75, with a 4% accompanying top-up. Phase ten holders will realize a 277% ROI after its $10 launch on November 30.

Bitcoin Spark 的 ICO 已接近尾聲,目前正處於第十階段的最後階段,BTCS 價格為 3.75 美元,附帶 4% 的充值費用。 11 月 30 日發行 10 美元後,第十期持有者將達到 277% 的投資報酬率。

BTCS Huge Bonus Offer On the Brink of Launch


BTCS caps a very successful ICO with a mega bonus offer of 100,000 BTCS tokens on a first-served basis due to its fast-moving nature. The limited edition bonus starts on November 26, 3:30 PM UTC, and is open to all investors, with purchases attracting up to 1000% bonuses. Participants can follow the X link, medium, and other BTCS socials for the latest updates.

由於其快速流通的特性,BTCS 為一次非常成功的 ICO 提供了 100,000 個 BTCS 代幣的巨額獎金,先到先得。限量版獎金於世界標準時間 11 月 26 日下午 3:30 開始,向所有投資者開放,購買最多可獲得 1000% 的獎金。參與者可以關注 X link、medium 和其他 BTCS 社交媒體以獲取最新更新。

What Happened To Dogecoin?


Dogecoin, one of the early alternative cryptocurrencies or altcoins, was designed for quick and easy blockchain transactions. Created as a lighthearted alternative to Litecoin and Bitcoin, Dogecoin gained a vibrant community. When it launched, the masses were already familiar with Bitcoin leading the market. The “meme coin” became a popular cryptocurrency via social media buzz and appeal to diverse audiences. The logo, Shiba Inu dog meme, contributes to Doge’s identity. Dogecoin has Elon Musk to thank for hyping the coin, even replacing (X) Twitter’s bird logo with a DOGE. The X and Tesla CEO has been an evangelical supporter of Dogecoin.

狗狗幣是早期替代加密貨幣或山寨幣之一,專為快速、輕鬆的區塊鏈交易而設計。作為萊特幣和比特幣的輕鬆替代品,狗狗幣贏得了一個充滿活力的社群。當它推出時,大眾已經熟悉比特幣引領市場。 「迷因幣」透過社群媒體的熱烈討論成為一種流行的加密貨幣,並吸引了不同的受眾。標誌「柴犬迷因」體現了 Doge 的身份。狗狗幣要感謝馬斯克(Elon Musk)的炒作,甚至用 DOGE 取代了 Twitter 的小鳥標誌(X)。 X 和 Tesla 的執行長一直是狗狗幣的福音派支持者。

However, the buzz seems to have fizzled, and Elon seems to have abandoned the project amidst a suit by some investors for manipulating DOGE price through his tweets. Dogecoin is currently priced much lower than its highest point. Dogecoin price is less than $0.10 per token, down 85%. Dogecoin’s value has been declining, although it briefly rose after Elon Musk took over Twitter, but this recovery was short-lived.

然而,這種熱議似乎已經平息,埃隆似乎已經放棄了該項目,因為一些投資者因透過他的推文操縱 DOGE 價格而提起訴訟。狗狗幣目前的價格遠低於最高點。狗狗幣價格低於每枚 0.10 美元,下跌 85%。狗狗幣的價值一直在下降,儘管在馬斯克接管 Twitter 後短暫上漲,但這種復甦是短暫的。


The Dogecoin price often moves in line with big trends in the overall cryptocurrency market. Changes in DOGE price are subject to trends set by Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency. Dogecoin’s value is subject to its uses, but in the absence of an intrinsic value, it’s commonly used on social media to tip creators and for small transactions. Dogecoin neared $0.74 again, which raises concerns, unlike most cryptocurrencies that surged recently.

狗狗幣的價格通常與整個加密貨幣市場的大趨勢一致。 DOGE 價格的變化受領先的加密貨幣比特幣設定的趨勢的影響。狗狗幣的價值取決於其用途,但在缺乏內在價值的情況下,它通常在社交媒體上用於給創作者小費和小額交易。與最近飆升的大多數加密貨幣不同,狗狗幣再次接近 0.74 美元,這引發了擔憂。

Learn more on BTCS and ICO:

了解有關 BTCS 和 ICO 的更多資訊:

Website: https://bitcoinspark.org/
Buy BTCS: https://network.bitcoinspark.org/register

網址:https://bitcoinspark.org/購買 BTCS:https://network.bitcoinspark.org/register


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