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Dogecoin Founder Defends Elon Musk From Horror Legend Stephen King's Critique


發布: 2024/02/17 06:00 閱讀: 367




DOGE co-founder Billy Markus and many within the Dogecoin community have stood to defend X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk against criticism aimed at him by the horror writer legend Stephen King.

DOGE 聯合創始人比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 和狗狗幣社區的許多人都站出來為X(前Twitter)所有者埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)辯護,反對恐怖作家傳奇人物斯蒂芬金(Stephen King)對他的批評。

Stephen King slams Elon Musk again


The world famous horror writer has been opposing Musk since his takeover of Twitter/X in 2022, then when he rebranded it as X last year and introduced multi-colored verification checks for a monthly fee. For individuals it is a blue check worth $8 per month.

自 2022 年收購 Twitter/X 以來,這位世界著名恐怖作家一直反對馬斯克,去年他將 Twitter/X 重新命名為 X,並推出了按月收費的多色驗證檢查。對於個人來說,這是一張每月價值 8 美元的藍色支票。

King refused to pay for it on principle and so did the legendary actor William Shatner (famous for his role of Captain James T. Kirk in the Star Trek film series), Musk offered them to keep their checks and pay for them out of his pocket, presumably out of respect and wishing to keep these important celebrities on his platform (King has approximately 7 million followers).

金原則上拒絕支付費用,傳奇演員威廉·沙特納(因在《星際迷航》電影系列中扮演詹姆斯·T·柯克船長而聞名)也拒絕支付費用,馬斯克提議他們保留支票並自掏腰包支付費用大概是出於尊重並希望將這些重要名人保留在他的平台上(King 擁有大約700 萬粉絲)。

They both agreed but King still continued to criticize Elon Musk in his tweets from time to time. Musk explained to King that this measure was necessary not only to get rid of bots on Twitter/X but also to keep it financially stable since advertisers were not a reliable and constant source of income.

他們都同意,但金仍然不時在推文中批評伊隆馬斯克。馬斯克向金解釋說,這項措施不僅是為了消除 Twitter/X 上的機器人,也是為了保持其財務穩定,因為廣告商並不是可靠且持續的收入來源。

This time, the writer bashed Musk for his need to put his “personal brand on everything”, including Twitter.


DOGE founder and community respond to King


The Dogecoin army along with one of the DOGE founders, Billy Markus, responded to the legendary writer respectfully. Markus’s tweet was in his traditional ironic manner hinting that King is not entitled to give the old name to the platform bought by Musk and titled in the way he sees fit.

狗狗幣大軍以及 DOGE 創始人之一比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 恭敬地回應了這位傳奇作家。馬庫斯的推文以他傳統的諷刺方式暗示金無權為馬斯克購買的平台賦予舊名稱,並以他認為合適的方式命名。

if elon can name your books, you can name elon’s app that he bought


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) February 15, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 2 月 15 日

Twitter user DogeDesigner (who claims to be UX/UI and graphic designer at Dogecoin) clarified to King why the title Twitter is no longer relevant (because of the former 140 characters limitation for posts) and advised him to finally start calling the platform by its current name.

Twitter 用戶DogeDesigner(自稱是Dogecoin 的UX/UI 和圖形設計師)向King 澄清了為什麼Twitter 的標題不再相關(因為之前帖子的140 個字符限制),並建議他最終開始用其名稱來稱呼該平台。目前名稱。

Twitter user @dogeofficialceo published a tweet in which he suggested his followers to come up with a suitable name for a book which Stephen King could write about Elon Musk if he chose to. Ironic replies to that followed.

Twitter 用戶 @dogeofficialceo 發布了一條推文,建議他的追隨者為一本書想出一個合適的名稱,如果斯蒂芬·金願意的話,他可以寫一本關於埃隆·馬斯克的書。接下來是諷刺性的答覆。


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