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Dogecoin Foundation Unveils Major Plans


發布: 2024/02/10 06:28 閱讀: 537




In a recent development blog update, Ed Tubbs, senior software engineer at the Dogecoin Foundation, outlined a series of ambitious plans for the year. 

在最近的開發部落格更新中,狗狗幣基金會的高級軟體工程師 Ed Tubbs 概述了今年的一系列雄心勃勃的計劃。

According to Tubbs, the past year has been a significant one for Dogecoin, with the launch and continuous improvement of key initiatives such as GigaWallet, LibDogecoin, and RadioDoge. 

Tubbs 表示,過去的一年對狗狗幣來說是重要的一年,GigaWallet、LibDogecoin 和 RadioDoge 等關鍵舉措的推出和不斷改進。

Yet, the foundation is not resting on its laurels. With a freshly updated Trailmap expected next week, the Dogecoin team is preparing for what's dubbed as a "groundbreaking" year ahead.


A Libdogecoin update 

Libdogecoin 更新

The foundation has been hard at work, culminating in the release of libdogecoin 0.1.3. This update, a year in the making, includes several new features and improvements.

基金會一直在努力工作,最終發布了 libdogecoin 0.1.3。此次更新歷時一年,包含多項新功能和改進。

Some of the features came from community suggestions (these suggestions include Android support). 

一些功能來自社群建議(這些建議包括 Android 支援)。

The development team is eager to see the applications and innovations that will emerge from this release. 


Looking forward


For 2024, the Dogecoin Foundation's roadmap is ambitious. It aims to expand GigaWallet's shopping cart integration to platforms like Shopify and develop more user-friendly APIs and database options. 

狗狗幣基金會的 2024 年路線圖雄心勃勃。它的目標是將 GigaWallet 的購物車整合擴展到 Shopify 等平台,並開發更多用戶友好的 API 和資料庫選項。

This initiative is expected to facilitate the adoption of Dogecoin by online stores and social media platforms. 


Meanwhile, RadioDoge will continue to push the boundaries of Dogecoin's reach using LoRa technology and the Starlink satellite network, focusing on areas with limited internet connectivity.

同時,RadioDoge 將繼續利用 LoRa 技術和 Starlink 衛星網路突破狗狗幣的覆蓋範圍,並專注於網路連線有限的地區。

The foundation is also focusing on community and development initiatives, including team expansion, community engagement, and the launch of a new website and developer portal. 



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