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Dogecoin Founder Says Bitcoin Needs Space To Rally Again


發布: 2023/12/15 09:31 閱讀: 468



Dogecoin Founder, Bill Markus has expressed a sullen sentiment on Bitcoin’s recent price drop after the cryptocurrency surged to $44,000 highs in early December. 

狗狗幣創始人比爾馬庫斯 (Bill Markus) 在 12 月初比特幣飆升至 44,000 美元高點後,對比特幣最近的價格下跌表示了不滿。

Doge Founder Somber Stance Over Bitcoin Price Swings


Around the first week of December, Bitcoin experienced a startling surge to over $44,000 from $38,000 at some point in late November. The cryptocurrency has been on a steady upward trend driven by several factors including anticipation surrounding the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) final decision on Spot Bitcoin ETF applications in January.

12 月第一周左右,比特幣從 11 月底的某個時間點的 38,000 美元飆升至 44,000 美元以上。在多種因素的推動下,加密貨幣一直處於穩定上升趨勢,其中包括美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 一月份對現貨比特幣 ETF 申請的最終決定的預期。

Despite the positive upticks experienced by the cryptocurrency, BTC has recently seen its price drop from 2023 highs of over $44,000 to $40,000 levels following Senator Elizabeth Warren’s anti-crypto statements on Monday and a bill aimed at tightening crypto regulations. 

儘管加密貨幣經歷了積極的上漲,但在參議員伊麗莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren) 週一發表反加密聲明以及一項旨在收緊加密監管的法案後,比特幣的價格最近從2023 年超過44,000 美元的高點下跌至40,000 美元。

Due to the unexpected price decline, Markus has made somber remarks on BTC’s recent price swings, stating that the cryptocurrency was “having a mood again.”


When asked by a crypto community member what actions to take amidst the BTC price decrease, Nakamoto humorously replied “Just give it space, I guess. It’ll come out of its room eventually, maybe.”


At the time of writing, the price of Bitcoin is trading at $42,968 according to CoinMarketCap. The price correction to above $42,000 can be attributed to a recent announcement made by the US Federal Reserve to uphold stable interest rates. Following the Fed’s decision, BTC saw a price increase of almost 5% and Ethereum also experienced a slight price growth. 

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,截至撰寫本文時,比特幣的交易價格為 42,968 美元。價格調整至 42,000 美元以上可歸因於聯準會最近宣布維持穩定利率。在聯準會的決定之後,BTC 的價格上漲了近 5%,以太幣的價格也出現了小幅上漲。

Crypto Exchange Somber BTC Price Prediction


The positive sentiment surrounding BTC’s price has been rising steadily following the Fed’s recent rate announcement and the excitement regarding the Bitcoin halving event scheduled for April 2025. 

在聯準會最近宣布利率以及定於 2025 年 4 月舉行的比特幣減半事件令人興奮之後,圍繞 BTC 價格的積極情緒一直在穩步上升。

However, crypto exchange, Changelly has countered recent positive price predictions for Bitcoin. According to the exchange’s predictions, the price of BTC is expected to see a slight 0.98% drop by December 15. 

然而,加密貨幣交易所 Changelly 反駁了最近對比特幣的積極價格預測。根據該交易所的預測,到12月15日,BTC價格預計將小幅下跌0.98%。

Changelly’s forecast has expressed a bullish bearish signal of around 17% for the cryptocurrency. Adding to the uncertainty of BTC’s overall price potential, Bloomberg Analyst, James Seyffart has warned against over-expectations concerning proposed massive inflows into BTC following the approval of Spot BTC ETFs. 

Changelly 的預測表達了加密貨幣約 17% 的看漲或看跌訊號。彭博分析師 James Seyffart 警告稱,在現貨 BTC ETF 獲得批准後,人們不要對大規模資金流入 BTC 的預期過高,這加劇了 BTC 整體價格潛力的不確定性。

On the other hand, many crypto investors have made optimistic predictions on the Bitcoin bull run, with a popular crypto community member, the Crypto Rover predicting Bitcoin to reach $150,000 to $220,000 during the BTC bull run.

另一方面,許多加密貨幣投資者對比特幣牛市做出了樂觀的預測,一位受歡迎的加密社群成員 Crypto Rover 預測比特幣在 BTC 牛市期間將達到 15 萬至 22 萬美元。


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